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-Neymar POV-

Once we cracked her, Lily became a fountain of information. She kept insanely detailed records of everything she did for Katerina in her day planner, including passwords, addresses, and other confidential information. She ensured to tell us that the only reason she was sharing it with us was because Anada was asking. I could understand the need for a nondisclosure agreement considering how much Lily was privy to. I never had the need for it because my parents managed my business through their communications firm but Katerina's mother was twice as busy as she was and Anada and Kat had been working in the public eye since they were very young. Their fortune was certainly not small and that required a whole army of employees. "I organize Katerina's day to day agenda in separate planners—personal, business, school back when you two attended Nido. I've kept all of them archived since she first met Damon—not because of him but because she'd signed a few multi year contracts with Condé Nast to feature Vera campaigns in Vogue, Harpers and WWD," Lily explained as she thumbed through the leather planners in her hands. This is everything starting with the day we arrived in Barcelona," she said, tapping the last square on the June calendar.

"What's here," I asked. I pointed to the first day of June which had a note saying 'Dinner NOBU 6 pm with Fai & Kendall. JFK to SCL 10 pm.'

"Before we left Santiago, Katerina was set to move to New York. It's by far her favorite place in the world! Right after Marina and Jose's honeymoon, they flew there together to look at places and once she closed on the penthouse, Marina had her interior designer start remodeling things right before her birthday. That was the day we all got back to Santiago," she explained. I raised my eyebrows hearing this information for the first time. I knew Katerina had a home in New York City but I had never known it had been a plan of hers to live there full time. I thought back to when we met and how coincidental it turned out that she ended up coming to Barcelona with me. It was so perfect at the time, I didn't even consider the possibility that Katerina had other plans.

"We lived there for years. We made a ton of friends there and after Damon, she wanted to be somewhere she felt safe. That's why I don't understand why she wouldn't be in New York right now," Anada said, pensively.

Lily nodded in agreement and flipped some pages to show us when all of the fashion week prep had started. "We did fittings for fashion week over a month ago. She set aside all of her favorites because she wanted to save them for New York and she had me ship everything to the penthouse. She told me to make sure we had reservations at all her favorite restaurants and everything. There's no question she wanted to go to New York," she said.

"But she must've said something! There is no way she just up and vanished. There has to be something here," Anada muttered, flipping through the pages of the day planner herself.

"Well, no. I wasn't lying to you. She never explicitly mentioned anything out of the norm to me but I've been around her long enough to know when things weren't good," Lily said. "After Clara came to the UNICEF gala, she started acting very different. She was tense and jumpy all the time. The only time I saw her smile was when one of you was around. I used to watch Katerina fake a smile almost every day so she couldn't fool me. I asked her repeatedly if she was okay and just she brushed me off. That's when she told me to start making some changes. We had some meetings with Tristan and we hired someone to move around money."

Hearing Clara's name piqued our interest. Anada had been right with her suspicion--Damon was after her money. "I knew it. Ugh, why didn't we think to call her?" Anada groaned. "I need a name, Lil."

"Lucas. She speaks to him directly without me so I don't know anything except for a few transfers she asked me to authorize on her behalf. Every week, I authorized transfers to an account in New York. She called it Marco," she said cautiously. It was almost like she was scared Katerina could hear her breaching her contract right now.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now