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-Katerina POV-
The dance finished and everyone clapped and cheered. I thanked them and dance music began while Alexis and I walked over to our parents. "You did it so beautifully, mija!" My mom exclaimed and hugged me.

"Thanks mom, thank you for putting this all together it's wonderful."

"No problem, now go enjoy yourself, we'll announce when it's time for the cake sticking," she smiled and kissed my cheek. I looked around and saw a few models I knew who I'd worked with so I greeted them and chatted for a bit. But in reality I wasn't focused on their conversations, I was looking for the mystery guy who winked at me before. It seemed like he was no where to be found so after a few minutes I gave up and excused myself to look for Alexis so I could meet the other players.
Just when I got up, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was him. "Gave up on looking for me that quickly, huh?" He asked with a smirk.

"Hah, I've never been a chaser, seems like you are though," I replied, now I got a much better look at him and oh my was he a looker. His eyes shined under the lights and his facial hair just took it to another level, he was hot to say the least.

"Well I can't come to a birthday party with out saying happy birthday to the birthday girl, now can I? Happy birthday Katerina," he held out his hand and I shook it.

"Thank you uh.." I said waiting for him to tell me his name.

Alexis came out through the crowd just when he was going to reply, "Neymar! I see you've met my sister!"

I went wide eyed, this was Neymar?! I glanced him up and down as Anada's description finally came together in my head, well she sure was right.

"Yes I have, I was right, she is breathtaking," he looked down at me and gave me a wink, making me roll my eyes. My inference was also correct, Neymar is a flirt and I definitely didn't want to be his next target.

"Hey, eyes off my sister, bro, no funny business. I know you," Alexis said after giving Neymar a light slap on his cheek to turn his head away from looking at me.

"Don't worry Alexis," I said, "he couldn't get me even if he tried." Alexis laughed at clinked his glass with mine in agreement, a friend of his called his name over the crowd and he said he'd be right back.

When he was gone Neymar let out a cocky laugh, as if accepting the challenge, "Is that so?"

I smirked and nodded, "mhm." I knew how to deal with the fuckboy type, which Neymar was. All I had to do was beat him at his own game. He thinks he can get any girl he wants, I was going to prove him wrong. I'd been hurt by guys like this but now I was over it, no way was I going to get into a relationship but there's nothing wrong with having a little fun, right?

"You're so sure of yourself but trust me, sweetheart. I can change your mind," he whispered as he brought his head near my ear, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't arousing, but I knew it was a trick.

"You don't seem like the type who gets rejected a lot, well let me show you what it looks like," I whispered back holding his head near mine with my fingers gently running through his hair. I let go and turned away and walked back to my table where Anada was sitting. Knowing her she watched the whole thing.

"KATERINA ANITA VERA, YOU LITTLE LIAR," she screamed pulling me into the booth. I quickly shushed her and looked around to make sure no one was watching, "you saw it all?"

"Saw it!? I heard it! I felt it!" She said, I rolled my eyes at her over dramatics.

"Anyway, there is nothing going on, you know very well I'm not getting into a relationship, I'm just having a little fun. Trust me."

"Kat, I saw what happened over there, it's different than a little 'fun', you both have this look, you just fit together," She explained.

"Let's not talk about it right now, here let's drink," I handed her a shot and we toasted to the night. I couldn't believe what she was saying about Neymar and I, no way would we 'fit together', I'm sure he 'fits together' with a lot of girls, if you know what I mean. Just at the thought made me want to drink more, after an hour, we had drank about 15 shots and we were definitely feeling the affects. Alexis came up to our booth and shook me to grab my attention, "it's time for the cake sticking!"

"Okay... Uh... Let's go!!!!!!!" I yelled overly excited.

He knew very well I was tipsy, but Alexis was a good brother to me, he kept me by his side and put an arm over my shoulder, on the way to the stage he got me a bottle of water from the bar which i chugged down. I was semi-sober when I arrived to the cake.

"Thank you all for coming and for the birthday wishes, it's truly great to share this day with friends and family," I said into the mic when everyone quieted down. Near the bar, sitting on a stool I spotted Neymar, he was staring at me and he smirked as soon as he caught me staring. A nudge from Anada brought me back to my speech, "uh now I'd like to share my cake with my family beginning with my brother, Alexis." Alexis helped me stick the cake and began to feed me a piece which ended up with me having icing on my nose and him laughing at me. I stuck the cake with my mother and step father as well as Anada and then the party continued and those you wanted a piece came and got one.

I was just finishing mine and licked a bit of icing off my finger when I felt a light smack on my ass, which made me jump and turn around. I groaned when I saw Neymar smiling at me, "is a piece of this cake available?"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I grabbed a drink off of a waiters tray, "wow, smooth, I'm impressed."

"You know what wasn't so smooth? You staring at me and losing your train of thought," he playfully started poking my chest, "probably getting lost in my eyes," he whispered.

"Oh please, don't act like i didn't catch you staring first," I contested.

"So you admit to staring now?" He grinned as though he'd won a prize. I finished my drink in one go and then grabbed another to avoid replying, he'd caught me. I was slipping up and I had to catch myself quick.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now