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TW: DV/Drugs

-Katerina POV-

A groan left my lips when I felt the pain of my headache surging back as I regained my senses. It didn't feel like a hangover anymore. It felt like if my head had hit something hard and I tried to remember if I had hit it somewhere. I reached my hand up to touch where it hurt and I winced at the feeling of tender skin on the side of my head above my ear.

My ears were ringing but I quickly realized it wasn't a ringing I heard but a humming sound. I forced my eyes open and found myself surrounded by darkness. I squinted waiting for my eyes to adjust and I looked around for some sign of anything that would tell me where I was.

The last thing I remembered was walking away from Neymar before I passed out. I wrinkled my nose as the memory of the white cloth over my face came back to me. It had smelled strong of some kind of chemical and whatever it had been, it knocked me out in seconds. The fact I hadn't eaten and I had taken pain medication for my hangover probably made me succumb to the effect of the chemical even quicker than I would've. My mouth was dry and my back was killing me from the position I woke up in on the floor.

My brain was finally catching up to my physical body and I assessed myself quickly to make sure I wasn't injured. The reality of the fact I had been kidnapped was only finally setting in and I struggled to level my now ragged breathing. The feeling of fear started to rush back to me as I remembered being grabbed in the parking garage. I patted down my body and the surrounding area to find my phone but all I felt was the clothes I was wearing and a thinly carpeted floor. I had no way of knowing how long I had been out but I knew very well who did it to me.

I tried to get up but my body was so sore and my head was spinning from disorientation that I fell into the wall unable to find my footing. I heard footsteps approaching me and a curtain I didn't even see screeched against the rod as someone pulled it to the side. I had no idea how much light it was blocking out until I felt my retinas burning. I covered my face with my hand and squinted hard to see who was looking down at me. "Rise and shine, Rina," Damon laughed at me.

"Where am I? What did you do to me," I asked with a cracked voice. My throat was so dry my voice sounded scratchy and it burned to speak.

"We had an understanding, Katerina. You know for someone who was so adamant about loyalty while we were together, you really cannot keep your word, can you? I specifically said, do not see Neymar and what did you do?" he said harshly.

I could hardly pay attention to what he was saying because I felt such a pain in my ears. The humming sound had turned into a popping sensation. I let out a loud groan and covered my ears. "What did you do to me? Why are my ears popping?" I exclaimed.

"Well, your head probably hurts from hitting the floor when I dropped you. You really have let yourself go since we were together, by the way, maybe drop a few pounds? Your ears are probably popping because we're 30,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean," he said, leaning against the wall.

Hearing that got my attention and I opened my eyes as wide as I could stand to. I looked around and realized the humming I had been hearing was from a plane. My vision adjusted and I could see I was behind the cockpit of a private plane and behind him, I could see the familiar cabin of planes I had been on before. My plane. The plane I used for all of my travel. The plane that had brought me to Barcelona in the first place. He remained silent as I took in my surroundings and I looked down at my body to assess the damage. My whole body was in pain but there were no physical signs of any injury. I was still wearing the same dress and blazer but my shoes and my glasses were missing and as a result, I was victim to the blurriness of my eyes. As scared as I was, I couldn't let him see me flinch. In the past, my fear had always been a catalyst for him, like a shot of adrenaline every time he hurt me and if he was willing to kidnap me, I truly didn't know what else he was capable of right now. I could feel his eyes on me and I cleared my throat to speak. "Where are we going," I asked him as calmly as I could muster.

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