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-Katerina POV-

Alexis, Rafinha, Anada, Ezra and I were already about 3 glasses of champagne in by the time we arrived to the club and once we were inside and not in front of anymore paps, the first thing we did was order a round of shots. We made our way to the VIP balcony area which overlooked the rest of the club. It was packed and the DJ was on point with the music. Anada and I made our rounds, greeting all of our friends from actors to musicians who had attended my show and I was sure my Instagram followers were going to get tired from me posting so many pictures and videos but we were having such a good time I didn't even care. Even Ryan and Jessey had flown in from New York for the night to celebrate with me and surprised me. All of them were offering to buy me drinks and I couldn't even keep up.

"There's my fake boyfriend," I exclaimed as I spotted Michael in a booth with Drake and Virgil Abloh. I slid next to him and he laughed out loud at how drunk I was.

"That is my title," he nodded, putting a friendly arm around me. I chatted with them for a while and took some pictures before Ezra found me and pulled me away to dance with her when the DJ played a Bad Bunny song.

"Are you having fun?!" Ezra asked in my ear. I nodded drunkly and gave her two thumbs up. "I'm so glad! I love seeing you happy, Katty," she exclaimed over the music.

I nodded and hugged her tightly. All of the attention from everyone was definitely going to my head tonight and it was much needed after such a stressful week. I had felt so alone so often lately and this was the reassurance I needed to know I was making the right choice to coming clean to my family and asking for their help. "Kat, your mom is about to sing with Maluma," Ryan laughed as he pulled Ezra and I off of the dance floor.

There was a reason my mother rarely drank and it was because she was notorious for doing some seriously wild shit. This was precisely why I loved our afterparty because everyone got to see the side of her I loved the most. As we got back to our booth, I saw Jose's amused expression as my mom talked with Ezra's boyfriend and he handed her a microphone. "We're going to dedicate this one to you, Katerina," Maluma said to me when the DJ faded out the music. Anada and I erupted in laughter once they started singing together and everyone went crazy for it whistling for her and cheering for her.

"You guys have the coolest mom on the planet," Ezra laughed to Alexis and I as she clapped for her, cheering her on loudly. It was 100% true. I couldn't believe how good she sounded and even Jose was shocked hearing her sing. I knew she wasn't going to remember this in the morning so I recorded their entire performance.

As good as she was, I had to save her from herself. Of course she interpreted my walking over to her as me coming to join in so she took my hand and spun me around which made me chuckle. "Y ahora me voy cantar.... just kidding," (and now I'm going to sing) I joked to everyone once I took her mic away before I handed it back to Maluma. Everyone clapped and yelled for an encore and it was officially a night I wanted to remember forever.

The music started up again and Maluma did a real performance for everyone which was perfection. I could tell Ezra was head over heels for him and that made me happy to see. Rafinha called for another round of drinks on him and we turned the balcony into our own private party. Anada and Rafinha danced together it reminded me of the night of my birthday party. All the alcohol in my system was quickly making me nostalgic and I had to drown it out with another shot with Jessey.

I was laughing at something Jessey was saying when something grabbed my attention out of the corner of my eye. My face fell when I realized who it was. It was Neymar and I'd be lying if I said he didn't look handsome. Even though I knew his name was on the guest list, I was sure I hadn't seen him while I was greeting everyone and I was so confused as to when he could've shown up. He was by the bar laughing with two models from my show. My eyes widened as he put an arm around each of them and I saw him smirk as he whispered something to one of them. "He didn't," Ezra gasped, looking where my eyes were focused.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now