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-Neymar POV-

Anada was catching up with Katerina and me in the living room before the Balmain show. Katerina snuggled into my side as she told us all about the Valentino after-party at L'Arc. "So much fun. We ended up doing shots with Aron Piper and Danna Paola. I woke up deathly ill and of course, Ezra was perfectly fine. Remember when we used hit every single party during fashion week? We were insane," Katerina chuckled.

"Ah, those were the days," Anada sighed, amused at my summary of Ezra's adventures that Katerina had given. "You know, lover boy, Katty used to be worse," Anada teased.

"But everyone knows who tamed her," I winked smugly, tightening my arm around her. She giggled

"Okay, okay, I wasn't even that bad to be clear," she rolled her eyes jokingly.


We'd had that conversation a few weeks ago on the very couch Iris was sitting on, heaving into a trash receptacle while Katerina held her hair back. I was front row to a whole new side of Katerina. I knew Katerina was a partier before we met but the way Iris described her and Javier was... wow. I mean, coke wasn't exactly foreign to the fashion industry but Katerina had never seemed like someone who had a past like that. She was always so mature and responsible. I guess that maturity came from years of immature experiences.

"Let it all out, Iris," Katerina said softly as she stroked her head over the metal can. Iris only groaned and panted breathlessly. Sweat was beading on her forehead from forcing herself to throw up.

"... She told us it started after her graduation and only got worse. It's been weed, alcohol and coke, her usual stuff... Okay, thanks. I appreciate it, Oscar. Talk soon," Javier said and ended his phone call. He sighed, put his hands on the back of his head with a pensive expression as he paced.

Iris was laying down in the couch and her eyelids began to droop as she prepared to sleep off the rest of her come down. I watched Katerina tuck her in securely with a thick blanket and she kneeled down on the floor, stroking Iris's hair and smiling at her. I could see how Katerina cared for Iris like a big sister and the awe in Iris's eyes told me how highly she regarded Katerina. "I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean to blame you or Javier. I hope you both can forgive me," she said hoarsely.

"There's nothing to forgive, Iris. Don't worry about that right now," Javier said to her and Katerina nodded in agreement though she had barely spoken since Iris's outburst. Her eyes were still puffy from crying and she seemed like she was trying not to be too visibly upset by it.

"Are you going to tell mom and dad?" Iris asked.

"Get some rest," her brother replied. She was too tired to press the question. Iris closed her eyes seconds later and gave into the sleep she had been fighting. Kat pressed a kiss to her temple and we left her to sleep peacefully.

I stood at the end of the island sure that I was unwelcome to stand beside Katerina or Javier who were facing each other on either side of the marble counter. Katerina didn't acknowledge me but Javier did. "Thank you," he said to me sincerely, "and I apologize for how I came at you before. It's not your fault. The truth is... Iris would've probably still relapsed. As weird as it might be to say, I'm glad she went home with you and not someone who might've had ill intentions."

I felt some of my tension ease. Just like he'd describe himself before, he was fair. "Of course, and I know how private you are so you don't have to worry about anything getting out," I assured him.

"Oh, I know. If Katerina trusts you, so do I," he nodded and patted my shoulder.

Rosa walked in the kitchen with a garment bag and handed it to Katerina. "Here you go, miss Katerina," Rosa smiled. Kat unzipped it and assessed its contents before nodding in thanks.

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