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-Katerina POV-
When I woke up, Anada and Alexis were both still asleep. I guess it was because they didn't sleep as long as I did on the plane. I got showered and let my hair down in its natural curls. I, then, dressed in my favorite romper. It was black with white lace trimming on the hems and the straps cris-crossed over my back. I was more than grateful that it was still hot summer in Barcelona, I wasn't used to cold weather and I wasn't looking forward to it coming in a few months.

When I was all ready, it was around 9:30 so Neymar would be here soon. I didn't want to wake up anyone so I just sent a message in the group message I had with Anada and Alexis, 'I'll be out with Neymar, see you guys later. xx'

Moments later, I heard the door bell ring and hopped up off the couch to answer it. A hot looking Neymar smirked when he saw me. He was wearing khaki colored joggers and a white button up shirt that complimented his well muscled upper body. "How's my girl doing today," he asked before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

"She's doing absolutely wonderful! How's my boy doing," I tugged on the collar of his shirt playfully.

He shrugged, "I've been better." My jaw dropped and he started to laugh, "just kidding, baby!" He leaned down and connected our lips. It was only a gentle kiss and made me feel tingly inside. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him longer because I just loved the feelings it gave me. I had never felt like this and I never wanted it to end.

We pulled away at the same time and Neymar placed a kiss on my forehead, "ready to go, babe?"

I grabbed my phone and nodded. He held my hand and led me to his car, opening the door for me. He got and started the engine. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Are you hungry?" He questioned. I hadn't realized till then that I forgot to eat breakfast so I quickly nodded. Neymar chuckled, "then let's get breakfast." He started driving and I couldn't help but stare at him. The way the sun hit his eyes and made the green in them pop out was gorgeous. His facial hair complemented his face perfectly and his lips were plump and adorable. "I know you're enjoying the view, but you could take a picture, it'll last longer," he smirked.

I bit my lip and looked away to hide my blush. "Don't act like I'm the only one who stares, I catch you every time," I pointed out.

He glanced over at me and laughed when he saw how red my cheeks were then he squeezed my thigh gently, "but I have no problem admitting it, you're the stubborn one," he teased.

I smiled, rolling my eyes and grabbed his hand into mine. I started fiddling with his fingers while I changed the subject, "I told Alexis last night."

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Better than expected," I laughed.

He chuckled and brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. "I'm glad," he smiled.

We arrived at the restaurant and got our food. Our waiter was a huge fan of FC Barcelona and asked Neymar for a picture and to sign his apron. He did it willingly and I took the picture with the waiter's phone.

When we finished eating and talking, Neymar left a generous tip for the waiter and we exited the restaurant. We got in the car and he began driving to where ever he was taking me next. I decided to stop asking because it didn't really matter where we were going, I was just loving being with him. He put on the radio and a Portuguese song started playing so he started singing along and tapping the steering wheel to the music. I began laughing at him as he continued since he looked so cute!

After his solo performance he turned to me and asked, "babe, do me a favor?" I nodded curiously. "Close your eyes and don't open till I say," he ordered. I hesitated for a few seconds but eventually gave in and shut my eyes.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now