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-Neymar POV-

'You better get your girl back,' Rafinha replied after I texted him that I'd be missing FIFA with he and Alexis. I had asked him not to tell Alexis because I knew Kat well enough to know she would want her diagnosis to remain on a strict need to know, and by that she meant no one should know. I smiled at his message but didn't respond. I wasn't going to use this as an opportunity to win Katerina back. I was too worried about her to even make the situation about that right now.

I glanced over at the bed and saw Katerina's face twitching. Her small hands pushed the blanket away and she groaned softly. I swallowed silently and put my phone in my pocket as she wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "Anada?" she called huskily. She started to prop herself up but I could tell her body was tired.

"Anada left about an hour ago," I answered.

"Oh my god," she jumped at the sound of my voice and turned to my direction with a hand on her chest. Her eyes were wide and I could tell she was disoriented from her sleep.

"I'm sorry, babe- uh, Kat," I stuttered. "Anada told me what happened and she had to get back to the office. She asked me to stay and make sure you were okay."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I stayed silent because I was scared for her reaction. I had tried to tell Anada it wasn't a good idea for me to stay here.  "Well since you two are such a dynamic duo, what else did she tell you?" she scoffed, confirming my theory that she would be furious.

"She told me uh, basically everything," I answered cautiously preparing for the cataclysm that was impending.

"Of course she did," she scoffed. She threw the blanket off of her and got up from the bed. I got up to try and get her back in the bed but she was so riled up she didn't stop there. "Because she did this on purpose! I almost pass out and she thinks it's a great idea to parent trap me when I specifically told her I wanted to go home but NO because I can never catch a fucking break! Not like I've been working nonstop for the last month with no break and ALL I asked was that she please respect my choices-"

"Katerina, stop," I cut her off. I held her arms on either side of her body just to stop her from moving and leaned down to look into her eyes. "Just stop for five minutes. We don't have to talk but you need to slow down. You haven't even eaten."

Her eyebrows pulled together and her eyes looked at me with the same fury I had seen her look at Clara with months ago and it felt like a punch in the gut to think she was this mad to see me. After a full minute of unbearable silence, her face softened and she took a deep breath. When I was sure she wouldn't bolt, I let her out of my grasp. "I'm sorry. It's not you I'm mad at," she whispered, avoiding my eyes. 

"Don't be mad at Anada either. She's your sister, she's going to worry. She just knew I would take care of you if you needed something," I told her. 

"I know, I know," she sighed. She tousled her hair lightly and stretched her neck without saying anything else. She bit her lip like she always did when she was thinking and she looked around. I knew she was thinking about work even though I just told her not to think about it. "I have to go. I can't be here," she whispered. 

"Anada said she asked Marina to go to the Prada thing for you," I said, assuming that's what she was referring to.

"I figured she would. I mean I have to go home," she explained as she rummaged the sheets looking for her cellphone. I noticed her cellphone on the nightstand behind her so I gently place a hand on her waist to shift her as I reached for it. She froze up at my touch and when I pulled back, she looked up at me and took the phone from my hand. "Thank you," she whispered. 

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