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-Neymar POV-

"Damon took her." Anada's words rang in my ears, echoing over our silence. Alexis stood there frozen— like we all did.

"H-how," he breathed. He looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Alexis, you need to sit down," I said concerned and put a hand on his back.

"Get off me," he shoved me in a sudden outburst. I stepped back and he grabbed the collar of my t shirt. "How could you let this happen? I fucking trusted you to take care of her," he screamed at me.

My eyes widened and I tried to get him off of me and Anada rushed over to us trying to do the same. "Alexis! ALEXIS STOP IT," she exclaimed.

"Alexis, I had no idea. I SWEAR I DIDNT KNOW," I pushed him off. He only got more upset at my action and came at me again.

"OYE, TRANQUILA," Anada said, jumping in between us. Alexis stopped dead in his tracks but had nothing but anger in his eyes. "This gets us nowhere and if Katerina knew this was happening right now, she would not be happy," she said seriously.

He slammed his fist against the wall and paced back and forth with his hands in his black hair. I sighed aloud and smoothed out my t shirt. It made sense that Alexis was going through the anger phase. It was a phase I'd been in for days but now, I was just scared. Scared for myself because I felt nothing but guilt for the things I'd said to her at Camp Nou but even more scared for Katerina.

"How could this happen?! Anada, did you know she was talking to him? And don't lie to me. If you knew about this-"

"Alexis, you and I were both there in the hospital with Katerina and we both swore we would look out for her. I don't break my promises nor do I put my sister in harms way," she said seriously, offended by his words.

He looked at her remorseful for his comment and shook his head. "How did this happen, Anada," he croaked now, defeated.

"We're both asking the same question," she said, gesturing between her and me. "The answer has to be somewhere in there," she added, looking at the box of mystery.

"Uh, did you guys know Kat's Instagram was deactivated?" Rafinha said, walking over to show us his phone. 'No user found' was bold on his screen.

"Oh my god. Okay, I'm calling Lily to help us go through this," Anada said, going into military general mode.

Not 30 minutes later, Lily was in Alexis' kitchen and his dining table was covered in papers. Tensions and frustrations were high, with Alexis taking jabs at me whenever he could but for the sake of Katerina, I let him slide. If only he knew how terrible I already felt about what my role was in all of this. Rafaella stayed on Facetime with us and told both of them what she told us and Alexis and Rafinha were shocked, to say the least. One positive was that we no longer needed to find Lucas because all of Katerina's bank information came with the rest of the documents.

"Guys, the Marco account? It's in my name but Clara's name is on it too," Anada said, looking up from the papers for the first time in a while.

"Clara is on this one too and there is a hotel charge from about a week ago on this statement," Alexis said, handing it over to Anada.

"Wait, this is the night she told me she was staying with her mom, the night we started fighting after I took her to your place," she said, looking at me now. "But this isn't like her at all... At all risk of sounding extremely privileged, we don't stay in hotels that cheap," she said, confused.

"It had to have been Damon. She had pulled a full 180 on me that day when the paps snuck on my property and took a picture of her at my house. He had to have been forcing her to meet him at a hotel because he found out," I explained to Alexis and Raf. They matched my worried expression and the more I thought about that night and what Anada and I had figured out, I realized Damon was doing this because of me. "That's why he took her," I suddenly realized, "it's no coincidence she goes missing right after there are headlines of us leaving her party together. He's after her because of me."

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