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-Katerina POV-
I heard someone approaching me from behind and I jumped in fright. When I turned around, I saw Neymar. I turned back around, "I said I wanted to be alone.."

He ignored me and came to sit next to me, "do you know why people like to stare at the sea when something bothers them?" He asked looking at me.

I shook my head, "Neymar, please, I don't want to talk righ-," he placed his index finger over my mouth, "trust me," he whispered.

I was silent for a few seconds, "I don't know, it's just calming." I finally answered.

He nodded, "but have you ever thought that maybe the ocean is not what it seems?"

I shook my head slightly, staring at him.

"Look there," he pointed to the view, the ocean waves rolled in onto the beach, "on the face, the ocean looks serien, so calm and everlasting. Yet below the surface, a million things are happening at once, yet no one notices until just one seashell appears on the shore and gets picked up." He explained staring at the ocean. I looked down, he was right. I was only putting up a face. I couldn't handle this alone, but was I ready to talk about it? To Neymar? Someone I'd really just met..? I stared at him until he looked back at me. Tears welled up in my eyes until I simply couldn't take it, I began to cry.

"Kat..," he cooed, pulling me into his arms and kissing the top of my head, "It's okay, you're okay," he repeated. But he didn't know.

I took a few deep breaths before deciding I was ready. I freed myself from his arms and looked at my hands, "My parents were only married a short time," I began, "From what I remember, they fought a lot, my father would get angry often and when he did, he'd be dangerous. My mom would always take me to spend nights at Anada's house because she and Anada's mom are best friends. That's how I met Anada, we basically grew up together. My father was always kind of possessive over my mother and I, because when we'd come home from Anada's he'd get mad again and say we could never leave again. It scared me, I could only imagine how it scared my mom. This continued until I was about 6 years old," I looked up but only at the ocean. I couldn't dare look at him with what I was about to say, "one night, my mother had to work late, she always worked because my father never did. I was at Anada's house once again because my father never took care of me so my mom never trusted to leave me alone with him. Anada, her mother, father, and I were in the dining room enjoying dinner when there was a loud banging at the door. It was late, probably near 8, so Anada's father got worried and told us to go into the bedroom and close the door," I paused and took a deep breath as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Neymar silently placed his hand over mine and rubbed circles on my hand.

I continued, "from the bedroom, we could still hear him answer the door, as it was a small house. I heard my father's voice screaming to give me over to him. However, he was slurring showing he had been drinking, something he did frequently. Noticing this, Anada's father said no and asked him to leave and get home safely. My father called my name and I began to cry. Anada hugged me while her mother used the phone to call the police. When she had ended the call, there was a loud crash heard from the living room. Anada almost screamed but her mother covered her mouth in time. Next, we- we heard a gunshot and then silence. Anada's mother slowly opened the door and the three of us peered out. We saw Anada's father, lying lifeless on the floor in a pool of blood while my father, stood above him... Laughing. He looked towards the door and smiled a devilish smile. Just before he could make his way to us, sirens were heard from outside. The police rushed in and arrested him. The three of us sat there and cried, and cried. The police couldn't get us to talk. My mother arrived a few minutes later and took us back to my house. Anada's mother explained what happened and agreed with my mother that we had to put him behind bars for good. Weeks later trial came and I testified against him. A 6 year old, testifying against her own father," I shook my head in sorrow, "he was found guilty and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Ever since then, you could say things have been looking up, as you see the way my life is now. Anada and my mother started Vera Industries and we moved to the better side of Santiago. Even with me having trouble accepting my mother's many remarriages, I was happy. However, recently, things have changed. In case you forgot, I'm 20 years old, which means, if my father was sentenced to 30 years when I was 6, he definitely shouldn't be out right now." I exhaled, feeling exhausted yet content to finally get it all off my chest. Neymar seemed deep in thought, I don't blame him, it's a bit unexpected to say the least.

"Kat, I'm so sorry.. I never knew," he said rubbing my arm.

"Don't apologize, it's okay, it's made me who I am, I can't change it," I said.

"You don't have to worry, I would never let him hurt you. Just as your mom said, nothing is going to happen," he soothed.

I shook my head, "my father spent years in prison already, Neymar, don't you think he's thought this out? Whatever he's doing, he has a plan," I choked up and couldn't finish.

Neymar put an arm around me and pulled me into him, "I promise you, Katerina," he looked down at me and pulled my chin up to let me look into his eyes, "I won't let anything happen to you." My heart skipped a beat when he said that. Something in his eyes told me he was honest with his words. He had proved again that he wasn't the kind of guy I always thought.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You don't have to thank me," he returned and leaned down to plant a kiss on my forehead. I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Neymar?" I mumbled.


"Thank you for picking up the seashell," I said. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, and at that moment, my fears vanished.

A/N: A true tragedy. Katerina is such a strong girl. Now we know the reason Kat's father was never talked about. Today is president's day in the states so I had a day off from school and thought I'd give you all a chapter. :) have a great rest of the week!

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