Star struck

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(ok but like....Imagine him wearing that)

Third person pov

"You need help with your hair, superstar~?"  "No, I goooot it..." Mask pulled his hair into a fancy topknot, and put his jacket on. Aloha, the one to was technically his manager pulled him into a hug. "I'm so proud of you kiddo...." "Thaaaanks..." Mask went down into the basement, and stood on the pedestal, and pressed a button. The music that had been playing stopped, and the hissing of the smoke machine started. People cheered as the pedestal started to rise, and Mask's newest song, Stop, Start, GO! started to play. 

And there was that voice. The voice that could put anybody to sleep with it's lullaby's, and could shatter glass with it's high notes. Aloha smiled at his best friend, as he marched across the stage, singing. People cheered, and a few tried to flirt with him, but they were ignored. After a few songs, Mask stopped dancing, and a familiar beat started to play. Mask's hit song, "Video game princess" started to play. He loved this song so much, because he had wrote it with Skull. The love of his life. Skull played his guitar as Mask sang the lyrics they wrote together. Everyone knew that the co-writer of the song was named 'Special someone'. Nobody knew who it was, but they all agreed they were talented. As the song finished, everybody cheered and screamed. "THAAAANK YOOOU ALL FOOOR COMING! GOOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!" He walked off the stage, and Aloha hugged him. "You did great out there..." "Thaaanks dad..." "....You called me dad..." Aloha squeezed Mask tighter. Mask giggled and packed his stuff away, before they snuck out the back door into Aloha's car. Aloha drove them home, parking in the driveway. As they pulled up, the porch lights turned on. "Mama!!!!!" Mask dashed out of the car and hugged his mother. "Hello my dear! How was the concert?" "Gooood!" "Aww, I'm so glad you had fun! Come inside, and I'll wipe your makeup off." "Oki!" Aloha and Army led Mask inside, where Skull was, drinking coffee. "Hey babe!" "SKUUUULL!" Mask hugged his boyfriend, and nuzzled his chest. "How was the show?" "Fuuun!" "Aw, I'm glad!" Skull untied Mask's hair, and Army plopped a package of makeup wipes on the table. He wiped all the glitter off Mask's face, and gave him another hug. "Now, you two need to get some sleep. It's late." "Mm, yes my love~" Aloha purred, dragging Army upstairs. Mask wigged into Skull's arms, and kissed his neck. "Aww, what a cutie..." Mask squeaked. "i wuuuv u!" "I love you too hon..." 

~the next day~

"You sure you wanna do this? i can just go by myself...It's cold out...I don't want to getting sick." "Nu. I waaanna seee the birdies." "...ok then." Skull put Flurry on his leash, and Mask put on his gas mask, with Flurry in his purse. They got in the car, and headed to the pet store.

Once they arrived, they walked through the shop, getting food and treats for the fluff balls. Mask stared at the birds and rabbits, being a total fangirl for all the animals. Skull paid, and The cyan inkling waved to a few fans. Once they got home, Mask flopped on the couch. "Don't you have another show tonight?" Mask nodded. "Yeee..." "Do you need help getting ready?" "Yee!" "Ok...I'll drive you to the venue tonight." "Oki! I wuuuuuv u!" "I love you too honey." 


"Ok, you good? Are all those...ruffles, comfortable?" Mask twirled around in his outfit and nodded. 

"Yeeees!" "Good

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"Yeeees!" "Good." Skull gave Mask one last kiss, and Mask dashed off to the stage. 

Skull listened to Mask's beautiful voice, almost nodded off to sleep. Army had to snap him awake. "He's so pretty..." "I know! My beautiful son...."  Mask's voice went higher and louder, before the song ended with a single note. Everybody screamed and cheered, and Mask announced there would be one more song that night. "Aaaand...I waaaant heeeelp with the song."  Mask looked backstage and motioned Skull onto the stage, Skull smiled and ran onstage, hugging Mask. Everybody cheered as Mask gave him a cheek kiss, and the opening beat for "Video game Princess" started.  The smaller inkling shoved an extra mic into Skull's hands, and he started singing. At the part meant to be dueted, Skull started to sing. The crown cheered, and Mask hit the highest note of the song's climax. His boyfriend yanked him into a hug, and kisses him as the song ended. 

Everyone cheered for one last time, as Mask bowed deeply. "GOOOODNIIGHT INKOPOLIS!" He walked off the stage, heels clunking on the wood floor. Skull followed. "MASK!" Army hugged his son, and kissed his forehead. "YOU DID SO WELL! Both of you! Oh my cod, that was amazing!" "Thaaaank you mama!" Skull picked up his boyfriend, and kissed him again, dipping him so his long hair touched the floor. "Never do that again without warning me." "Oki!" "....I love you so much." "I loooove you tooo...." Aloha pat Mask's shoulder. "Army brought the van. Let's go." Skull helped Mask into regular clothing, and they got in the van. "I bought you a Seanwich, hon. Do you want it now, or later?" "Nooow pleeaese..." Army gave him his food, and Mask ate it. "Thaaank you..." "No problem kiddo."  Aloha pulled into the driveway, and Skull got out, carrying the sleeping babey. "Masky?" Silence. "...aww..." The purple inkling undressed him, and put him in a onesie, and tucked him into his bed. "Goodnight, my love..." "Mmmm..." Skull kissed him, and fell asleep with him.


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