Secret admirer

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(Yet another high school au.....yay!)

Mask's pov

"Todoroki iiiiiis hot..." "He is, isn't he? God, why are the minor characters always the cutest?" Luna smiled as my and my team walked to our lockers. "Crap...I'll be right back...I think I forgot my notebook in the science room...." Which one?" Desi asked. "The one with my notes....Luckily not my fanfic notebook!" "Be quick! The buses are going to leave early because of the rain!" 
"Got it babe!" Jersey ran off, leaving me, Desi, and Luna.
I struggled for a minute to open my locker, shoved my books into my backpack, and then struggled to zip it up. "You want some helwp?" "I'm fiiiiiiiiiiine...." "....Oki." "Hey, what's that?" 
"Whaaaat do you meeeeean...?" "There's a piece of paper in your locker." I looked into my locker, and grabbed the folded piece of notebook paper.

'Dear Mask.

Hello there. You may not know who I am, but I know who you are. Even if it's from a distance, I've been watching you. The way you act, speak and move is all beautiful to me. I've never seen your face, and you've never seen mine...but I would die for us to meet in person. But I want to make sure you feel comfortable with me before that, so I will keep sending these notes to you. I may sound very creepy right now, please don't take this to the principal.  

-Love, your secret admirer 

"What does it say!?" Luna asked, trying to pull it out of my hands. "H-Heeeere..." "Thank what does this-Ooooooh~! Masky, someone has a crush on you~!" "N-No waaaaay! T-They proooooobably puuut it iiin the wrong lockeeer..." "But it has youw name on it!" Desi pointed out. "....It doooooes..." "Hey guys! Got my book, what did I miss?" "Masky has a secret admirer!" "WHAT!?" "Guuuuys...your embarrassing meeee...." "...Sorry..." Luna chuckled. "But this is great! You've been talking about wanting a relation ship for a while....And this could be it!" "B-But I dooooon't even knoooow who theeeeey are!" "I bet it's Skull." "Why wooould it be him!? Heeee's way to coooool for me...." "Mask. Look at the note. Cheap cursive, the part at the end about the principal...definitely Skull!" I blushed, and slowly slipped the note into my pocket.

"L-Let's just go...." "Awe we getting on youw bus Wuna? Since were gowing to your house?" "Uh...Yeah! Do you guys have everything?" "We broooought drawstriiiings...." "Great!" Luna hugged us, and led us out to the buses. "Whiiiich ooooone is it?" "uhhhhh....That one!" She led us on the bus, and the four of us slipped into a pair of seats.

~later that night~

"Are we actually going to sleep at all tonight?" "No, course not. We've got Poptarts, Nutella, popcorn and Netflix. We don't need to sleep." "I doooooon't thiiink we'll be able tooooo sleep!" I laughed. Desi nodded, his mouth full of popcorn. I yawned, and flopped down on my pillow.
"I'm.....Just gonnaaaa reeest my eyes..." "Goodnight Mask...!" "meeeeeeeehh...."


"Mask. Mask. Mask. Mask." "H-Huh?" "Wake up!" "H-Huh?" "Wake up!" Jersey jumped on me, and I screamed, sitting up instantly. "W-Whaaaat the heeeell!?" "You didn't wake up. We've been twying fow ten minutes!" Desi giggled. I sighed. "Yooou guuys are weird..." Luna hugged me.
"Areee wee gonna be laaate for schoooool...?" "It's Saturday." "oh..." "I was thinking we could go downtown today!" ".....Your draaaagging me aaaaand Desi to theeee mall, aren't yooooou?"
The two girls looked at each other. "Yeah....heheh!" I rolled my eyes. "Well...It wouldn't be DAT bad Masky! I sighed. "Fiiiiiiine...." "Yay!" The two girls helped me up, and I gathered my clothes from and disappeared into Luna's closet, changed into my clothes.

~Later that day~

"Please Mask? You'd look adorable!" "I literally haaaaave twoooo bags frooom Hot Tooopic and thaaat's it....What makes yooouu thiiink I'd want to loook at prom dresseeees?" "Because it's in a few weeks, and you said you didn't want to wear a suit!" "I dooooon't even waaaaant tooo go toooo a duuumb dance..." "Please?" "C'mon Masky! I'd be fun..." Desi blushed.
"....Fiine..." Luna dragged me inside, and looked around at all the fluffy dresses. "Aww, Masky you'd look so cute in this one!"

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