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"Hey, Mask." The small villian snapped his neck to look at the hero. "What?" "...I brought you some bread." Mask ears twitched, turning a pale cyan out of embarrassment. "Here." Skull handed Mask the loaf. The villian tore into it. "....Ew...Do you..even eat normally?" "SHUUUUT THE FUUUUCK UP!" Skull laughed as Mask hugged the empty crust. "hmhmhmhmh..." "Awww, is the great and terrible Masky flustured~?" "NO!" Mask huddled into the corner of his cell and snuggled his old coat. "Leeeave me alone!" "You're locked up in my basement. I can't~"  Mask hissed at him and rattled the chains he was hooked up too." "THEEEEEEN LET ME GOOOOO!" "NO! You're a fucking murderer!" "Yeeeah, you're a duuumb cop." "...I'm...not a police officer."

Mask blushed again and flared up his powers, freezing off the shackles. "I SAAAID, LET ME GO!" "No, I don't really want too~ How about you just sit down at shut up, baby~?" Mask blushed again, knees becoming weak. "o-oh..." "oooh, Mask likes being called pet names!" "I DO NOT!"  "You DO! Oh wow...this does come as a shock...Sugar~" Mask slammed his head against the wall, face beet red. "Calm down, Hon~" "I WIIIIIILL FUCKING KILL YOOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIIIIIIT!" Mask slammed the generator of the electric bars, effectivly breaking them. He jumped out, stared directly at the hero....

And kicked him in the dick.

"OW! YOU FUCKING FUCK!" Mask burst out laughing and jumped over the hero, grabbing his baseball bat. He ripped off his straight jacket, (which he had previously broken), revealing his black, silver and blue outfit. "Tooooodles, bitch~" Before Mask could escape out the window, Skull grabbed his ankle. "HEY!" "You ain't going anywhere...Sweetie~" Mask blushed again. "L-Look, Asshoooole...You caaaaan let me go, or I caaaaan bash yooour head in....You're beneath me!" "Oh, really~?" Skull tripped him, pulling him down to the floor and pinning him down. "Now you're the beneath me~" Mask's blush grew stronger, spreading down to the rest of his body. Skull thought he had won...And he...kinda did?

As he smirked down at the villian...Mask started to have a panic attack. "FUCK." The youngers voice was quiet, and he was clearly struggling to breath.  "God...uh....shit, what do I do!?" Skull didn't know CPR, but he knew the basics. He grabbed Mask's thin waist, and started the process of what he knew. Mask eventually started breathing again, but he passed out. "...shit....ugh...goddammit..."

Skull took him upstairs and tucked him into a big, fluffy guest bed. He popped open a bottle of wine and chugged the whole thing. "Jesus...I almost killed the cutest boy in Inkopolis..." He stroked Mask's icy hand. "He's so cold..." More blankets covered the younger inkling.

"'t hiiiiit me..." "Oh...He's got parent issues too." "" "..and he likes cats..." "Kiiiiitty...fluuuffy...." "...A lot." "..Hm? Skuuuuuuull?" "AH! O-Oh...Yeah...Hi. You're...uh..In one of my guest beds." "....Is thiiiis bear?" "Fake buffulo." "...Soft." "It's honestly kind of itchy..." "Hm, I'm noooot picky..." Skull laughed. "That's fun...Hey...this might be..REALLY illegel...But i'm worried about your heath. Mental and Physical. What if...In exchange for staying here and not going to prison...hmm.." "I'll be yooour maid?" Skull felt his face heat up. "NO! I was going to suggest you got therapy." "...Oh. Yeaaah, that woooorks a looot better. I'm wiiiilling to dooo chores thooough." "...Thanks. That's actually kinda sweet. I'll call the cops and tell them you'll be staying in the basement. Wink~" Mask giggled.

~later that week~

"SKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULL." "What? What do you need?" "There's a biiiiig ass box at the dooor...I think it's my stuff." Skull hopped off the balcony and stared at the box. "Well...Open it up. You can put it in your room." Mask nodded and open the box. "'s all cat stuff..." Yuuuup! And it's all for-" "Mew!" "NIIIIGHTSHAAAADE!" Mask pulled a little black kitten out of the box and cuddled her. "Oh, you actually have a cat." "Yup! Isn't she the eeeeevilist thiiing you've ever seen?" "...She looks like the void." "EXACTLY! Ooooh, who's the most eviiiil liiiittle girl~?" "...Weird."


"God fuuuucking dammit... HAAAAARDER, MORON!" "Well, It's really tight! I don't think it CAN move anymore!"

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO PUUUUT A DAMN TABLE TOGETHER!?" "...No." "...Jesus..." Mask grabbed the screwdriver and got under the table, screwing the parts in place. "Theeeeere." "Thanks...Y'know, you're really nice once I got to know you." "...heh...thanks." Mask played with his hair and sat down on the couch. " we talk?" "Abooout what?...aaare you kiiicking me out?" "Oh, god no. You've been a great roommate...I've..just been you want to try dating? Like...boyfriend boyfriend?" "O-oh! Uh...sure...if thats...ok with you." "Of course it is...C'mere." Mask scooted closer and rested on Skull's chest. "hmm...warm..." "Thanks. Hey, I gotta head to work in a couple hours, so don't be scared if I'm gone when you wake up." "..ok." Mask kissed Skull's cheek and fell alseep on him.  "...and out like a light...So cute." Skull stroked his hair and pulled a blanket over the two of them.

"...Maybe I can be a little late..."

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