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(Art above not mine. But look at them, they're so CUTE!)

Mask's pov

"Nooooo!" I whined, clinging to my teacher. "Mask, you need to go play with the other kids!" "B-But yoou said we have to staay in ouur gwoups!" "Normally, yes, but this is recess! You can go play with the other groups!" Tears ran down my cheeks as I begged her to let me go inside. "Why don't you go play with those boys over there? They seem nice!" I looked over. "M-maaaybee..."
"I'll take you over to them." She took my hand and led me to the group of boys. One them was orange, and was...drawing? He was doing something to a book. He glared at me as we walked over. The pink one was running around in circles, as the orange one yelled at him.

And that's when I saw him. He was purple, and was eating some kind of candy. I felt a weird feeling in my chest...and my cheeks felt warm. "Hello boys. Can Mask play with you today?  He needs-Skull! I thought you were told no candy at school!" The purple boy-Skull-, didn't say anything. He hugged the bag to his chest. "Give it to me. You can have to after school." Skull gave her the bag of candy to the teacher, and then looked at me. "H-Hi..." I wimpered. "Hi." The teacher smiled and left. "My nemnems..." He mumbled. "Who're you?" The pink boy asked. "U-um...I'm Maaask..." "...You wook weird." "AWOHA!" "He does!" The orange inkling glared at him. "Don't say dat! It's mean!" I didn't say anything. "U-um...Should I leave..?" "No. You can stay." "Oh...What's your name?" "The names Awmy. And dat's Awoha, and dat's Skull." "She took my nemnems!" "You shouldn't have dem!" I sat down next to Skull, and looked at him. "Why are you wearing dat?" "I have hay fever..." "Huh..." 

Aloha ran around us, screaming and cheering. "SIT DOWN!" "FWIGHT ME!" "NO!" "What are you dwawing?" I asked. "I'm not dwawing. Dis is my manual. I wite in it." "You can wead and wite?" "yesh." I blinked. "Wow..." I looked at Skull, who seemed to be staring into my soul. "...Hewwo?"
"I like your hair." "Oh...tanks..." I played with my tentacals, which were never tied up, unlike other inkling boys. "Can I touch dem?" "sure..." He pet my hair, and smiled. "They feel like mawmellows." "Do you like candy?" "Yesh. But da teacher took my nemnems. She's mean."
I smiled. "She is mean!"

And that was the day we became friends....That was day I met my soulmate.

~Twelve years later~

"Hurry up you party and animal!" "I'm being fashionably late!" I sighed as Army and Aloha yelled at eachother. My boyfriend wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "Love you baby.." "I loooove youuu too...buut I think we shooould stop Aloooha and Army from geetting a divooorce..." "But they aren't married..." "Yet." He chuckled. "Yeah." "Caan I say soomething..?" "Sure." "I'm glad the teeeacher fooorced me to talk to you guuys...Otheerwise I woould havee never met yoou.." Skull smiled and leaned on my shoulder. 

"She never gave me my m&ms back.."

Hewwo. Author-chan here. ...I wanna make really heavy ansgt next. Would you kill me if I did?

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