High school au

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(It says in the wiki that all of them are like...16...so...THEY SHOULD BE IN HIGH SCHOOL. Also, you need to be only 14 to play real turf wars in this au (and probably in the manga) so...that's gonna clear some things up.)

Mask's pov

I began to quietly sobbed as I took my seat in English class. A few...bullies had tried to beat me up on the way to class.
People had always mad fun of the way I hide my face, and the fact that I have hay fever. It sucks. I pulled out my sketchbook and began to draw, when the door creaked open. Everyone was there expect the teacher, so everyone turned to look.
Our teacher walked in with a tall, darkly dressed boy behind her. 'Huh!? Why is he here!? H-He's in the other class! Oh, god, please don't make fun of me...' It was Skull, the best sniper user in the school. The two of us had talked a few times, and he was always quiet, yet flirty.

"Class, this is my son Skull. He's going to be in this class now." A few of the girls started to whisper.
Our teacher looked around, pointed at me, and smiled. "Go sit next to him sweetie." "Shut up mom."

He walked over to the double desk I was at, and sat down. "Hi." I blushed. "H-Hi..."
"I'm Skull." He held out his hand. "I-I'm Mask..." "Mask...That's a cute name."
My entire face grew warm. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to-" "N-Nooo! It's fine!"
I could tell he was smiling under the bandana. "Ok class, so our lesson for today is-" I zoned out and began drawing in my sketchbook. "Your drawings are really cool."
"Oh! T-Thanks..."

I continued to doodle, Skull watching over my shoulder. Suddenly, the class phone began to ring. "Hello? Ah. I'll be over in a sec." She turned to us. "I have to go take some things to another class. Just...sit and be silent." The minute she closed the door, most of the class turned to their friends.
"Is the teacher your mom?" "Yeah. She's super annoying." I laughed. "Why did you move classes?" "I don't know. She was being overprotective and wanted to keep an eye on me." I giggled. "You're known around the school as a tough bad boy! It's hard to see you with an overprotective mom!"

He rolled his eyes. "Anyway...Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" "R-Really!?"
"Yeah. You're pretty cool." "I'm...I'm not. I'm a huge loser... haven't you never heard any of the rumors about me?" "No, I've heard them. They're all a load of bullshit...None of those idiots have met you."
"Oh...Well...Sure. I'll sit with you guuuuuys..." "Great..." He said, pulling down his bandana and flashing a quick smile.

Oh, wow he's hot.

The teacher walked back into the room and continued the lesson. We listened to her talk for about twenty minutes, before the bell rang. "Alright then. You guys can head to your next classes." I stoop up, grabbed my things, and looked Skull. "I'll see you at lunch then..." "Do you wanna meet somewhere?" "Next to the cafeteria is fine."
"Ok. I'll see you later..." Bye..." I mumbled, trying to hide my fangirl screams.

I walked past the teacher, who was talking with Skull. "Do you like your desk partner?"
"Yeah...he's cool..." "You should invite him over sometime!" "MOM! HE'S RIGHT THERE!" I quickly ran out of the room and down to the science room. "M-Mask! H-Hi!"
My best friend Desi was waiting for me.
I pulled him into a tight, panicked hug.
"W-What happened?" "Skull...Skull waaants meee to sit with him at lunch!"

He gasped. "Really!?" "Yes! What do I do!?"
"Well...Do you still have a crush on him?"
"Yes! I've been crushing on him ever since freshman year!" "Well...If you like him, this could be a chance to get closer to him!"
"Boys. In class. Now." The teacher snapped. "Yes sir...!"
We went in and sat down, as I was silently panicking.

~an hour later~

"Ok...He said he'd meet me outside...Do you see him?" "N-No I don't-...oh! There h-he is!"
"Hey Mask." "H-Hi!" "Oh. Hey Designer."
"Hi!" Desi nudged me forward a little, and I took a small step. "Uh...Um..." Skull chuckled. "C'mon. Designer? You wanna come." "No. I-I'll give Mask a lunch a-alone with you!" "Alright." Skull took my hand and led me outside. "Where are we goooing?"
"I'm taking you to where me and my friends usually sit." "Oh. Where are they?" "They...wanted to leave us alone for today for some reason..."

Mask x Skull oneshots (Splatoon manga)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz