SNEK Pt. 2

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Mask's pov

"S-Sooo...U-um....." "What is it, my dear?" "I...Areeeee yoour friiends gooooing to hurt meee?" "Aloha might flirt with you a little, but they won't hurt you." "O-Ok..." "Oh...There they are..." 
Skull pointed to a large flower, that was hollowed out in the middle. There was a werewolf and an alraune in the middle, kissing eachother. "A-Aloha...." "What is it puppy~?" "More..." "Guys?" 
They looked at us. "Oh, heya Skull!" The werewolf looked at me. "Is that an inkling...?"
"Yes. This is Mask." Skull tail coiled around me. "My boyfriend." Army climbed out of the flower and shook off the goo. "Interesting..." "U-Um...." A vine wrapped around my arm and yanked me into the alraune's arms. "Huh...Cute!" He tossed me back to Skull, who growled. "Don't touch him Aloha..." Aloha laughed. "It's fine!" "...." Skull stroked my head and kissed me. "He's mine..."
Aloha sat on the edge on his flower, and smirked. "Well....What brings you here?" 

"I wanted him to meet you two." "Well...My name is Army." The wolf spoke. "This is Aloha."
I held out my hand, and he smiled and shook it. "Why are you in the forest?" "I...I ran awaaaaay from hooooome..." "...Oh." Aloha climbed out of the flower, vines attaching him to the leaves. "Well, we're glad to have you here!" He dragged a finger down my chest. "OI!" Skull grabbed me and snarled. "MINE!"  "Chill! Chill...." Skull kissed my lips and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I whimpered. "S-Skull..." His tail squeezed me again. "Shhh..." He dropped me on the ground, and glared at Aloha. "You need to stay away from him before I kill you, you overgrown weed!"
"...Wow. I'm so threatened." "S-Skull...Pleeeeeease caaaalm doown..." Skull looked at me, and sighed. "I'm sorry Masky..." I climbed in his lap and hugged him.  "It's fiiiiiiiine..."

~a few hours later~

"Well....How's hunting been going?" "Oh, It's been fine. Winters coming, and so we need to safe some food..." "Is Mask going to be able to survive the winter? I don't think his body is made for it..."  "We live in a pretty big cave. It's warm enough for him." I smiled to myself. "Yup..." Army stretched and curled up like a dog. "I'm going to bed....G'night...." "Night puppy!" Aloha scratched his ears, and kissed him. "I wuv you my wittle puppy!" Aloha pulled Army into his lap and scratched his stomach. "We better get going..." Skull picked me up and kissed me again. "Bye guys." "Bye-Stop moving I'm petting you!"

~later~ "Here we are..." Skull set me down on his bed full made of leaves and patches of animal fur. "Do you want some food?" "...Noooooo...." "Ok." He kissed me and wrapped his tail around my body. "Night baby...." I blushed and pet his smooth scales. "Goooooodnight Skull..."

(UWU Request by Cutestpoptart. Sorry this was so short and confusing) 

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