The ocean is almost as salty as my tears

352 8 15

( for this chapter inklings and octolings can swim because I said so. Also the tail above is Mask's tail)

Skull's pov

I walked down to the sandy beach, picking up a few shells as I walked down the bench by the waves. I sat down and sighed. "God, school is the worst..." I sighed, kicking a few rocks. I listened to the calming waves, before I heard the distant sound of humming. I looked far out into the ocean before I spotted a figure sitting on a rock. "...holy..holy shit..." I got up from the bench and walked until the waves reached my ankles. 

"That's...a mersquid...!?" I whispered to myself. "...Is soooomeone theere!?" I hid behind I few rocks, and I heard a splash, and the sound of somebody swimming towards me. "Oh cod..." "I caaan heear you..." "GAH!" "...Who aaare yoou?" "...Skull. My name is Skull." He swam up to me and poked me. "Hey!" "...Why aaaare youuu here...?" "I come here to relax sometimes....What about you?" "...I coooome for the saaame reason..." "Oh...That' I guess..." The mersquid looked down at his fins and sighed. "So...What's your name?" "...Mask..." "Cool..." I felt a blush grow on my face as I kicked a rock behind me. "...Am I botheriiiing yooou...?" "Hm? Of course not. I'm just...A little nervous. I had always heard myths about mersquids, but I never knew they were...real." Mask giggled. "We liiiike to keeeep hidden..." "I guess that makes sense...Mersquid scales can be used to make potions, right?" He nodded.

The two of us started talking about random things, before he mentioned the moon. I looked up at the sky, which was now getting darker. "Shoot, I lost track of time..." I looked at Mask. "I have to go home now...Will...You meet me here tomorrow?" He nodded silently. "That's good to hear...Bye!" I quickly ran off. Mask waved shyly, before diving beneath the waves.

Mask's pov


~A few weeks later~

I sat by the beach, the waves splashing against my back. "Mask! There you are!" "....I thoooough you wooouldn't shoow up..." "Aw, of course I'd show up!" Skull sat down on a rock next to me. "..How have you been?" "Saaaad..." "Why...? Is everything ok?" "I...Oh, neeeevermind, it's duuumb..." "If it's making you sad then it's not dumb!" "...I dooooon't waant to be a meeeersquid anymoooore..." "What? Why?" "...Because I haaaaate it...I caaaan't go anywhereee...or do anythiiing...the peooople down there aaaaare jeeeerks...I waaaant to live on the suuuurface with yoou!"  "Mask, that's so sweet...but I don't know if that's possible..." "It iiiis..." "Huh?" "I've looooked....It's pooooossible..." "Well then...I guess there's no time to lose, huh?" He held out his hand. I blushed like crazy, before slowly taking it. He scooped me up out of the water, and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go!" "W-What waaaaas thaaaat fooor!?" "...I felt like it." "D-Duuumy.."


"Ok..." Skull sighed as he set me in a huge container of water. "Are you comfortable? We can move to the tub if your not." "I'm fiiine..." I sighed, handing my tail over the edge. "Good. Now, what book did you find the spell in?" "Thiiiiis ooone..." I set the spell book on the ground. "You...brought it with you?" "...yeeah..." "Well that's great...!" He smiled. I blushed. 

Skull flipped through the pages, before setting the book down and starting to read. "Ok...It say's we need glitter....a mermaid scale...inkling ink...and...a crushed seashell." "....Iiiiink?" "Yeah. I got a tank here. It says we have to mix it all in a container, then put you in it. So we're good on that." He picked up a large container of purple liquid, and dumped some in the water. "I've got a few shell's here too..." He said crushing one in the water. As he did so, the water turned pink.

"Now...Will taking a scale hurt?" "Maaaaybe...I've neeever triied..." I grabbed one of my scales and tugged. "Y-Yuuuup....It huuuurts...." I yanked it out, and hissed in pain. "Are you ok!?" "I'm fiiine..." I set my scale in the water, and it dissolved, turning the water teal. "And the last ingredient is...glitter." "Wheeeere are weeee goooing to get thaaat?" "...Gimme a sec..."

Skull left the room, and came back a minute later with a jar of glitter. "Wha-" "Don't ask. My roommate is just really gay." I giggled as he dumped some into the potion. "Well...Just sink underwater...Are you ready?" "Reeeaady as I'll eveeeer beee..." 

I slowly lowered my head under the surface, as a tingling sensation took over my body. 'It's working...' I thought. 'I'm going to be an inkling...' I stayed under for another minute, before I felt like I couldn't breath. I rose out of the water and took a gasp of air. "Did...It woooork?" "Take a look bud." I looked down at where my tail used to be. "oh...oh my goooodness..." "How do you feel?" "The saaaame...mooostly..." I looked down at myself. I was wearing a pair of shorts that looked like my scales, and a shirt with the same pattern. Skull pulled me out of the water, and hugged me. My legs wobbled and I fell to the ground. "Ooow!" "Oh, sorry! My fault. That was my fault..." He helped me stand, holding me steady. "There...Does this hurt?" "No..." "Good...Now take a step forward..." I followed his instructions, until after about half an hour, I could make wobblely steps across the room. "Your doing great Mask." "Thaaanks..." "Do you wanna come meet my friends?" "Frieeeends?" "Yeah." "...sure..." 

Skull helped me walk down the stairs, where we found two inklings making out on a couch. "...Army?" "Hm? Oh Skull, there you are! Who's your friend?" "This is Mask..." "H-Hi..." Army ran over to us and picked me up. "Oh, your so tiny!" He looked at Skull. "Is this the boy you meet up with every night?" "Yeah..." "Awww! Are you two dating?" "WHAT!? Army, why would you say that in front of him!?" "...Well what if the answer was yes?" "That's not-" He sighed. "No...we aren't dating..." I looked down at my feet. Army held out his hand, and I slowly shook it. "I've never seen you around here before!" "...I juuuust mooooved heere..." "Oh. Well it's so nice to meet you! Skull refuses to go out and makes friends!" "ARMY!" "Sorry." 

Skull was blushing like crazy. "I'll...I'll be in my room..." Skull slowly walked back  up the stairs, and I slowly followed him. "Skuuuull?" "What...?" "Are yooouuu ok?" "Yeah...Army just sometimes...gets a little over excited..." "Oh..." I sat next to him on the bed, and slowly reached out to hold his hand. "What...What are you doing?" "Whaaaat yooour friend saaaid....abooout us daaating..." "...You want to date?" "If...Yoooouu want tooo...because I reeeeaaallly liike yoou..."
"Well...I like you too." He smiled, and moved closer to me. "I like you a lot." He pulled down his bandana, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

I smiled and leaned on his shoulder. "...Do...Do yooouu waaanna kiss?" "Uh...Sure..." I took off my gas mask, and we both leaned in, pecking each others lips. "I...I looove you..."  "I love you too, cutie pie~!" He kissed me fully, helping me into his lap. "Mask?" "Hm?" "Will you be my boyfriend~?" "...Yes!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I felt a tear run down my cheek. 
"I wooould looove thaat..." He kissed me again as he placed his hands on my legs.

~'And here I am now... Me and Skull got married last year, and we have a daughter now. I'm so happy that he changed my life forever that day. I did get used to being an inkling, and while we both love to go down to the beach, I've never gone back to my old home. Not like I can, anyway...I can't breath underwater anymore. Skull makes me so happy every single day of my life. I don't know how I every lived without him'~

"Babe?" Skull poked his head into the room just as Mask put his diary away. "Hi." "Hey. I dropped Grape off at preschool." "Oh. I diiidn't hereeee yooou leeave." "Huh." The purple inkling walked over and gave Mask a peck on the cheek. "I love you." Mask smiled. "...I loove yoou too.."
"Wanna go down to the beach before we pick her up?"  I smiled.

"Thaaaaat sooound nice..."

(UwU Requested by flop_e

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