Owl house au

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"Masky. Masky. Masky. Masky. Masky. Masky. Masky."

"I wrote you a song."
Mask stared at his boyfriend, eyes glowing a deep purple. "....I'm not listeniiiing to it." Skull rolled his eyes and kicked away his guitar. "I don't get why you're so moody, sweetie...You've rejected sex eight times this week!" "SKULL!" The younger let out a squeak of embarrasment. "i..I'm just....tiiiired...." "...want me to play you-" "NO. I do noooot truust you." Skull laughed. "Yes, love...Here, want your ball? You can sommon something cute to snuggle with while I get us dinner. "....ok..." Mask grabbed his ball out of his case, and summoned a spirit cat. "Should I grab dessert, too?" Mask nodded.


Skull plucked a couple strings on his guitar and rubbed Mask's stomach.
The smaller had changed into his pjs, and was still cuddling with his kitten. "I waaant more praaaaise..." "Of course, love..." Skull hugged the younger. "You're going to be such a good witch when you're older....Maybe even the head of your coven...You're also really hot-OW! THAT WAS MY DICK!" "hee hee!" "You little-" Skull jumped on top of his boyfriend. "OW! Yooooou're so FUUUUCKING HEAVY!" "Oh, am I~?" "Yeeees! You're liiiike 99% muscle!" "I'll get off you if you admit you're sick." "I'M NOOOOOT SIIIICK!" "YES YOU ARE!" Mask screamed and kicked his legs. The older picked up his guitar and played a lullaby like song. His truth melody. "Masky, baby...Are you sick~?" Mask puffed his cheeks out. "...Mask, open your mouth." Mask shook his head. Skull groaned. He couldn't activate more then one song at once, so he would have to force his mouth opened. "OPEN YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH." The oracle giggled. Skull suddenly smirked getting an idea. He pulled up the oracle's tank top, blowing a raspberry. Mask screamed. "There we go! Now, are you sorry~?" "Y-Y-Y-YES! STOOOP IT, PLEASE!" "Not yet~ Are you sick, baby~?" "Y-YES! I'M SICK! NOW STOOOOOP!" Skull smiled and flicked his guitar again. "There we go~" "Yooou're suuuch a jerk!" "I know~" Mask laughed and grabbed his crystal ball. "I'm goooonna caaatch up on my stuuudies....ok..?" "Hm. Fine. But get some rest." "Yes sir~"

~later, again~

"Masky, I'm off to school. Get some rest, ok? I love you." "Loooove you too..." Mask turned off all the lights and snuggled into bed with one of his weird magic books.

After a few hours, there was a knock on the door, too the tune of an all-too-familier children's show. "Hi Gooogles..." "Hi Mask!" The medic trainee opened the door. "Skull send me to check up on you! How ya feeling?" "fine...I haaaaven't puuuuked yet, buuut I can feel it...." "Should I punch you?" "GOGGLES DO NOT!" "...Whaaat was that?" Goggles sheepishly held up his scroll, showing a Penstagram call with Skull. "....Hey babe." "Ugh...Hey...Sweeetie, yoooou doon't haaave to be so woooorried..." "I know...I'll hang up now. LOVE YOU!" "Looove you too!" Goggled closed the scroll and hugged the younger. "..So...about that punch?" Mask laughed. "Maaaybe! Yooou've leeearned a bit frooom Rider!" "I have!" "Weeeeell, stiiiill no...I caaaaan manage..." "Sounds good." Goggled pulled out a bottle of pills and handed them to the younger. "Take one of these. Plenty of water and rest, no dairy for three hours, it'll curse you." "...aaaare these yooour hooomewoooork pills?" "..maybe." "Are theeeese safe!?" "Oh, absolutly! Aprooved by our head witch!" "....fine." Mask took a pill and hugged his friend. "Thaaaanks Goggies..." "No prob, friend!" Goggles left the house, leaving Mask alone with all his stuffed animals.

~yeah that's right...later~

"Babe? I'm back." "Hi sweeeetie..." "You feel better?" "yup...can I haaaave some soup...?" "Of course..Uh......fuck, i can't cook..." Mask giggled. "i-i caaaaan make it..." "....Yes ma'am~" Mask got out of bed and streched. "Diiiid you graaaab my hoomework?" "Tried...You didn't have any." "SWEET! Chicken noodle?" Skull laughed. "That pepped you up~" "YUP!" Mask slammed a pot on the stove and started rummaging through the cupboards. "I thiiiink the pill Goggles gaaaave me waaaaas pumped with coooffee!" "Wouldn't be surprised." "...why isn't there a cooooking coven?" "I mean, there's the potions coven. Close enough." "NOPE!" "....bitch." "YUP!" Mask stirred the pot and snuggled up to his boyfriend, who was wrapped around his waist. "I love you, baby..." "I loooove you too!"

The two cuddled together on the bed, giving eachother little kisses, exchanging ingredients through their mouths.
"You're so cute....Now back to bed with you." "mmmm...ok..." Mask cuddled into bed as Skull strummed his guitar. "wiiiill you play me oooour song?" "Of course, Dear." Skull hummed and started to play the special song he wrote for the smaller.

So...Owl house au!

Don't yell at me, but like....I've never really watched the show? I don't actually watch TV a lot, of it's not on Plex or netflix, i can't watch it. But I've heard great things about it! I had to do a lot of reserch to nail this down, so I hope I did good!


Anyway...RingsHijinksChild...Hope it didn't make you too mad at me :D

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