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Skull's pov

"Hey babe. How was work?" "...Mr. Grizz is aaan asshooole...I got a goooood paaay thouugh..."
"That's nice." I walked over and kissed his cheek. "Army and Aloha are out. Want me to go get food?" "...I'm nooot hungryyy...." "Ok. I'll see if we have leftovers." I kissed him again, and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and called back to my boyfriend. "We have pizza from last night." "Ok...Caaaan weee eat in a biiit?" I chuckled and closed the door. "Watcha playing?" "Smaaaash...." "You really like that game." I said, sitting next to him. "Yeeeah..." I put my hand on his thigh, and rubbed it. I did this for a few seconds, before I heard a few soft giggles. "stoooop..." He whispered. "Babe?" "I-I'm tickliiish!" I smirked, and rubbed his thigh until the fight ended. 

The second he was in the hub world, I pushed him down to the couch and lifted his shirt. "H-HEEY!"  I tickled his stomach, and listened to his adorable laughter. "S-SKUUUULL!" "Let's see...Where else are you-Hey!" He pushed me down, and bit my neck. "Ok, now you're being unfair!" "I-I'm fiiighting baaaack!" He cried, tickling my neck. "Fuck!" "Whoooo's touuugh now?" I smirked, and blew a raspberry on his stomach. "EEK! Nooooo!" "You left yourself wide open~." 
I countinued to tickle his stomach, until he collapsed next to me. "Y-You wiiiin..." He panted.
I laughed. "You hit me pretty hard...I'd say its a tie..." "Heh..." "Your laughs are so cute..." "No..." "Yes...!" He fell on my chest, and sighed. "I thiiiiink I'm going to diie...." 

"Pizza time?" "...Fine..." "Great." I got up and carried him to the kitchen. 

~Five minuets later~

"Was that fun?" I teased. "Noooooo...." I laughed. "Ok, Ok...." I kissed his head. 
"I love you Masky." "Love you too..."

(Sorry it was short...but this was request by Cutestpoptart!)

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