Grape's birthday

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Third person pov

"Mask...Mask wake up....We're here..." "nu.." Skull picked up his husband, and carried him off the plane. "Daddy! Get I get a snack?" "Grape, you have plenty of snacks in your backpack from yesterday, and we're about to get breakfast. I normally wouldn't say this, but not now." "Ok...." Skull set Mask on his feet, and the cyan inkling yawned. "C'mon, we have to get to luggage pick up."


"I wanna grab it!" "Ok, buuut be quuick..." "I will!" Grape snagged her suitcase from the conveyor belt, and dragged it off. "Goooood girl!" Her mother cheered. "I did it!" "Yes you did!" Skull picked her and the tiny pink suitcase up. "The shuttle will be here in a bit. We should probably meet it..." "Yuup..." The two headed off, and met the shuttle outside the airport. 
The driver drove them to a small hotel, where Grape looked up in confusion. "...Is this where we're staying?" "Nope. But it's late, and we can't check into our REAL hotel." "...ok..." Skull checked in, and Grape fell asleep, feeling upset about her birthday present.  

~the next morning~

"Can I open my eyes now?" "Noooot yet hooney.." Grape groaned. "I wanna open them!" "Should she open them?" "Well, I mean...We're two minutes away from the sign, and that's the only hint she's gonna have other then the signs on the buses, so...Sure. Open them up kiddo." Grape opened her eyes, and they drove in silence until they reached the famous sign. "YOU'RE TAKING ME TO DISNEY!?" "Happy birthday!" "Haaaappy biirthday my precious liiittle girl!" Grape started crying tears of pure joy. Skull parked the rental car and picked up his daughter, who was still crying. "Aww, sweetie, don't cry!"  "T-T-Thank you so much daddy!" "It was your mothers idea. Thank him." "THANK YOU MOMMY!" "Aww, yooour welcome hooney..." Grape hugged her mother, who kissed her forehead and put a headband that looked like a tiara on her head. "There...nooow let's go." The three boarded the shuttle bus, which drove off, Grape bouncing in her seat. "So, where do you wanna go first kiddo? Hollywood?" "Toontown!" ".....what" Mask giggled. "It's liiiike a kiddy laaand..." "Oh. Where is it?" "Near the baaack of the wooorld..." "Oh. Well kiddo, tell you what; We'll work our way over there. Ok?" "Ok!" 


"Mommy! Can I get a dress? Can I get a princess dress?" "Aww, suuure! Whiiiich one?" Grape grabbed a Sleeping beauty dress and smiled. "She reminds me of you! Cause you sleep a lot and daddy has to kiss you to get you to come make breakfast." "....." Mask laughed.  "Alriiight dear..." Mask paid for the dress, and Grape stepped into it. "Do I look pretty?" "So preeetty!" "What's going on?" Skull asked, coming over licking a Popsicle. "...." "...I was hungry. And I got one for her." "Gimme!" Skull handed his daughter her Popsicle, and kissed his husband. "She looks nice." "Yeah...She doooes...C'mon, I wanna get piiiictures of heeeer in front of the caastle." "Alright honey." Grape threw her stick out, and posed in front of the large blue and gray castle. Mask took a bunch of pictures, before Grape whined she wanted to go on rides. "I agree. I vote Alice first, to celebrate your mother's adorable outfit!" Mask blushed and giggled, squeezing the hem of his pale blue dress. "Skuuull..." "C'mon, you come dressed as her and you don't wanna go on the rides?" "Y-Yooou're juust being so cheeseeey!" "I know~" Grape stuck her tongue out at her parents lovey-doveyness.  "C'mon. Let's go." Mask picked Grape up, and they headed off. 

"Are you coming daddy?" "Nah, I don't like dark rides. You guys go ahead." "Ok..." Mask carried his daughter off into the line, where Grape bounced on her toes in excitement. 
"That was awesome!" She cheered as her mother carried helped her off the ride. "I knooow sweetie!" "Hey you two! How was it?" "Fun!" "Aw, I'm glad." "C'mon, let's go on the teacups next." "Yay!" The line was short, so they were able to get on right away. They picked a purple and cyan teacup, and Grape cheered as the ride started. Mask groaned as the cup threw him into the side, hitting his hip. "ow..." "You ok baby?" "Yeeah.." Skull hugged his husband and rubbed his side. "Thaaank you..." The ride slowed to a stop, and Skull helped Mask get off. Grape ran around, cheering for more. 


"I don't want to leave!" "We have all week Grape! But mommy and daddy are tired." "Ok..."
They checked into the hotel, and were given a Cinderella themed room. Grape was tucked into bed, and Mask and Skull kissed for a bit, before falling asleep again. 

~the next day (this is going to have a lot of time skips, sowwy)~

"You almost ready babe?" Mask put away his gothic makeup and adjusted his haunted mansion themed dress. "Yup!" "Great. Let's go." They headed down to the hotel restaurant, where Grape scarfed down her waffles and fruit. "Wow, yooour excited..." "Yup! I wanna go to the other park today!" "Alright baby..." 

Grape skipped into Hollywood studios, her parents followed close behind. "I wanna go on the Tower of Terror. You wanna come?" "No...I'll puuuuke..." "Ok babe. You take Grape on another ride, ok?" "Ok...!" Skull headed off, and Mask carried Grape to a kiddie coaster, where Grape happily rode with her mother. "Mommy, can I get a stuffie?" "Awww, oooof course hooney!" They skipped inside the gift shop, and Grape grabbed a plush Stitch. "This one!" Mask paid for it, along with two mickey ear headbands with pride colors. 

They headed back to the tower, where Skull was waiting. "Hey guys~" "Hi daddy!" "I gooot yoou a headband..." Mask put on his headband, and handed Skull the other one. "Aww, so sweet...." Mask giggled. They headed off, and took Grape on all the kiddy rides. After a while, Grape said she was bored. "Wanna head to Magic Kingdom?" "Yeah!" "Ok honey. But let's get lunch first."

~later that day~

"Hey Mask?" "Hm?" "Y'know how Army is always bugging us to get coasters? Like, for cups?" "Yeeeah?" "Look." Skull showed his husband the It's a small world coasters. "It's the clock face!" "....We buuuying theeem?" "Yup." "Mommy? Mommy look!" Grape showed her mother the twist pop, and gave him puppy eyes. "Please?" "We juuust had lunch..." "I don't want it now! I'll save it!" "Hmm...Fiiiine..." Grape cheered as her mother paid for the sweet and put it away in the backpack they had. "How about we go on it's a small world now?" "Ok daddy!" 

Mask sang along softly to the theme in the English and Japanese verses, and Skull joined in at the Russian part. Grape pointed out all the pretty dolls, while Mask took pictures. After they got off, Grape ran off to Toontown. Her parents followed close behind. 

~later that week~

"I don't wanna leave..." "Us neither kiddo, but we have to..." Grape groaned. Skull put the luggage onto the conveyor, and Mask dragged Grape off to get some snacks.
The three had lunch before getting on the plane. Grape drank apple juice and watched movies the entire flight with her mothers headphones. 
By the time they landed, she had fallen asleep. Skull carried her off the plane, and Mask got the luggage. They got a shuttle to the parking lot, where Mask buckled Grape into the back, and tucked her under a blanket. He fell asleep as Skull drove him home.

"Huh...?" Grape hopped out of her bed and walked downstairs, where Mask was feeding Flurry. "Goood morning honey! I maaade french tooooast!" "Yay!" Grape sat down at the table, and ate her toast. "Where's daddy?" "Out shoooopping." "Oh." Grape hugged her mother. "Thank you for the trip..." "aww, hooney..." Mask hugged back, and put Grape's plate away. "I'm home!" "Daddy!" Grape hugged her father, and dragged a bag to the kitchen. She helped her parents put the grocery's away,  and snuggled into her mothers arms. "Y'know Grape....There's one more gift for you..." "Really?" "Yuuup..." "Can I see?" "Of cooourse!"

Mask and Skull led their daughter to the spare room, where a large piano was sitting. " me a piano...?" Mask picked her up. "It belooonged to yoour grandmother...She gaaave it to yoou because she knooow how muuuch you want tooo leearn..." Grape started crying. "Thank you mommy!" "Noooo problem baaaaby..." Grape hopped up onto the stool and started playing a mixed up version of 'Mary had a little lamb'. "She's so cute..." "I knooow..." Grape hugged her father and went back to the piano. Mask and Skull left so she could practice.

"Well...she seems happy!" "Yuup..." "Love you baby..." "Looove you too..." 

(WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Chapter made of pure. salt. Hope you guys liked it! I might not get a chapter out before holidays everyone!)

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