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"Warner, Otobai, Enperry, Haar, and Cherup, I want you all in my office after this. Mask and Aloha dears, you as well. Dismissed."

Army marched out of the breafing room and into his office, his seleceted detectives following him. "Whaaaaat do you neeeeed us for, mom?" Mask purred, taking advantage of the special treatment he got from his adoptive mother. "As you know, per Mask's findings and reaserch, a serial jewel theif will be showing up at a gala hosted at the downtown musuem. The jewel exhibit will be off limits to the public at the event, but he apparently plans to sneak off sometime during the party. His goons will cause a distraction, which is what we have to be there to prevent. We'll show up undercover, and keep watch for him. Please arrive at the precint later in your best formal wear. Mask, I'd like you to wear the nice dress I got you for your birthday. You'll look so cute!" Army pinched his sons cheek.

~later that night~

"You looooook like a Price is Riiiiiight whore." Goggles growled and ajusted his sparkly dress.

" Goggles growled and ajusted his sparkly dress

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(chunky army hc???)
(and now..for the ties)
(Aloha: Weird Hawiian shirt tie cause he's a man child
Skull: Batman tie cause he's a man child
Emperor: DIAMONDS SEWN IN cause he's a rich man child
Rider: Tie with a skull on it becuase he's a punk who's married to a man child)

Army showed the man at the door their badges, and the eight of them were allowed inside.

"Wow, it' Empy, why won't you take me here on dates!?" "Becuase there's no playground and you'd complain so much." "...hahaha yeah." Gloves purred.
"Goggles don't lick that, it's lead. It'll kill you." "AND IT ALSO COSTS FIFTY THOUSEND DOLLARS!?" "Yeah, but he doesn't care about that. Or understand money." Goggles snuggled up to his edgy husband as they headed further into the building.

" the staff know we're cops?" "Yes. I called them and informed them we were coming, as well gave them a discription of what we each look like. It's why I'm letting those ridiculous ties slide." "Haha~! Army Santiago, you are an amazing police captian~" "Save it for when I kick your ass next Halloween."

"You two haaaaaaaave a wonderfuuuul looooooving marriage..." "Thank you for the sarcasam, darling, but your father and I really do love each other."

Skull placed a hand on his lover's hip, and pulled him closer. "Just calm down, baby. Keep and eye out for the criminal while I get wasted." "You're on duty." "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. FINE. Oooh, chocolate." Skull wandered off, and Mask quickly followed. "Yooou can't just leeeeeave me, I need a caaaane-GAH!" Skull scooped up his wife and continued to the dessert table. "Babe!" "What? This is better then those shoes, isn't it?" "No, baaaabe...I think I see our guuuuy. Over there."

Skull looked over to where Mask was pointing. A man in a black suit was inching closer to the guard standing at the entrance to the jewel exhibit. "Shit...Where's his distraction guy?"  Before the two started looking, a loud bang came from behind them. "WAS THAT A DAMN CONFETTI LAUNCHER!?" As the gaurds left theit posts to investigate, the strange man booked it to the jewels.

"OOOOUR GUY'S ON THE MOOOOOVE! GO, GO, GO!" Mask ducked under the gaurd rail, spriting as fast as he could in pumps-which was quite fast. "Mask kiddo, slow down! I can barely run in these sneakers!" "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING CHUCKS!?" "They're black! That counts as dress shoes!" "IT DOES NOT!" Army screamed at his husband, catching up with Mask in his ballet flats.

Mask took of one of his shoes, and threw it at the criminal. HARD. It knocked him out, and he landed on his face just in front of the first display case. "Is he dead!?" "No, just knoooocked out....Heh, I maaade him bleed." Mask put his shoe back on, and Rider cuffed the perp, tossing him over his shoulder. "You look great carrying murderer's and theives over your shoulder~" "Thanks babe..." The detevtives headed back out to the car, and Army drove the perp back to the precinct.


"Congrats, squad....We did it. Five felonies in a week. To the Nine nine!" "NINE NINE!"

Skull passed his wife a virgin bloody mary. "There. Drink up, you've had a rough night." "Thaaaaanks babe...Kiss?" "Of course." The taller kissed his spose and fluffed his hair. "I'm proud of you..." " waaaaas all of us who caught him..." "But it was your case. You found the guy. You relized what gala he'd be at. You're a great detective..." "...Shuuuuut the fuck up and maaaaake out wiiith me." "YEAH OK." Skull grabbed Mask and pulled him into and extremely touchy kiss. "Bang when we get home?" "heh....Absoluuuutly..."

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