Yours for a while

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Third person pov

"Aright....Weeee're all here....All threeee of us." "Yes, I see that....May I have my prize~?" "We still don't know what you want!" "I want him." Skull pointed a finger at Mask. "...m-me!?" "Yes. I want you~" Mask blushed. "F-For how long?" "Hmm...Let's say....a week." "..Mask? Are...You ok with that?" ".....Yes. I'll doooo it. Now leeeeet them go!" Skull smirked and put away his gun, and opened the doors to the bank. The inklings and octolings he was holding hostage were escorted out by police.

After everyone cleared out, Mask stepped forward. "Well, I didn't think you would go along with it~" Mask looked away. "Leeeeet's juuuust get thiiiis over wiiiith....." "Noted. I'll take you to your new home~" Skull picked up the small hero and carried him off. They reached a large, fancy house, out of sight from the entire city. Skull unlocked the door, and carried Mask inside.
"W-Wow.." "Yup~"

He carried Mask upstairs and pushed him into a closet. "Change out of that stupid outfit and put on something more comfortable~" Mask blushed and changed into the short, black dress that was waiting for him. "'m doooone...." "Aww, well don't you look beautiful~!" Mask glared at him. "Alright, fair enough. Come back downstairs, i'll get you some food." Mask reluctently followed, Skull having a tight grip on his arm. "T-Tooo tiiiight..." He mumbled. "I don't care." Mask just wimpered. Skull rubbed his shoulder. "You smell like peaches." "...uh...thaaaanks? It's my purfuume..." "You use perfume?" "...yeah." "Well, it suits you." Mask blushed again, but not out of embarrassment this time. "Thaaank you." "You're welcome." Skull sat Mask down at the table, and rubbed Mask's shoulder.

~later that night~

"Do you, getting out of your dress~?" "No." Mask vanished into the closet and came out in his pajamas. "Hey, that's my shirt!" "Mine now~" "Asshole." "Kiiiddnapper." "...just get in the bed." Mask smiled and slipped under the covers. "....warm..." "Are you warm?" "...yeah..." Mask whimpered. Skull ran out of the room, before coming back with an ice pack. "Here." Mask blushed again. "W-What?" "You look...overheated. Do you need this?" Mask shoved the ice pack down his shirt. "Yeeeeah..." Skull crawled into the bed with him, and stared up at the celing. 'I didn't relize he was so...cute. I mean, i knew he was sexy, but he's also adorable! And....really...clingy.' Mask had squeezed his way into Skull's arms before he could finsish thinking. "...what are you doing?" "I sleeeeep with a teeeeeeddy bear.....Yooou're the closest thing.....And yoooou're coooold...must be your iiiiicy heeeart~" "Asshole." "Kiiiiddnapper." "STOP." "You stooooop~!" "I'm going to leave you on the side of the fucking road!" "..." Mask burst into tears. "Holy-Mask, I didn't mean it!" "...s-s-s-she diiiiid..." "She?" "My m-moooom.." "...she...ment it? She left you!?" "Yeeeah..." "WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE DO THAT!?" "She haaaaated me...." "Well...I don't hate you. Mask, I'm sorry....Come here." Mask hugged his enemy and sniffled. "....Mask?" "..Yeah?" "Do you like me?" "....I wooould, if you stooopped being an asshooole..." "Of course...Anything for you..." "Then yeees!" "Good! Now...are you a virgin?" "......Yes." "Not anymore."

Skull tackled Mask to the bed, and attacked his neck. Mask giggled. "Thaaat tickles!" "Good."

~the next morning~

Mask lay awake, cuddling into the silk sheets. He felt...akward about snuggling with his mother's worst enemy. Well...Army wasn't REALLY his mother. And.....he was very...kind. And attractive.
"Masky?" "EEK!" "Sorry. You awake?" "Uh...yes. Whaaat do you neeeeeed?" "Hmm...Maybe some kisses~?" Mask giggled and planted little kisses all over Skull's face. "You're adorable~" "Thaaaaaank you, hot stuuuuff~!" The two inklings kissed, and rolled over in bed.

"You want breakfast?" "Yeeeees." "I'll....try and make us pancakes." "I caaaaan do it." "What? Mask, no! You're a prisoner!" "I knoooow..I can doooo it." Mask hopped out of bed and changed, before running downstairs. Skull followed, hugging Mask as he started cooking. "Let go." "No. I'm going to hold onto you forever~" Mask giggled and leaned into Skull's shoulder.

"Hello?" Skull opened the door, his ears ringing from the million doorbells. "WHERE IS MY SON!?" "Oh, hey Army." The hero pushed past him. "MASKY!?" "MAMA!" Mask hugged his adoptive mother. "Are you ok!? Has he been hurting you!?" "No! Maaaama...I..I'm in looooove!" "WHAT!?" Mask sighed happily. "Moooom, I knooow you hate him...But he's beeen treating me weeell! And...And I loooove him!" Army stared at his son. "He's....a criminal." "i...I knoooow...But he' sweeet..." Army looked down at his feet. "I...I guess I can't stop you...your father was...not the best person when I met him...I do hope you can change Skull's ways..." "I proooomise to try!" "Good boy. Well, i should...probably leave. Have fun, ok?" "I wiiiiill!" Army kissed his son's cheek and left the house. Skull looked at Mask. "...You....Love me?" "No. I saaaaid that to maaaake him leeeave." "...oh." "I'm kiiiidding!" Mask squeezed the taller. "Skull....Yooooou're so sweeet..." "Thank you...My...uh...jeez, what do I call you?" "Yoooour boyfrieeeend?" "No, something more...romantic." "Suuuugar? Darling? Baaaaby?" "Baby. I like baby." Mask smiled and hugged his lover. "I love you Mask...As of this are no longer my prisoner, but my lover" "I loooove you toooo!...and..thaaank you." "You're welcome."


Requested by RingsHijinksChild

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