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Army: He can see through walls, and detect any living thing through them
Aloha: He go nyoom, and he's really, really loud
Mask: Manipulate shadows. He can't create them, but he can steal them from buildings and people. He can also make physical things out of them. 
Skull: Bone magic. Just Papyrus without blue magic

"Mask, hurry up!" "I'm....t-tryiiiing....You're tooooo fast..." Aloha ran back over to me and picked me up. "Sorry Masky...I'm just excited!" "I-It's ok...I am tooo..." Aloha walked next to me the rest of the trip, and we were mostly talking about the uniform switch up. Turns out I was so short, they mistook me for female, and gave me a girls uniform. But I'm not complaining. I like skirts.
"Well we are....UA high school..." We both looked at each other, before heading in. "Wow, this place is big..." "Yeeah..." We walked through the halls, looking for the entrance to the dorms, I bumped into somebody. "Ow...." "oh my goooosh! I'm sooo sorry! Are yooou ok!?" The boy I bumped into turned around, and smiled. "It's ok. It just surprised me. Are you ok?" I blushed. "Y-Yes...." "Alright. What's your name by the way? I'm Skull." "M-Mask..." "That's a nice name...Wanna walk we me and my friend?" Aloha peeked behind Skull and saw his friend. "WE'D LOVE TO!" "Great! C'mon then." Aloha walked with Army, Skull's friend, and I walked with Skull. "So...What your quirk?" "S-Shadows..." "Shadows?"  I made his shadow change into a large star, and it swirled around us before taking it's normal form. "Holy crap..." "Yeah..." "That's really cool!" "Yooou think so...?" "Yeah!" "Thaanks...w-what's yooours...?" "This." A formation of bone appeared above his head. "Woooah!" "yeah, it's pretty cool...Oh here we are." We had arrived at the dorm building. Me and Skull headed into the building, and found out that all four of us were going to share a room! 

Aloha gave me a celebration hug, and entered the room. He claimed the second biggest room, and flopped on the bed, falling asleep. I got the smallest room, and started putting all my stuff away. "Hey Mask? Just checking up on you. Is everything ok?" I nodded, and yawned. "Aww, you tired?" "Yeeah..." "Well, first day is tomorrow...So you can sleep all you want." I nodded and snuggled into bed. 

That night, I couldn't sleep. I was homesick already. I hated it back home, but I was so scared. My stomach felt weird and I wanted to vomit. I got up, went to the kitchen, and drank a little bit of water, but that only made me feel worse. "Hello? Is anybody there?" "Eep!" "Mask? Why are you up? It's 3 am..." "I-I feel siiiick and cooouldn't sleep..."  "Aw, poor thing...Is there anything I can do to help?" "N-Nooo...I juuust need medicine..." I took some pills out of my box of bathroom stuff and took them, taking a swing of water. I set the cup down, and trudged back to my room. I held my teddy bear against my chest, and pulled the blankets over me. "Goodnight Mask..." My door clicked shut, and I heard footsteps walking away. I almost smiled.

~The next morning~

"You ready Masky!?" Aloha kicked open my door. I plugged my ears and nodded. "C'mon then! Skull and Army are waiting!" He grabbed my hand and led me outside, where Army and Skull were. "Morning Mask...Did you sleep well?" "Y-Yeah..." "Good. Let's go..." He held out his hand, and I took it.

The school day was boring. Because it was the first day, all we did was introductions to the class and teacher. I might have fallen asleep at one point, but I don't remember. We were given out training uniforms, and we had to try them on so we could either keep them or trade them for a different size.  Mine fit pretty well. I was smiling to myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe I was actually wearing an official UA training uniform. "Mask?" I screamed. "Sorry! Sorry! Just checking!" "Y-Yooou dooon't need to check oooon me everydaaay..." "I know...It's just, after what happened last night I thought maybe you would need it." I blushed. "I-I'm goooing to change..." "Ok. I'll leave...See you in a bit." I got into my pajamas, and sat on my bed. "MASK, GET OUT HERE AND SOCIALIZE" Aloha screamed. "Noooooo!" "YES!" Aloha walked into my room and grabbed my ankles, dragging me out. "Aloha, why?" "HE NEEDS TO MAKE FRIENDS!"

"Aloha put him down." The party animal dropped me on the floor, and I crawled on the couch and snuggled with a pillow. I eventually pulled out my sketchbook, and started to flip through it. "What's that?" Skull asked. I blushed. "M-My hero oooutfiits..." "Aww! Can I see them?" "Suure!" I started showing him all the ideas I had for my outfit. "I really like them. They look nice." "Y-Y-You thiiink so?" "Yeah! You're a talented artist!" I blushed harder. "T-Thaaank you!" He smiled. I put my book away, and leaned on his shoulder. He put an arm around me, and I slowly started to fall asleep.

~a month later~

Me and Skull had grown closer together in our time at UA. One day, the two of us were training, and he accidentally hit me in the head with a bone. I didn't get knocked out, but I was bleeding. Skull was instructed to take me to the recovery wing. "S-Skuuull, I'm fiiine...I caaan walk..." "No, I hurt you....I'm sorry..." "I-It's fiiiine..." "No. You need to heal." The recovery girl took me, and set me on the bed, using her quirk on me. She patched up my head, and sent me on my way. Skull was worrying over me the entire trip back. "Skuull...Why aaare yooou so paranoid about meee...? "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" I blushed. He slapped a hand over his mouth after realizing what he said. "Yooou...liiike me?" "...Y-Yeah...You're really nice...and sweet...And...cute." "OH, SKUUULL" I jumped into his arms and dragged him down to my height with a kiss. He kissed back, picking me up. We pulled apart, and I hugged him. "Oh Skuuull...I looove you..." "I love you too Masky...We better get back to class...We'll talk after, ok?" "Ok..." 

I got to sit out for the rest of class, and Skull was extra careful with the other classmates.
After we changed, Skull caught up to me. We went to the library, and hid in a quiet corner. "So...Um...Well this is a little awkward...why don't you go first?" "oook...Skull...Yoou're really hot...and cooool...and powerfuul...And I loooove yooou so muuuch..." "Aww..." He blushed. "Well, Mask...You're adorable, and sweet, and...oh my cod, I love you so much..." He kissed me, holding me by my waist. I kissed back, and turned my shadow into a large heart. "Well, Mask...Will you be my boyfriend?" "YES!" He picked me up, and carried me to our dorm. "So pretty..." He cuddled me, and set me down on my bed. He leaned into my shoulder and started to kiss around my face. "Hey Mask, have you-" Aloha stopped, and did a 180. "I'll...come back later.." Me and Skull looked at each other, before laughing. "Love you dear...." "Looove yoou tooo..."

(WHOOOOOO! I am...I have published so many chapters holy frick- Requested by Mimikyu13!)

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