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Mask's pov

"Skuuuuuull..." I groaned. "What is it sweetie?" "I'm BORED!" "I know my love...I am too...But we've got to wait for Army to get back...." "Ok...." I started to play with Nightshade, as she purred. "I'm gonna go looook arooound..." "Ok sweetie. Be safe!" "I wiiill!" I gave Skull a kiss, and ran off with Nightshade. "Thiiis place is reaaaally dumb....Why diiiiid we mooove here...?" I walked into the drawing room, and started dragging my hand against the wall. "Huh? Whaaaat's thiiis?" I got on my knees and studied the tine door covered in wallpaper. It seemed to be cut out with a knife, and there was a key shaped like a button sitting nest to it. "Skuuuull?" "What's wrong hon?" "Whaaat's thiiis?" "Oh, just a door. Army cut it out earlier. Nothing but a brick wall behind it. I think it was a closet or milk door of some kind. "Oh..." I opened the door to check, and it was just some dusty bricks. "Yeah...Wanna come snuggle in my new room?" "YES!" Me and Nightshade snuggled into Skull's arms.

~later that day~

"Mask? We're going out shopping. Are you coming?" "no..." "Alright dear...be safe. Don't leave the house, ok?" "Ok..." I snuggled up on the couch, and leaped up when I heard the door close. I ran to the old door. I swung it open, and gasped. There was a long ombre hallway, leading to somewhere. I started to crawl through, Nightshade followed me. When I was almost out, a hand reached out to help me. "EEK!" "Don't be scared, my love...I'm here for you..." "S-Skull!?" The hand pulled me out, and I was met with somebody who resembled Skull...But it wasn't Skull. He was taller, paler, and...his eyes. His eyes were covered with two black buttons. "What's wrong my dear? Is it the eyes?" "Y-Yes..." "Aww...." This...other Skull, pulled me into a hug. "C'mon sweetie! Army and Aloha are waiting!" "O-Ok...?" This was a prank. I knew it. It had to be. "Mask! My lovely son! It's so good to see you!" "Um...." Other Army hugged me, and I noticed that he and Aloha also had button eyes. "How have you been?" "G-Goooood...?" Army hugged me again. "Would you like to help me with dinner?" "O-Ok!" "C'mon!" I walked off with Army, and Skull and Aloha stayed behind.


"So...Mask...How do you like it here?" "I liiike it!" "Aww, you do?" I nodded. "Well, If you like it so much, you could stay forever~!" Skull told me, taking my hand. "F-Foooorever...?" I thought about my world, and how my friends and my...my boyfriend would miss me. "I..." "Don't worry dear! All you need to do..." He took out a small box, and placed it in front of me. "Is sew the buttons on!" I opened the box, and was met with thread, a needle, and two buttons. Skull smiled at me, and drummed his fingers on the table. "I-I haaave to go..." "Awww, already?" I nodded and threw open the door to my world. The tunnel was now brown, and covered in cobwebs. I crawled through, and slammed the door behind me. "MASK! There you are sweetheart!" "SKUUULL!" I jumped into my boyfriends arms. "Where on earth were you!?" "...I don't knoooow..." "You don't know?" "N-No..." "Oh, you poor thing! I was so worried..." He gave me a kiss, and dragged me into a hug. "C'mon, Army made brownies."

Over the month, I visited the other world, and had fun with the others. Although, one day after coming back, Skull, Army and Aloha were nowhere to be seen. "Guuuys? I called. "Hellooo...?" I looked around. "M-Maybe theeey went shooopping..." I played with Nightshade for a few hours,  before bursting into tears. "T-Theey forgooot about me!" I sobbed. I went up to Skull's room, and crawled under his covers. And that night, I cried myself to sleep. 

~the next morning~

I went back to the other world, and was crying to Other Skull. He was comforting me...and it felt nice. "H-Heeey Skuuull?" "Yes dear?" "Where aaare Army aaand Aloooha...?" "Oh, they're out working on something for you!" "R-Reeaally...?" "Yup!" Skull nuzzled me, and tucked me under a blanket. "I-I waaanna go see if my woooorld is baaack to-" "No." "Whaaat?" "You are going to STAY. FOREVER. I'll go get you the buttons~" "NO! NO, LEEET ME GO!" Skull just walked off. I threw the blanket off me, and tried to run, but Skull heard and managed to grab me. "Where do you think you're going~?" I screamed and tried to kick him off, but he just threw me at a mirror. I waited for impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes, and was met with a dark, gross bedroom. "You're going to stay there until you behave!" "NO! LEEET ME OOOUT!" I slammed on the mirror, but I was trapped. I started to sob, falling onto the bed. "H-Hewwo.....?" "EEK!" "Oh, sorry! Did I scare you?" "W-Whooo are yoou...?" The blanket on the bed twitched, and a figure with buttons over his eyes peeked out. "Hewwo...? "Are...yooou...a ghost?" "Yup!" He floated out, followed by two more. "Are you alive!?" "Y-Yes..." "Oh....You'we in dangew...." "Daaaanger?" "Yes...Him...The Other One...He can take the form of your loved one, and lull you into a trance...and then..." The ghost with glasses touched her eyes. "He'll sew buttons over your eyes and take your soul..." "H-Hooow do I escaaape?" "We don't know...B-But I'm sure it's possible!" 

After a bit of talking with the ghosts, a pair of hands reached in and grabbed me. "EEK!" Other Skull stared deep into my eyes. "You weren't talking with those pesky ghosts, were you?" I stayed silent. "Mask." "W-Where are theeeere soouls!?" "...hidden. Away from you and your grubby little hands!" "GIIIVE THEM BAAACK!" "NO. NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!" He set me down, and for the first time, I noticed something about him. He was....taller, then last time. He was also thinner, and his limbs looked..spider-like. I stormed to my room, and found Nightshade waiting for me! "Niiightshaade!?" "MOOMMY!" "YOU CAN TAAALK!?" "Yeah! This creepy place let's me talk!" She snuggled into my arms. "And I know how to get outta here!" "You knooow!?" She nodded. "The creepy person that looks like daddy really likes games. Maybe if you play a game and win, you'll be set free!" "Oh my goooosh, Nightshaaade, yoou're a genius!" "Yay!" 
I boarded up the wall with stuff, and snuggled into bed. I stayed awake almost all night out of fear. 

~the next morning~

"So..." "What is it, love?" "I....I chaaallenge yooouu to a gaaame." "A game?" He turned around and smiled. "I-If I caaan fiiind the souls of thooose ghosts, yooou set me freee..." "Deal." He smirked. "But if I win~" He kissed my cheek. "I get to sew buttons on those big beautiful eyes of yours~" "...deeal..." "Good! now get going. I'll go pick out some buttons for you! I'm thinking some hearts!" I gulped, and ran off. Nightshade followed me, much to Other Skull's dismay. He said he hated her. I wanted to punch him for that. My little daughter was BEAUTIFUL. 

After three hours, I had found two of the souls. They spoke to me, giving me hints about the last one. "Masky! I have your buttons! Would you like to see them a little early~?" "NO!" I screamed. "Come, please...You don't have long left!" "I'M GOOOING TO TRY! LEAAVE ME ALOONE!" I ran farther into the garden, and started looking though the flowers. "C'mon, c'mon..." "L-Look for the others..." "The ooothers...?" "F-Friends..." "My...friiiiends...?" I looked around, before spotting an old garden shed. I slowly walked up to it, and opened the rotting door. It took all my might not to scream. In the shed, there were the corpses of the Other Army and Aloha, but the bodies were mangled and contorted, with bullet holes in the chest. In Aloha's hand, there was a small marble. I looked at the ball and ring in my hand, before sighing and quickly grabbing the marble. "I...I diiiid it!" I smiled. Suddenly, the ground turned gray, and started to shake. I ran back to the house, as the world behind me crumbled to bits. "Oh goood..." I opened the door to my house, and found Skull waiting for me. His skin was now paper white, and cracked in some places. "I didn't expect you to do it..." "W-Well I did!" "I see....Well a deal is a deal...however...This is one more part." "Whiiich is..?" "Your friends are hidden somewhere in this room. Fine out where, and I'll let you go~!" "..." I didn't say anything, and looked around the room. 

All of a sudden, something on the mantel caught my eye. It was a snow globe. It was clouded over, and I couldn't make out any shapes, but I could see three colours. Purple, Pink and Orange. I almost smiled. "T-They....um...a-are they in the paaaaassage?" Skull smiled, and walked over to it, unlocking it. While he wasn't looking, and grabbed two globes. The one where my friends were trapped, and an extra one. "Whoops~...Looks like I win~!" As he turned around, a threw the globe at his causing him to scream. I grabbed Nightshade and ran into the open door. "NO!" Other Skull grabbed at me, but I kicked him back, and crawled through. I crawled through the passage way, and slammed the door. I put a bookshelf in front of it, and cuddled the snow globe, before throwing to the ground, smashing it. "D-Diiiid that-" "MASK!" Skull ran around the corner and pulled me into a kiss, pinning me against the wall. "Thank you so much, you adorable little sweetheart!" "S-Skuuull...." He cuddled me, and Aloha and Army joined the hug. "Guys..." "Sorry Mask...but we're proud of you..." Army said. "Thaaaanks mom..." "C'mon Masky...I'll take you upstairs to cuddle..." "Ok!" "I'll make you some mac'n'cheese..." "oki momma..." Skull took me up to my room, and we crawled into bed together. "I love you honey...you were so brave today..." "Thaaank yoou..." I cuddled into his neck, and he cuddled back. 

(ALMOST. 2000. WORDS. Requested by _squidiot)

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