Top hero pt 2

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Hero outfits :3
No clue if there are rules for the outfits (cause i've never seen a skirt :'3) but I find the idea of fighting evil in skirts CRIMINALLY (HA) underrated. So.......skirt.
Also, seating plan doesn't exist anymore cause I didn't memorize it, and M****** is dead

Mask's pov

"Caaaaarp, I oooonly have three minuuutes...Caaan't belive I waaaas so-OOF!" I fell to the ground, dropping my backpack. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, CALAMARI MOTHERFUCK HEAD!" I looked up, trembling. "...h-hi?" "Fuck you." "Hey, don't talk to my boyfriend like that!" "Skuuull?" "YOUR BOYFRIEND IS A CLUMSY SHITFACE!" "Dude." Skull picked me up. "You don't treat anybody like that." "I TREAT EVERYBODY LIKE THAT!" "...Then you need help." Skull carried me into the classroom, and sat me down at my desk. The blond kid from before stormed in a second later, glaring at me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I hid my face. "Hello?" "E-Eh!?" "Sorry! Did i scare you?" "A-A little..." "Sorry...I'm Izuku!" "..M' Maaaask..." "Are you ok? Your voice is..." "N-No, I'm fiiiine....N-Nice to meeet yoooou..." "Same to you! Aren't you one of the new...uh...squid kids?" "Yeeeah..." "Well that's cool! Want an intro to the class? You seemed....Zoned out on your first day." "I waaas..." "Well, I'm Izuku, but my friends call me Deku." "....What." "Don't ask." He pointed to the blond kid from earlier. "That's Kacchan-" "NOT MY FUCKING NAME, NERD!" "Bakugo...He has rabies and I love him. And that's Shoto! I also love him. He's sad."
The dual-haired male looked at me. "....I can sense the childhood trauma coming from you." "Saaame to yoooou...frieeends?" "Why not." "Aww, you two are getting along already! How...uh...sweet? I guess?" "I'd say it's cute, but concerning..." "Yeah-Wait, who are you?" "Skull. Mask's boyfriend." "Aw, nice! Wonderful to meet you both!"

"Hey, Masky!" Army walked into the classroom and gave me a hug, and Aloha tussled my hair. "Oh GREAT, more of them...." "Oi, don't talk about us like that! We're just as capable as you!" "Oh~? WANNA FUCKING BET!?" "No thanks, firwork." "...." Bakugo let out a loud screech of pure rage. "Kacchan, calm down!" "I AM CALM!" "no you aren't...." "FUCK YOU, PEPPERMINT!"
I let out a small giggle. "(Is he aaaalways liiiike this?)" "(Yup. You get used to it. Wanna keep going?)" "(Yes.)" "Ok, well...That's Uraraka! She's my best friend! And that's Tsuyu, she's great, Iida, he doesn't like when people swear. You can see him holding back the urge to yell at Kacchan." "Oh woooow...yooou can." "Midoriya, I can hear you." "Sorry! uh..." "Waaait, hold on...w-where's Sensei?" Everyone paused for a sec, before laughing. "Oh, sweet child...Welcome to class 1-A....Aizawa Sensei is probably alseep somewhere." "...WHAT!?"

Third person pov

"WHAT!?" All four inklings cried. "Yeah, he shows up to class in his sleeping bag sometimes." Army started vibrating out of confusion. "i-how-why-" "Don't hold your breath yet, he can get scary sometimes..." A pink-skined girl spoke. She turned around and held out held out her hand. "Mina." The pink inkling shook it. "Aloha."
"So, what are all of your quirks? Kirishima, by the way." "I have x-ray vision and heat vision. I'm more of a 'stay behind and scope the area' type." "Bones." "Bones? Like..healing them?" "I could use that. A lot." "Nah." Skull made a small, bat-sized femur appear. "This." "Ew. That's....weirdly gross." "I can yell really loud! And I'm fast." "How loud?" An invisiable girl said. Her collar slightly turned, so Mask could only assume she was tilting her head. "Uh.....I'd get expelled for breaking all the windows kinda loud." "All of them?" A girl with wires hanging from her ears mumbled. "Yeah. ALL of them. I'm not kidding." "Huh...What about you...uh..........." "Mask." "...Yeah ok sure. What can you do?" Mask smiled and walked to the front of the class, and snapped his fingers, stealing all the shadows in the room. "...That's it? You steal shadows!? HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?" "I'm. nooot. doooone." He growled at the blonde. All the shadows gathered behind him, forming a huge shadow beast. "There~" He bowed. Deku clapped for his new friend. Mask blushed and sat back down, freeing the shadows. "That was so cool Mask!" "t-thanks..." "Uh, guys?" A yellow haired male piped up. "Class is almost over, and Aizawa Sensei is still gone..." "....SENSEI HUNT!" Uraraka cheered, grabbing Tsuyu's hand and running out of the classroom. Most of the class followed Deku stood up, and grabbed his phone. "Holy-You're....taller then I thought you'd be." "I get that a lot. Can I see your phones?" The inklings handed them over. ", these things are weirdly shaped...There! I added you the class group chat! Class 1-gay!"

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