Hero of OUR time.

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Third person pov

Mask was...a unique soul. The only one of his type in hyrule...A freak. A weirdo.

Half Gerudo, half Zora.

He was born from the results of desperation from his mother to find a husband. She and Mask's father were horrified by their 'freak baby'. Even though Mask was adorable, they saw him as a freakshow. When he turned two, they tossed him into a dirty lake and left him there.

Three weeks later, the small, skinny child was found by another Zora, who took him back to the domain.
Aloha, the Zora who found him, named him after the gas mask he was found clinging to.

He grew up with Aloha in the domain, even making some trips to Gerudo town. Mask was male, but he was still one of them, so he was let in.
(I actually don't know what the rules are for gerudo men, so I made some up)

"I'm back, papa!" "Welcome back kiddo. What did you get?" "I-I booought some earrings..." "Aw, nice. I'm gonna go out and get some dinner. Head over to the shop and grab some rock salt, will ya?" "Ok!" Mask waited for his father to leave, before running out of the house to the shop.

"Hello Mask. Welcome back." "Hi Army!" The hylian pat Mask's head. "Is..Um...Is your father with you?" "No, he weeeeent to go geeeet fish. I'm heeeere for saaalt." "oh..." "Shaaaall I tell him you weeeere here?" "Y-Yes please!" Mask paid for the salt rocks and smiled. "I'll see yoooou later?" "Sure! Bye kiddo!" "Bye!"

As Mask headed home, he noticed another hylian boy, his age, staring at the fish-shaped pots. "Hewwo!" "Fuck-oh, hey. Are....are you a Zora?" Mask nodded. "Haaalf." "ah...Well...I'm Skull." "Maaask." The two shooks hands. "Woooould you liike to come in? It's poooouring out here...I heeeard hylians can get sick from the cold..." "We can...Thanks." Mask headed inside, and Skull followed. As Mask smashed the salt rocks, Skull looked around the house. "Zora folk have stange taste in decor...I do enjoy all the blue glass, though." Mask giggled. "Thaaaanks." "Masky? I'm back!" "DADDY!" Mask ran to the door and hugged his father. "Hey kiddo-Oh. Hello. Are you a friend of Mask's?" "Uh..I guess? He just invited me in out of the rain." "Ah yes, the pesky rain...Sorry about that...The divine beast has been really out of tune lately..." "No, it's ok...I...I'm gonna go check it out....Thanks for letting me in." "W-Wait!" "Hm?" "Heeeere..You'll need thiiiis if you waaant to go after thaaaat thing...The feeeeew Zora's who weeeent down aaaaafter it were found horribly injuuured..." Mask handed Skull a slice of fruit cake, which was wrapped up nicely in a container. "oh. Thank you, Mask..I'll hang onto this." The hylian left the house, and headed down to the shore. "He seems nice." "Yeeeeah...Tooooss the fish in the cooking poooot..." Aloha did so, and Mask took over from there. "Army waaaaas at the shooop." "O-Oh! Was he now?....is he still there?" "He miiiiiight be." "...You stay here." Aloha speed walked out the door, leaving Mask alone.

The door opened just as Mask set three plates of fish on the table. He knew his dad had gone over to invite Army over. "Hi again Masky." "Hi Aaaaarmy." He took his own plate and headed up to his room. He stared out his window at the divine beast, who pored endless showers of rain over the domain. As he spit out a fish bone, the animal-shaped robot began to shake. Mask's eyes widened, as the statue's lights turn a soft blue.

He ran out the door, sliding down the hill that led to the bay. "SKULL!?" "huh? Oh, hi Mask!" The taller hopped down from the beast and swam over. "WHAT THE HEEEEELLL WAS THAT!?" "Hm? Oh, I shut it off." Mask stared at him, before slapping him across the face. "DUUUUMMY! YOU COOOOULD HAVE DIED!" "Yeah, I almost did. Heh." The younger stared. "....Get in the hoooouse." "..Uh...I-I actually have to go...I'm on a mission..I think. I don't really know. Or care. Yeah, nevermind, I'll come inside." Mask gripped his arm and dragged him upstairs, where Mask shoved him on the bed and began to patch up his cuts. "duuummy...stupid....iiiidiot..." "Ok, don't rub it in." "Fuuuuuck you." "Thanks."

After Mask had patched him up, he opened the door. "Noooow leave." "..huh?" "Yooou said you weeeere busy." "...well..not really. I don't actually...care all that much?" ".....fiiiiine..." Mask sat back on the bed, and looked at the hylian. "Teeeeelll me about the diiiivine beaast." "Wow, bossy." "Shut up and teeeeell me!" "Alright, you do you...So...I disarm it by hitting the lights on it's sides....and once i'm in-!"

Skull told Mask all about Vah Ruta, and the other divine beasts he was set out to slay. "You went to gerudo town?" "well...Not yet. I can't get in." "I caaaaan!" "..What?" "I'm half gerudo! I go aaaaall the time!" "REALLY!? W-Will you come with me?!" "Sure!" Mask started shoving things he would need in a bag. "Thank you! C'mon, we have no time to lose!" Mask nodded and ran downstairs. "Papa? I'm gooooonna head baaaaack to the desert, ok?" "You do that kiddo. Have fun." The two teens left the house, heading to a place where nobody could see them.

"Whaaaaaat are we dooooing back here?"
Skull tightly gripped the halfling, as they both started to glow a light blue. Mask began to panic, but before he could say anything, they were right next to the town. "...wow." "Yup. Now go do your thing." Mask nodded and waved at the gaurds as he walked inside.

Skull raised an eyebrow at the waves they gave back. 'He....wasn't lying..'

About five minutes later, Mask emerged from that gates with a young girl. "This is him?" "Yuuuup." "well...he does seem to have a shekia slate...I don't see why we shouldn't trust him!"
"You two are incredibly reckless." "Yeah, we are. So you're Skull?" "Yup." "well, I'm the gerudo cheif, Riju." "well...hi?" "You're here to stop the divine beast?" "Yes...I am." "Well then, let's go!" The chief took of her heels and ran back into town. "GIRLS, LET THE PURPLE GUY IN! HE'S IMPORTANT!" The gaurds gave weird looks and glares, but let him in nonetheless. Mask gripped his hand as they walked into the palace. "Ah, there you are." Riju smiled, now wearing a weird helmet. "C'mon out the back door!" Mask and Skull followed her out, and she handed them both leashes, attached to sand seals. "Aww, hi baaaaaaaby!" Mask pet the seal, who barked.

"Here!" Riju tossed them both old sheilds, and strapped herself in. "Get ready!" A purple force feild surrounded the three. "LET'S GO!" She cheered and snapped the reins. The seals took off, following Vah Naboris. "STAY INSIDE THE CIRCLE AND SHOOT THE FEET!" Skull nodded and pulled out his bow.


Mask sighed and squeezed the taller, lightning burns on his skin. "I....I haaaaate you.." "I know...I know..I hate me too." Mask just growled and rubbed against him. "Mask?" "Shuuut...shut up..so much...." "Are you ok?" "y-yeeeeah, I'm-" Mask proceeded to fall asleep in his lap. "Aw..." Skull trasported them back to the domain, sneaking upstairs, and tucking Mask in. He went to leave, but Mask grabbed his sleeve.

"stay..." "Mask, I can't...what if I was an axe murderer and I chopped your head off?" "i'm thaaaat bolyen girl...." He mumbled. "Mask." "kiiiill me if you want, I just dooooon't waaaaanna be alone..." "Alright, fine." Skull cuddled the younger till he fell asleep.

Mask fell asleep five minutes later.


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