How I ended up like this

416 5 23

Tw: Child abuse

Third person pov

""Wait here, ok Mask? Your father and I will be out soon, ok? Wait on that bench and don't move." "Ok, mommy!" The five-year old inkling sat on the bench outside the grocery store, a big smile on his face. He kicked his legs and looked around, waving at people. Some gave him weird looks, and others waved back. He had been promised a chocolate bar, which he was very excited about. It was going to be the first sweet thing he's eaten in two months. He was only aloud to eat the small, bland meals his mother cooked for him. He loved sweet things. They reminded him of his childhood friend, Skull. The two met in kindergarten, but Mask's family moved away after a few months. As if on purpose. But Mask didn't notice. 

The small inkling sat on the old green bench for hours. The sun was starting to go down, and Mask's parents still had not returned. But...They said they would be out soon! And he was sure they were paying at that very moment! "Hey kid...." "Hm? Oh, hello there miss!" "Do..Are your parents here?" "They're in the store!" "How long have you been here?" Mask thought for a minute. "uh...The sun was there!" He pointed above him. "Oh no...Kiddo, I need you to come with me." "Ok!" Mask's parents had never taught him stranger danger, so he gladly went with the nice lady. "Where are we going?" "We're going to find your parents." "Ooh! Yay!" 


"Ok kiddo, I'm going to have to ask you some questions, ok?" "Ok!" "Do you know your house number?" "Uh....618....I think..." "You think? Well, what does the house look like?" "Uh...No upstairs...bwown..." "Hm..." The cop lady looked up something on her computer, and nodded. "Is this it?" She turned her screen to Mask. "Yup! Those white curtains are my room!" "How...interesting..." Mask licked the lollipop he was given. "We're going to take you home, ok?" "Yay!" "You get to ride in a police car today!" The nice police lady took Mask's hand, and led him out to her cruiser. She buckled him into the seat, and started the engine. "You'll be home soon, ok kiddo?" "Ok!!" 

The cop pulled into the driveway of the decaying house. "Wow....Th maps picture looks a lot nicer..." She opened the door, and led Mask up to the door. "Hello? This is the police, open up!" The door slowly creaked open. "Hello officer. Routine check up?" "No. That's not a thing. I have your son." "MOMMY!" Mask ran into his mother's arms. "Oh, Masky! I was so worried! Officer, I'm so sorry...we must have forgotten..." The police officer sighed. "I'll let it off with a warning. But this is unacceptable. Do you understand?" "Yes ma'am." "Good. Goodbye Mask!" "Bye missy!" The police officer walked back to her car, and drove off. "Tch, why did you come back!?" "The police lady found me on the bench!" "Ugh. I should have left you in an alley." "Can I have my chocolate?" "...Fine." "Yay!" Mask skipped inside his house, and sat on the old couch, which was basically falling apart. His father was drinking beer, and his mother's ashtray was full. "Here..." His mother tossed him some cheap chocolate, and Mask happily munched on it. 

"I hope your happy." "I am!" "Tch...stupid kid..." After his finished his chocolate, Mask skipped up to his room. The basement. He snuggled into his tattered sleeping bag and cuddled his favortie teddy bear, Truffles. "Goodnight Truffy!" He clicked off his barely working lamp, and slowly fell asleep.

Over the course of the year, Mask's mother had tried to get rid of him four more times. She had been fined thousands of dollars every time, but the cops got fed up when they found 12 year old Mask buried in a snowbank, shaking. 

The cyan inkling watched in horror as his mother was slammed against the cop car, and cuffed. "Are you happy now, brat?" His father whispered. "N-No..." "Good...this was all your fault..."   "I know that." "I don't understand why they can't just leave you there!?" "I don't know." "Next time   I leave you there, you better hide from people. Do you understand?" "Of course sir." "Good. Now come inside and go to your room." "Yes sir."

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