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Third Person pov

"B-Buut I doooon't want you to leeeave!" "I'm sorry baby...but I have to go...To protect us..." Mask sobbed into his husband's shoulder, who was almost ready to go fight in the second great turf war. "B-be safe....ok?" "I promise..." Skull hopped into the truck with Army and Aloha, and drove off. Mask burst into tears and hugged his daughter. "Will daddy be safe?" "......I hooope so...."

~two years later~

"M-Mommy!? What's going on!? I don't wanna move!" "I-I'm sooorry dear, but we haaave to!" Mask packed the last of the boxes into the back of the truck and closed the door. Grape hugged her Cinderella and Belle dolls, tears forming in her eyes. "Coooome here sweeetie...." Mask put Grape in the backseat with the dog and the cat, and started up the beat up car. A bullet hole blew air into Flurry's face, which he quite liked. Mask looked around at what used to be the beautiful city of Inkopolis, now a disgusting wasteland. "...Momma?" "Y-Yeees dear?" "Where are we going?" "....The ciiiity buuunker....The soldiers are coming hooome..." "EVEN DADDY!?" "...I dooon't know..." "Oh...." Mask parked in the garage, and picked his daughter up. He took her and the animals inside, before being tackled with a hug. "MY BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY!" "M-Mooom!? Daaaad!?" Army wiped his tears and kisses his son's cheek. "Y-Yooou're alive!" "OF COURSE WE ARE!" Aloha picked them both up and squeezed them. "I DO have a broken ankle though." Aloha pointed to the huge cast boot on his foot. "aaare you ok!?" "I'm fine! Your mother makes a wonderful crutch." "Get off, idiot!" "no." "Is my papa ok?" Army looked at his granddaughter. "...Well...uh..." Mask started crying again. "I kneeeew it...he's goooone..." "Who's gone?" "PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!" The cyan inklings turned around and gasped. His husband looked down at him and smiled. "Hey baby." "SKUUULL!" Mask pulled his husband into a kiss, as the big fluffy dog jumped on his back. "I...Yooou're saaafe..." "Yup...I few more scars and I broke my arm last year....But I'm back." Mask burst into tears and hugged his husband. "Papa! Down here!" "Hm? I'm sorry, who are you? You don't look like my three year old angel." Grape giggled. "Daddy, I'm five!" "FIVE?! How long was I gone for!?" Grape burst into giggles and hugged her daddy, who picked her up. The pets rubbed against his legs, and the purple inkling scratched their heads. 

"I Haaave all ouuur stuuuff packed up...all reeeady to go." "Awww, you're so sweet....I have a cute apartment set up for us~" Mask blushed. "Shuuut.." "No." Skull yawned. "C'mon, let's go...I wanna get us there soon..." Mask nodded and helped his father limp to the car. "Here sweetie, I can drive." "Yooou just caaame back from waar!" "And I'm fine. YOU are exhausted. Sleep." Mask groaned as Skull shoved him into the backseat. "Go to sleep baby. You've been a single mother for 2 years, worried as hell about me." "...Ok.." Mask fell asleep, his small kitten in hand, big fluffy doggo on his lap. Grape buckled herself in, and fell asleep. Skull snuggled his husband and slept. Army smiled and quickly drove off, heading to the new city that the inklings and octolings threw together to keep the citizens of Inkopolis safe. 


"Oh daaarling....It's lovely!" "I knew you would love it. Gothic and futuristic. "Which bed is mine?" "The small one, dear. Me and your mother need space. Ok?" "Ok!" Grape grabbed her box full of toys and bedroom stuff, and Mask helped her get tucked in. "Theeere..Comfy?" "Yee! Puppy!" Flurry hopped up onto the bed and licked her face.Mask flopped into bed and looked out the window. Inkopolis tower was crumbling and ready to fall apart, it's neon green colour fading. Skull closed the curtains.  "don't look at that, I don't want you getting a panic attack at three in the morning."  Mask giggled as Skull snuggled him. "Go to sleep, baby. I want to snuggle you..." He squeezed the smaller inkling as tight as he could. 

Mask yawned and woke up, an empty feeling in his gut. He went down to the adorably tiny kitchen in the new apartment, and popped some bread in the toaster. "Masky? Are you there...?" "...I'm huuungry...I diiidn't have dinner." "Oh my cod, you poor thing...." Skull squeezed his lover. "Here, have some water..." "Hon..." "No, I insist. Please." Mask giggled and drank the water as his toast popped. They ate at the table and walked back upstairs, snuggling into bed. "mommy?" "Hm? Yeees dear?" "...Will you sing for me?" "Awww, of course dear..." Grape snuggled into her mother's arms as he sang.

"Let's go in the garden, You'll find something waiting, Right there where you left it, Lying upside down. When you finally find it, You'll see how it's faded, The underside is lighter When you turn it around. Everything stays, Right where you left it. Everything stays, But it still changes .Ever so slightly. Daily and nightly. In little ways, When everything stays..." 

"I love you mama..." "I loooove you tooo baby..." Mask fell asleep in Skull's arms, and the taller inkling tucked him under the blanket. 

~the next morning~

"Mommy? Are you and daddy going to do turf wars still? Are you and Grandma still a group?"  "Weeeell...we are...buuut now riiight now. Theeey'll still come over, but we have to wait uuuuntil they aaall heal up. Ok?" "Ok!" There was a knock on the door and Skull opened it. "hello Skull!"
"GRANDMA!" "Hello dear! Hello Masky...! I made you some curry...It might now be as good as usual, but...well...Our little garden died, y'know?" "yeeeah..." Army handed Mask the container, and helped Aloha limp into the house. "Hey daaad." "Hey kiddo!" Aloha squeezed the smaller inkling, and flopped on the couch. Grape flopped on his lap and handed him her stuffed bunny. "He will heal you." "Aww, thanks sweetie." "How's your leg feel, 'Lo?" "It hurts...I feel like it's going to fall off..." Mask looked at him. "Aaare yooou ok?" "Yeah, just dramatic." "ALOHA! Do not worry our child like that!" "He's adopted." "DO NOT TELL HIM THAT!" "Dude, you two are only two years apart." "...He's my son." "OK THEN, Who wants bento? Masky made some!" "Oh yeeeah! I diiid..."


"Goodbye dear!" "Bye mooooom..." Mask flopped on his husbands lap. "...hoooney?" "Yes?" "...why aaaare yoou married to meeee...?" "What do you mean?" "T-There's soooo many other peeeople out there...I-I cooouldn't eeeven go to waaaar because of my haaaay fever..." "Mask...Look at me." Mask looked up.  "If I wanted somebody else...I wouldn't be married to you. You are a gorgeous, beautiful inkling, and I'm so glad you're mine. No matter how pretty, or smart thoae other inklings may be, I still chose you." Mask felt a shiver down his neck." "A-Awww..." "Here, lay down. I'll rub your back." Mask snuggled his husband." Skull rubbed his shoulders and back, his smol daughter jumping on top of them. "I WANT SNUGGLES TOO!" "Awww, Graaaaape juuuice..." "Snuggle me mommy!" Skull wrapped his arms around both inklings. "Love you baby..." Looooove you tooooo..."

Requested by Thegr8agent8!

GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!

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