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Skull's person pov

"What's our next mission?" Army looked at his notepad and wrote something down. "There's a hideout downtown...I don't know what they're planning, but....I know it's something." "Well, let's get going!" Aloha smiled and dashed out the door. Me and Army ran after him. 


"Soo...this is the place?" I looked up at the building. "Uh...Yeah...." "Looks weird. I hate it. Let's go punch out this guys lights." Aloha kicked down the door, and started yelling. "HEY! GET OUT HERE PUNKS! FIGHT US!" "Shhh! Aloha, shut up!"  "....Fine..." I got ahead of both of them, and started opening every door I could see. I opened a pitch black door, to be met with four cyan haired inkings. They were leaning over a map, and one of them, with glasses, was talking.

I motioned Army and Aloha over, and we watched the inklings talk. We could barely hear them, but they were talking about something. As we were looking, one of them caught my eye. He was easily the shortest out of all of them, with a gas mask, and a magical girl-like outfit. I stared at him, almost drooling, when one of them slowly turned his head to look at us. His pitch red eyes stared at us, not blinking at all. The lights flickered on and off, before flashing on. The inklings were gone. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Aloha screamed. "Ok, calm down! We just have to find them!" I managed to finish my sentence, before a felt and sharp pain on the back og my head, and everything went black. 


"huh...? Where are we....?" "In oooour basmeeent...Nooow, who aaare you, and why aaare yoou here?" "A voice slurred. I opened my eyes, to find the cyan inkling with the gas mask staring at me. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE ARE MY TEAMMATES!?" "Wiiith my teeamates." I was tied up with rope, and he was standing above me. "...Let me go." "No." I rolled my eyes as he walked around me in a circle. "What where you planning?" "...." "Answer me." "....We're assassins...we were gooooing on a mission..." "WHAT!?" "..." He sat next to me and placed a hand on my leg. "Maaaybe we caaan add yooou to the liist of people to kiiiill...." He stared at me, before laughing. "Don't you dare..." "Aw... the best heroooo in the country scaaaared of me~?" "Pfft, no you baby." "BABY!?" "Yeah, look at you." He blushed and stomped his foot. "S-SHUT UP!" He stormed off. I chuckled to myself. "Baby."

~later again~

I was half asleep, when the gas mask inkling walked back into the room and untied me. "Aww, how sweet of you~!" "Shuut up..." He sat down next to me and glared at me. "What do you need?" ".....Pwomise you woooon't tell anyoooone about us?" I glared back at him. "No." "Hm...It waaaas worth a shooot..." "Yeah, no it wasn't. Now what do you want from us?" "...." "I'll take it you want to kill us?" "Nooot if you leeave us alone..." "Hmm...Keeping you guys a secret in exchange for our lives?" He nodded. "Seems like a fair trade...what's the catch?" "Thereee is noone." "Hmm...I guess that's fair.." He nodded, and scooted closer. "What are you doing?" He blinked. "...Whaaaat's your naaame...?" "Skull. Yours?" "Mask." I smiled to myself as I studied his cute body. He stood up and turned around, leaving the room. I sat there, as I could hear voices from the other side of the door. 

A minute later, Mask walking in holding a plate of pasta."H-Here." He handed it to me, and I smiled at him. "Thank you." "S-Shut up..." "...Are you going to let us go?" "T-Tomorrow..." 
"Ok then..." He sat down next to me as I ate, and let out a cute little kitten yawn. I smiled and started to scratch his ears. "H-Heeey!" "Sorry."  He glared at me, before leaning against the wall and falling asleep. "Aww..." I took off my hoodie and draped it over his shoulders. I set my plate next to me, and fell asleep right next to Mask. 

~the next morning~

I was woken up by somebody shaking me roughly. I opened an eye, and I had a glass of water splashed in my face. "Get up." A cat-like voice spoke. I stood up, and stared at the inkling. "Dis way." He lead me out the door, where Aloha and Army were. The front door was open, and Mask was there, wearing my hoodie. "Are...Are we leaving?" "Yeess..." "Oh. Can I have my hoodie?" "No. Yoou can haaave it tomorrow." "So...I come back to get it?" "Yes." "Uh...ok...?" "JUUUUST GET OOUT!" Aloha grabbed our hands and zoomed us a few blocks away. "Holy shit...He was weird..." "He took my hoodie..." "Should we go back for it?" "No, I can come tomorrow..." "If you insist...Aloha darling, can you run us home?" "Of course!" With the blink of an eye, Aloha ran us home. "Are you guys ok?" Army asked, checking us for injures. "I'm fine...Mask didn't even touch me..." "Mask?" "Oh yeah, that's his name." "......Huh...Why does he have your hoodie?" "Oh, he fell asleep last night, so I gave him my hoodie as a blanket." "Aww, that's so sweet of you! But....he..kidnapped us....and he's probably planning to kill somebody..." "I guess...but...he said we would only let us go if we promised not to report him to the cops..." "What!? Skull, we have to!" "I...I feel bad about it..." "Are you ok kiddo? Did he curse you!?" "No...He didn't..." "Then why are you acting like this!?" ".......I think I'm in love...." Both of my teammates were silent.  "...In love...?" "Yeah..." "..............Awwwww!" Army wrapped his arms around me. "Why didn't you just tell us!?" "I...uh...I guess I was embarrassed..." They both hugged me, and dragged me inside the house. "Ok, so here's what we're gonna do-" "Wait what? What are we doing?" "Oh, this is my plan to hook you up with Mask." "WHAT!?"

~the next day~

"Are you sure about this...?" "Yup! Now go!" "Alright, see you guys later..." I walked out the door, holding the large bouquet of flowers. I reached the small little house the four cyan inklings lived, and knocked on the door, holding the flowers behind my back. The cat-like inkling with the unblinking eyes opened it. He stared at me for a second, and proceeded to make a weird sound, like a siren. Mask came running to the door, still wearing my hoodie.  The cat inkling smiled, hugged him, and left the room. Mask looked at me, and slid off my hoodie, handing it to me. "Here..." "Thanks...uh...Here!" I handed him the flowers, and smiled. He stared at them for a second, before hugging them to his chest. "T-Thaaanks...." He said, looking away and blushing. " you wanna come take a walk with me?" "S-Sure..." He put the flowers away, and held out his hand. I took it, and led him outside. "C'mon...I'll take you out for lunch." "Ok..." 

The two of us headed to a cafe, and sat down at a small table. "So....Do you want a coffee or food?" "U-Um...B-black coooffee..." "Do you want something to eat?" "...Nu..."  "Ok..." I went up to the counter and ordered, and came back with two coffees and a basket of fries. "Here. It's for both of us." I set the basket in the middle of the table. He took his mask off and smiled. "Thaaaanks..." The two of us talked for a while, and eventually we left the cafe and started walking back to my house. "Hey...I just had an idea..." "Hm?" "What if you and your friends...y'know...worked for us?" "Whaaaaat do youuu mean?" "Like...spies...You could help us track down the villains....I'm assuming you play both sides?" He looked close to tears. "Mask? Are you ok-" He jumped into my arms and started to cry. "Yes....! Thaaaank yoou so muuuch..." "Awww....No problem buddy..." I carried him to my house, and opened the door. "Army? Aloha?" "Skull! You're home early? How did it go?" "He's right here." Mask hid behind my back, and Army gave a small wave. Mask waved back. "Why did you bring him over? He literally just tried to kill us." "Well...He and his friends are going to be joining us." "WHAT!?" "Skull, you can't be serious...." "I am. They can help us." "I think it's a great idea!" Army smiled, going behind me and giving Mask a hug. "E-Ekk!" "Welcome to the team kiddo!" "u-uh..." "So what's his job going to be?" "A spy. He'll help us find out where the other villains are hiding." "Oh..." Aloha spoke. "That actually makes sense...." "I know..." I gave Mask another hug, and he climbed up onto my shoulders. "Awww..." "Is he going to live with us? We could use the spare bedroom for that..." 

"Are you guys sure? This feels like we're moving to fast...How do we not know he's planning to kill us!" I looked at Mask. "No. Even when we broke into his house, he had the intent of not killing us. I'm the leader, what I say goes." Aloha rolled his eyes. "Whatever..." I took Mask upstairs, and opened the door to the guest room. "This'll be your room. Once Aloha accepts you, we can re decorate." He giggled and blushed, hugging me again. "Thaaank you..." "Aww, Mask..." 

~a week later~

Mask had officially joined the team. He moved into the house, and set up his bedroom. Aloha was still skeptical, but learned to trust him. On one dark night, I was bringing Mask some grilled cheese. I knocked on the door, and he answered, in an over-sized sweater. "Hii..." "Hey Masky...Army made you food." "T-thaanks..." He took the plate, and set it down on his bed. "W-Wanna cooome in...?" "Sure." I walked in, and he pushed the grilled cheese away. "Are you ok?" I'm nooot hungry..." "Oh..." He leaned against my shoulder and cuddled closer. "Mask?" "Yooou're warm..." I picked him up and held him in my arms, and he set his head in my neck. "Are you sure you're ok?" "...Skuuuull...?" "Yes?" "I looove you..." "What?" "I looove yoou...I have siiince the day we meeeeet..." "U-Um...." I cradled him awkwardly, and he smiled and hugged him. "Aww...Masky..." I gave him a peck on the cheek, and he blushed and snuggled me more. he pecked me back, until the two of us were just giving each other cheek kisses every second. I went to give him another one, but I ended up missing, and planting the kiss right on his lips. 

We both froze, to scared and shocked to move. We both eventually closed our eyes, and kissed back, enjoying each other's embrace. 'His lips are so soft...' I thought to myself. He pulled back, and tackle hugged me. "Aww...Mask..." "I looove yoouuu! I loove you soooo much!" I hugged him back, and he kissed me again. "Mask...?" "Yeess...?" "Will...Will you be my boyfriend?" "....YEES!!" We shared another kiss, and laid down on his bed, snuggling. "Oh Skuuuull...I loooove yooou..."
"Love you too..."

(fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I hate this so much. Requested by RingsHijinksChild) 

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