My lovely kitten

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Mask's pov

"LET ME GO!" "Nah, you're too pretty!" Aloha threw his hammer to the side, and snuggled up to our prisoner. "I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU ALL!" "Try~." Aloha teased. "Grrr..." "I'm gonna stay here with Bat Bitch. You both can go~" I did a 180 and left the room, heading to my bedroom. Skull followed me, probably heading to his own room. "Hey cat boy." "Whaaat?" "You did a really shitty job today." "SHUT-" I slammed the door and changed into my pajamas, before laying on my bed and sulking. My kitten Nightshade jumped on my chest and nuzzled me. "Hey baaaby giiirl..." She purred. 

I set her under the covers, and she nuzzled into my chest. "Gooooodnight...." "Mew!" 

I woke up the next morning to a vine trying to squeeze it's way under the door. "Oi! Wake up!" "FUUUUCK OFF!" "WAKE UP FIRST!" "NO!" The door slammed open, and a vine grabbed my ankle, and held me up in the air. "LEEEET ME GOOO!" "no." He dropped me on my bed, and left the room. "Get dressed." "Whaaaat are we stealing todaay?" "Nothing. We have to keep an eye on Bat Bitch." I just growled and picked up Nightshade. "Leeave..." He left, and once I heard couldn't hear his footsteps, I got dressed in a kitten onesie. I left the room, and Aloha jumped into my arms. "Morning, kitten~!"  "Get oooff..." He picked me up and spun me around. "ALOHA!" "Wheeeeeeeeee!" "PUUUUT ME DOOOWN!" Army just stared at us. "Is...This normal?" "Yup...." "Oh god..." "Yup..." I shoved Aloha off of me, and stormed into the kitchen. "Aww, is the kitty mad?" I punched him in the back of the head, and sipped my coffee. "Jeez, chill." "Shuuuut..." 

I sat down and sipped my coffee, while Aloha ruffled my hair and started to randomly flirt with Army. I just sat my head down and sighed. " I go now?" "No! I think we're gonna keep you here for a while~!" "Oh my god-LET ME GO!" Aloha pinned him against the wall and smiled. I put my cup away, and hurried off before the sex started. Skull followed me into my room, and sat on my bed as I snuggled Nightshade. "Why aaaare yoooou here?" "Your room is the farthest from the kitchen. I don't wanna hear...that." "...I guuuess..." Nightshade snuggled up to him, and he pet behind her ears. "She's adorable..." "I knooow..." I started petting her too, and she rolled on her back, enjoying all the pats she was getting. "Is she ok?" "Yup. She juuuust really liiikes tummy pets..." "Aww.." 

Skull scratched her tummy, and listened to her soft purrs. "Hey...Sorry about what I said yesterday...You actually did a pretty good job of holding him down..." "Thaaaaanks..." Skull took my hand, and softly kissed it, before getting up and walking out of the room. I would have stopped him, but....I was in shock. Nightshade was whining, begging for more tummy pats. I pet her, and she started purring again, but I couldn't focus. I laid back on my million pillows, and sighed, as Nightshade cuddled with me. 

Skull's pov

I went into my own room, and started to water all the plants scattered around. I set the can down, and heard a thunking noise come from my door. I opened it, and found Mask standing there. "Hey, cat boy~!" "NYEH!" "Um..What do you need?" ".....D-Do yooou wanna waaatch a mooovie with me?" "Eh, why not...C'mon in." "Thaaanks..." He shuffled in behind me, and I made a hammock out of vines. "C'mere...You can have the bed." "A-Are yooou suure?" "Yeah, I barely use it anyway...The vines are better..." "Ok..." I turned on the tv, and Mask snuggled into the bed. 

About halfway through the second movie, Mask fell asleep on the bed. I was thinking of taking him back to his room, but he's a light sleeper so I decided to leave him there. I tossed a blanket over him, and he snuggled under it. "Aww..." He purred in his sleep, as his ears twitched. I made a large cyan and purple ombre rose, and set it next to him. "So cute..." I turned off the light so he could sleep better. I leaned back into my hammock, and fell asleep to the sounds of him purring. 

~the next morning~

I woke up with a strange weight on top of me.  I opened my eyes, and wasn't very surprised to see Mask snuggling up to me. He always did that whenever we had movie nights. I pet his hair, and he started to open his eyes. "Morning, cutie~!" He yawned. "mmm...Yooou're waarm..." "awww..." He moved closer to my face, and bleped. I smiled. "What's up?" "I'm sleeeepy..." "Go back to bed." "NU!" He squeezed next to me in the hammock, and I smiled. "What's gotten you so clingy?" He shrugged. "Hey...Can we talk about something?" "Yeeah? Whaaat's wroong?" "I'm sorry I've been such a jerk to you...I've apologized before, but I need to tell you something....I like you!" "WHAT!?" He blushed. "I've been such a jerk, because I'm in love with you...I've bottled up my feeling for too long..." "Skuull...." He leaned in, and pressed his lips against mine. "Mask wait-" "I dooon't caare if I paass out...Kiss me...pleaaase...." I kissed back, feeling his body slowly going limp in my arms. I pulled apart quickly, and Mask looked at me with drowsy eyes.

"Mask?" "Heheh....I feel weeird..." He passed out on my chest, and I just sighed. "So cute..." "YO, PLANT BOI! I was gonna go-...Um...I'll leave." "Please do." Aloha shut the door, and I snuggled closer with my kitten. I kissed him over and over, hearing his cute little squeals. I picked him up and carried him back to his bedroom. I set him down in bed, and snuggled up with him. His hand pet my face lightly, and I kissed his nose. "S-Skuuull...?" "Ah, you're awake..." Mask kissed my cheek and leaned into my shoulder. "Hi..." "Hey...Have you thought about what I said...?" "Yes...I haaave...Are we daaating now...?" "Well...I-If you want to! I would love it..." "Sooo would I..." He kissed me again, and I kissed back, rubbing his thighs. He whimpered. I pulled apart, and he hugged me. "I love you Mask..." "I looove you tooo..." Mask snuggled up to me, and I rubbed his back as he fell asleep on top of me. His weight was comforting, and I slowly started to fall asleep with him. 

(Eeeey, Super villian au chapter! The requester of this CutestPoptart, has a gacha comic about this so...go read it. Cause I said so. It's in the S4 heaven.)

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