Neko pt 2

413 8 14

(Hey guys! This is going to have a lot of time skips, so maybe think of it as cute little scenarios!)

Mask's pov

"Keeeep gooing!" "Masky, my arm is getting tired." "I don't caaaaaare! Moore pets!" Skull sighed and scratched under Mask's chin. "Does that feel good?" "Yeeeeah..." Mask purred loudly. 
"Oh, your so cute..." The cat inkling curled up in Skull's lap. "Awww..." Skull set his book down and picked up Mask bridal style, tickling his stomach. "Eek! Nuuuu! I'm sensitiiiiiive thereee!"
The two inkling kissed, and Mask's ears slowly went down. "You ok?" Mask let out a tiny, squeaky yawn. "Aww, you're sleepy!" "Yeeah..." Mask stretched and yawned again. "Want me to tuck you into bed~?" Skull teased. "Nuuu...I'm nooot a baby!" "You're my baby."  
"...Yeaah..." Mask laid on Skull's lap, and purred, wagging his tail.

Mask closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep, when a knock was heard at the door. "I'll geeeet it..." Mask opened the front door, before smiling and pulling his best friend into a hug. "DESI!" "Hiya Masky!" The two cat-like inklings hugged. " to and to come out...with...uh...m-me and Avi!" Skull got up off the couch and walked over. "That sound nice...Mask? You wanna go?" Mask nodded. "Gweat!" Designer hugged them both, and the three inkling's walked off. "Hey Avi." "Hi."
Aviators looked at Mask. "Whoa. What happened to you?" "Weee doooon't knoow..." "Poor thing." Skull nodded and hugged his boyfriend. "So...where are we going?" "No clue. Desi, got any ideas?" "I was...uh...t-thinking we fow ice cweam...and...uh...t-take it fwom dere..." "Thaaaat sooounds like a good iiidea..." "I agree..." "Yay!" 


"Mask, please don't choke on that." Mask pulled the purple popsicle out of his mouth. "Why?" "Because...It's..." Mask shoved the popsicle down his throat again. "Stop..." Mask giggled. 
"I looooove youu..." "I love you too..." Mask licked his popsicle. "So...whaaaat nooow...?" "There's...uh...a the street...I was...uh...t-thinking we could go..."
"Sounds nice." Aviators smiled, kissing Desi's cheek. "Aw, thanks..." The four started to walk, the purple inklings flirting with their cyan boyfriends. Mask flipped up his hood before entering the cafe, and he burried his tail in his hoodie. "You ok?" "I doooon't want peoooople to thiink I'm a freeeak..." "Aw, you aren't a freak!" "Buuuut theey dooon't know thaaaat.." Mask said as they sat down at a table. "Poor baby..." Desi gave Mask a hug. "Don't wowwy Mask...We'll pwotect you!" "Thaaaaanks..." 

~later. Yet again~

Mask poked his macaroni with his fork. "You ok Mask? You look sad." "....I'm just tiiiired..." "Oh. Maybe it's a side effect of the neko thing." Skull pointed out. "....Mooooood swiiiings?" "Yeah." 
"...Maaaybe..." Mask yawned and shoved more macaroni in his mouth. 

~Later. I'm sorry I hove no idea how to do this~

"Bye guuuuys!" "B-Bye Masky!" Mask and Skull walked back into their apartment. "That was fun, wasn't it?" "I'm tiiiired...." Mask flopped on the couch and curled into a ball. Skull threw a fuzzy blanket over him and cuddled him close. A soft purr erupted from Mask's chest. "Goodnight baby..."


"Good morning Skull." Army smiled as the purple inkling walked downstairs. "Hey captain...what'cha making?" "Bacon and eggs." "Nice...It smells really good..."
Skull looked over at his boyfriend, who was playing with a ball of yarn. "Where did he get that?" "I gave it to him." "Oh." "It's adorable isn't it?" "It is~!" Skull walked over and picked up the yarn. "Hey!" Skull smiled and unwound the yarn, letting a string dangle. Mask's pupils grew, and he swatted at the yarn. "Awwwwwww." Mask bit the piece of yarn with his teeth and pulled it out of Skull's hand. He bit the yarn and hopped onto the couch. He set the yarn down in front of him, before staring at it and knocking it off. "...Piiiick it up foooor me." "Uh..." Skull placed the yarn in front of Mask, and the neko knocked it off again. "Agaaain." "Ok, I'm not going to do it if you just keep knocking it of." Mask whined. "How about I give you scratches until breakfast is ready?"  "No...I waaaant foooood..." "The food will be ready in a bit. Ok?" "...ok..." Mask yawned and purred, his tail swaying side to side. 

"Mask, breakfast is ready!" Army called. Mask rolled of the couch, and grabbed Skull's hand, and dragged him into the kitchen. Army smiled at his son. "Here you go sweetie." The orange inkling set a plate on the kitchen table. "Thaaank you dad..." "Aw, your welcome Mask!" 
"Where's Aloha?" "Oh, he's out buying things for one of his parties tonight." "Oh...Great..." "Now now, I know his parties are loud, but he's promised to keep it down tonight!" "...Fiiiiiine...Only iiiif he prooomised..." Mask took a bite of eggs and looked up. "Daaaaddy, caaan yooou pass the saaaalt?" "Sure." Army and Skull said at the same time. Skull blushed. "U-Uh.." "What have you been doing with my son!?" "Uh...We...Um..." Mask blinked and grabbed the salt himself, sprinkling some on his eggs. 

"Skull. What have you been doing with him?" "N-Nothing..." "....." Army sighed in frustration and sat down. Mask's ears perked up.  "Alooooha's hooome." "How did you...know?" "Caaaaats have reeeaaally good hearing..." "Hey guys!" Aloha walked into the apartment, holding a few shopping bags. "Oh my gosh, you were right..." Army whispered. Aloha walked over and kissed his husband's cheek. "Hi baby~!" Aloha smiled. "Hello my dear." Mask smiled at his 'parents' affection to each other. He got up and set his plate in the dishwasher. "Thaaanks for breakfast daaad..." "Aw, your welcome Mask!" The neko yawned and walked back up to his room. "I'm gooooing to taaake a nap..." Skull put his plate away and followed Mask. "Nap time?" "Yeeaah..."
Mask slowly got under the covers, and grabbed his boyfriends hand. "Coooome cuddle..." The taller inkling sat down, and pet his boyfriends ears. Mask purred, snuggling deeper into the covers. "Have a good nap my sleepy little kitten." Skull kissed Mask's forehead, and got up, turning the lights off. "Come downstairs when you wake up, ok?" "Oki..." Skull shut the door, and walked downstairs. "Is he asleep already?" Aloha asked, taping a line of streamers to the wall. "Yeah. He didn't sleep at all last night....he deserves some sleep." Army nodded. "His insomnia has gotten worse even since he turned into a neko...maybe it's because cats are nocturnal...but we can't take any chances!" Skull nodded. 

~an hour later~

"I'm uuuup..." "Masky! Do you feel ok!?" "I'm fiiine..." "Ok, if you insist..." Skull kissed Mask's forehead. "Do you want to watch a movie with me before Aloha's party?" Mask wrapped his tail around Skull's arm. "Thaaaaat sooound...niice..." Mask jumped into his boyfriend's arms. "I'll take that as a yes?" "Absooooolutely..." Mask lowered his ears as Skull carried him up the stairs.
"Let me guess. Nightmare before Christmas?" The neko smiled "Yooouu knoow me sooo well..." 

(Sorry if this didn't make any sense...requested by https_h0tmilk UwU)

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