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Please, for your own sanity, and safety/mental heath, DO NOT READ THIS IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE! PLEASE!

Last warning.

Ok? Let's go.

Third person pov 

Mask plopped a bag of cookies into the basket, and made his way to the checkout. He paid, and started heading to the exit. "Hey sweetcheeks~ Nice ass!" Mask glared at the cat-callers, and pulled down his skirt. "Aww, c'mon hon~ C'mon over!" "I haaave a boooyfriend!" That shut most of the creepy inklings up, except one, who followed him. "....go aaaway..." "Nah..." He grabbed Mask's shirt, and threw him into an alleyway. "H-Hey, whaaat are you doooing!?" "Nothing~! Just calm down~" Mask tried to run past him, but he was blocked. "LEEET ME GOO!" "No." He picked Mask up and slammed him against the wall, and grabbed his skirt. "STOP!  NOO! LEEET ME GO!" "Why~? You're so cute...~"


"Well that was fun!" Mask was dropped on the floor, and the taller inkling waled away. "I might come find you another time~" Mask chocked back his tears, and forced himself to stand. He put his underwear and skirt back on, before stepping into his heels, and limping home. "Mask! There you are!" "SKUULL!" Mask wobbled into his boyfriends arms, and began to cry. "Woah! Are you ok?" "Y-Yeaah..." Mask swallowed a bitter taste in his throat as he spoke that sweet little lie. "Alright....C'mon sweetie." Mask clung to his lover, and the two walked home. "I-I'm goooonna go taaake a shower..." "Ok sweetheart...Do you want me to get you some Chinese food...?" Mask's ears perked up. "O-Ok!" "Alright then! I'll get some!" Mask dashed up the stairs, and locked the door to the bathroom. "Oh coood..." He very slowly undressed, trying to get rid of the terrible memories. He stepped in the shower, and began to wash all the filth off his body. He felt gross and disgusting. After he was done, he washed his face, got changed, and walked downstairs to find Skull waiting for him with takeout bags. "Just in time!" Mask slowly walked downstairs, almost tripping a few times. "Hey, you ok? You seem out of it..." "I'm juuust tiired..." "Aw...well, go to bed...I'll put the food away." "Nu, I hungy." "Ok sweetie..." 

After eating, Mask walked upstairs and got in bed. "Babe...?" "Hm...?" Skull snuggled next to him. " ok?" "...Yes...." "Ok..." Skull kissed Mask's cheek and the two feel asleep together.

~the next day~

"Mask, you have to got to the police!" "B-B-B-B-Buuuut I'm scaaared!" "Mask! Please, what he did is illegal!" "But-" "NO BUTS! Mask...." Luna hugged her leader, and the other members of the team joined in. "Mask...Did you at least tell Skull?" "...Not yeeet..." "...MASK!" "I'm soooorry!"  "You need to tell him..." "But...." "NO." "....Thaaaank you Luna..." "No problem Masky...But if you don't tell the cops, we will. Ok?" "Oki..." "Good. Do you wanna play Mario Kart, or are you gonna go home?" "I...I waaanna go hoome..." "Ok...Want us to drop you off?" "Yeees..." "Ok...Let's go." 
Team Cyan acted as body guards for their friend, giving him plenty of hugs when they arrived. "Take care, ok?" "Ok...Thaaank you..." He opened the door, to find Skull on the couch. "Hey Babe!" "We neeed to taaalk." "Hm? What's wrong sweetie pie?" "Laaast night....Wheeen yoou came looooking for me..." "Yeah? What's wrong-" "I waaas raaped." "WHAT!? BY WHO!?" "I-I-I dooon't know! But...Pleeease staay with me..."  Skull hugged his boyfriend, and kissed him. "I'm not going to leave you, love...I just want to find whoever did that too you and rip his dick off." 

Mask reached up, and Skull picked him up. "I'm taking you to the cops." "O-Ok..." 


"Can you describe the man who assaulted you?" "He...He waaaas...taall...and..h-he haad green tentacles...a-and....he waaas paaale...with a shiiirt you can't wear in tuuurf war.." The cop nodded and wrote somethings down in her notebook. "And, can I have your name?" "Maaask...Mask *insert whatever last name I gave him cause I forget what chapter it's in*" "Alright...We'll start looking. I would advise you to not leave the house until we find him, ok?" "Y-Yeees ma'am." "Good. Now take care...both of you..." "We will. C'mon Mask..." 

As the two walked home, Skull spoke up. "Should we tell Army...?" "...m-maaaaybe...I meean...If we neeed a lawer..." "Yeah...Should we call him?" "Yes..."


"MY BABY!!!" Army picked Mask up and began to cry. "I'm so sorry...." Aloha joined the hug, and set down a small basket. "We brought muffins..." "Thaaank yoou both..." "No problem kiddo...Army, you can let go now..." "BUT I NEED TO PROTECT HIM! HE'S MY BABY!" Mask just yawned. 


Mask's pov

They found him. They found the creep...He was thrown in jail for life, and I was safe....Me and Skull locked the doors to the house, and make a blanket fort for me to be extra safe. We snuggled in it that night, along with Flurry and Nightshade. "No-Flurry, stop!" I giggled and snuggled him close. "I love you sweetie..." "I looove you tooo..." "If anyone else tried to touch you, I'll rip his dick off and throw it in the river." I giggled. "Gooooodniight..."

(Wow...this was probably the saddest chapter I've ever made...I don't know if the requester wants to be credited, so I'm not going to do it...Go nuts with the new requests guys.)

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