Possess me

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Third person pov

"FINE THEEEEN! MAAAAAYBE I'LL JUUUST LEEAVE!" "GOOD! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" "SAAAME TO YOOOOUU!" Mask slammed the door to the apartment, and ran down the street, heading to the large cherry blossom tree behind their house. "Stuuuupid Skuuull...aaaalways puuutting the blaaaame on mee..." He sat down next to the tree, and yawned, leaning against the wood. A thick tear ran down his cheek...followed by another...and another. "I ruuuuin eeeeverythiiing..." A small fire started on a patch of grass a few meters away. It got bigger and bigger, until a girl that looked around the age of 16 stepped out of the flames. "I can sense lots of negative energy around here...I think we've found our battery..." 

The girl with flame red skin walked up to Mask, crouching down in front of him. "Are you ok, cutie pie~?" "H-Huh-EEEEEK!" "Hello there~!" The demon yanked Mask into her arms and licked her lips. "W-Whaaaaat are yooou doing!? Who aaare you!?" "My name is Navy, sugar~." "D-Dooon't touch me!" Navy smirked and turned into a swirling ball of mist, and entered Mask's chest. "HEY! WHAAAAT ARE-"  Mask blinked, and passed out, as Navy took control of his body.
"Hmm....He's very..petite...Not sure if he'll be able to fight very well...But he'll be an excellent battery..." 

Skull's pov 

I walked up the cherry blossom hill with a large bouquet of flowers. "Ah...there he is...Mask?" 
He didn't answer. "Masky...? I'm really sorry about what I said...I bought you these....Do...Do you forgive me?" "...Uh...who...are you?" I blinked. "Your boyfriend...?" "Uh...." 'Mask' reached out and grabbed the flowers from me. "Thanks..." "Are you still mad at me?" "No..." "Aw, that's good..." I smiled and hugged 'Mask'. "HEY!" "Hm? Oh, Masky are you ok? Your voice isn't slurring...and your eyes are red!" 'Mask' growled and moved away from me. "...You...You..."
"You aren't Mask." "Aw, you figured it out so quickly~!" "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY MASKY!?" 
The impostor laughed. "Your precious boyfriend is mine now! I'm going to use him to take over this pathetic city!" I grabbed them by their shirt, and pinned them against the tree. "Aw, you think you can stop me? Tch, pathetic mortal." The demon disappeared in a puff or red smoke, leaving me alone.

I blinked and fell to my knees tears running down my cheeks. "No...No, this can't be happening...Masky...." 

Navy's pov

I appeared back in hell, seeing my brother Wave waiting for me.  "Took you long enough." "Hey, I ran into a little trouble, but were all good...Kay?" "Fine...Is he the battery?" "Yeah~! ...I'm going to change....his taste in clothing is awful." I snapped my fingers, and the outfit I was wearing turned to my usual attire. (See above uwu) "You could just....unpossess him." "Nah~...How's the machine going?" "It's going good. Should we set him up?" "Yay!" I skipped along, and Wave led me into a large room. "Wow...It looks so cool!" "Yup...Let's set him up." I giggled and flew out of his body, letting him fall to the ground. "...What do we do?" "Put him in the glass tube. When we power it on, it'll suck the negative energy out of him, and power the hypnotizer, and Inkopolis will be ours!" "YAY!!" We both carried the little inkling to the tube, and threw him inside. 

"Now what?" "We wait. He can't get out without a key." "Hmmmm...Oki~!" I skipped down the hallway, and down to my room, jumping on my bed.

Skull's pov

"Skull...calm down...calm down and tell us what happened...." "Mask...Somebody kidnapped him...A...a person...they're going to take over Inkopolis...." "Wait, Mask was kidnapped!?" Army was silent. "Yes..." "Where did they take him!?" "No idea...they...they're magic...They took him somewhere...not here..." "Oh dear cod..." "This is all my fault..." "This isn't your fault..." "Yes it is..." "Why would it be?" "We...We had a fight, and he ran away...." "Oh..." Aloha hugged me, and looked over at Army. "Babe? You ok?" "...THEY TOOK MY SON!?" "Y-Yes..." "I'M GOING TO KILL A BITCH!" Army grabbed his gun and ran to the door, slamming his open. "Army, wait!" 
"NO! I NEED TO FIND MY BABY!" "Army, we don't know where they are!" "WELL, WE BETTER GET GOING!" Army ran down the driveway, and me and Aloha looked at each other. "Let's go..." We grabbed our weapons and followed him down the street.

Mask's pov

"Pleeeease...let me ooout..." I sobbed. "No. We can't now shut up, and keep crying..." I started to bawl my eyes out even harder. "Pleaaaase...Skuuull...Coooome saaaave me..."

Skull' pov again 

"How the hell are we going to find them!?" The moment I said that, Army slowly turned around. "Skull, you're a genius." "...what?" "If they're magic, they must be demons, and if they're demons, they're in Hell!" "...How the fuck did you figure that out?" "More importantly, how are we going to get there!?" "Uh...didn't think of that...we'll find something..." "And dying is not an option...Ok?" "I know, I know..." "Well...Mask spends a lot of time by the grave yard, right? Maybe something there can help us." "You're right...Let's head over...." The three of us walked over to the grave site, looking around. "Why...why does he come here? I didn't think he was this gloomy!" "He likes to visit his grandmother...Do you remember the nice old lady that picked him up from kindergarten every once in a while?" "Yes...She was the only adult he was ever happy to see..." The three of us stood in front of the grave, and a small tear ran down my cheek. "We're coming Masky..." 

As Army and Aloha pulled me into a hug, we didn't notice a tiny fire starting behind us.

Navy's pov

"LEEEET ME OOOOUUT!" "No! Now shut up!" The little inkling we kidnapped fell to his knees shaking, as me and Wave set up the deadly matchine. "How does this thing work?" "We start it up, and everyone in Inkopolis is under our control for three hours. In that time, we take over the city, and force everyone to bow to us." "Oh, fun!...How do we start it?" "It has to charge first...This is that part where it takes his energy." Wave looked up at the inkling and smiled, pushing a button. "H-Huh? Whaaaaat are y-yooou doooing to mee!?" "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY-" "HEY! Nobody tells my baby to shut up!" Me and Wave whipped our head around to see three mortal inklings standing there. "...YOU!" I pointed at the purple one. "HOW DID YOU GET HERE!? "No idea! But give us back Mask!" "Pfft, no! You think we're just going to give him to you!? Hell no! PULL THE LEAVER!" Wave pulled down the lever that would power up the machine, and a scream of pain came from the cyan inkling. "Mask!" The tall one ran over and pounded on the glass. "We're going to get you out of there, just hang on!" 

Skull's pov (Jesus fuck just stay in one person's pov FOR ONCE)

I pulled out my E-Liter and aimed at the girl. "Give me the key, or let him out. That's all we-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! PLEEEEASE! Just....stooop..." "Ok, THAT'S IT!" I aimed at the two demons and fired. They both quickly ducked, and looked at me with annoyed faces. "How rude! You didn't even let us introduce ourselves!" They stood next to each other in dramatic poses, and started talking.

"To protect the-" *BAM*

Before she could finish, I shot her right in the chest, knocking her out. Her brother looked down at her, and then looked up at me. "Give me the key!" "F-Fine! W-Weirdos!" He yeeted the keys at me, picked up his sister and ran off. I rolled my eyes, and ran over unlocking the glass tube. Mask fell to the floor unconscious, and I picked him up in my arms, cradling him like he was a baby. "Please be ok...I can't lose you..." My tears began to drip down my cheek, and fall onto his body. I held him to my chest, and heard a small cough.  "MASKY!? Are you ok!?" "S-Skuuuull...?" "Oh, thank god!" "A-Areee theeey gone...?" "Yes...They're gone....Mask I'm so sorry..." "F-Foor?" "Our fight...If I didn't start that dumb argument...this wouldn't have happened..." Mask kissed pressed  a kissed against my lips, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thiiiiis wasn't yooour faaault..." "...." I smiled and picked him up. "I love you Mask..." "I loooove yooou tooo...How...Hooow did youuu get hereee?" "We don't know...But there's a portal down the hall that'll take us back...C'mon...." Army ran over and took Mask from my arms. "My son! Are you ok? Do I need to take you to the hospital!?" "Yes...Mooom, I'm fiiine..." "If you're sure..."

I picked up Mask, and the four of us headed to the portal that would take us home.

~that night~

"S-Skuuuull...?" "Yes, sweetie?" "...Can....we...dooooo t-the...the thiiiing...?" "Aww, of course..." I got into the bed and held Mask to my chest, rubbing his back, ears, chest, thighs, and hips. He purred like a small kitten, and cuddled closer and closer. "Does that feel nice?" "Y-Yeeees..." "Good...Just relax, ok? I know we're all a shaken up after today. So just relax, ok?" "Oki..." I kissed his forehead and tucked him under his weighted blanket. "Goodnight baby..." "Gooooodniight..." 

(Requested by RingsHijinksChild >w<. Longest chapter I've written for a while!)

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