Give a gay man a sword, he'll take over the world and find himself a husband

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Mask stared at the ship that had docked in the village. It was owned by a pirate crew that had an alliance with the kindom. Protection in exchage for food and recorces. Mask has watched the crew load the boat many times, each time with fascination. The captian was a man around his age,-he was 19, the captian was 20-who was loud, and VERY, VERY attractive. He sighed, lost in a trance. "Mask." A voice barked. "Yeeees father?" "Get back inside, I don't want those lousey sea freaks seeing you." "...yes father..." Mask head back inside the castle, continuing to watch from the windows. The captian of the ship was helping his crew load the ship full of barrels.

"Those freaks are going to dock for the night...Keep the doors locked so Mask doesn't try to become one of them." Mask was outraged at hearing this. He dashed up the stairs to his bedroom, grabbed a suitcase, and stuffed it with clothes, personal items and medicine he would need. He hid the luggage in his puffy dress, and sat on his bed, trying to think of an escape plan.

"oi, that's the window?" "yeah, man. Just climb up and grab 'em. Ain't too hard." "Well if it ain't too hard, you do it!" "Fine, I will! Coward..." Mask froze as he heard hollow clunks moving closer to him. He started to panic, and ran to the door. "OI!" He froze, and spun around. "...w-who are you!?" The tall woman laughed. "The cap'n's sister, his right-hand woman~! And you...You, are his future wife~!" Mask screamed and tried opening the door, but the woman grabbed his shoulder. "You ain't going anywhere, ROYAL BRAT." She covered his mouth with a cloth, restricting his air. Mask fainted.


"Oh, you're gonna love it! Just come look!" Mask open an eye, still in a drowsy state. "..h-hello?" "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" A voice roared. "...The princess?" "WHAT!?" Mask cowered in a corner, hands and legs bound. "My god, Paisley! Why the hell would you do this!?" " said he was cute...and that you liked him..." "YEAH, WELL GUESS WHAT! THAT DOESN'T MEAN KIDNAP HIM!" The man untied the ropes and helped up the younger. "Are you ok? Hurt?" Mask shook his head. "no..." "Well, c'mon, it's only been about 15 minutes since they got you on the ship...We can get you back to the castle-" "NO!" "...Huh?" "P-Please...doooooon't take me baaaack! d-daaaaddy will....h-hit me.." "...Oh..." The purple inkling hugged the younger. "As much as I'd love to...You can't stay here...You don't have any clothes or nessesities..." "I-I paaaaacked a suuuuitcase! i...waaaas going to stow awaaay." Mask lifted up his gown to show him. "...still...It's to dangerous here." Mask began to sob, taking off his mask. "P-Please! I haaave nowhere else to go!" The captian sighed. "Fine...But it's not my fault if you get's Pasiley's." "HEY!" Mask smiled. "Noooted....Mask, by the waaaay." The captian nodded. "Skull. Captian of the Jolly rancher." "....what the fuuuuck?" "yeah, it's great, I know." Mask just giggled. "Yeah..." "Come with me, I'll take you too my qaurters, where you can take a rest."

Skull helped the younger up to the deck, where Mask looked around. "I-It's even biiiigger up close!" "Yes, I suppose it is... Here." Skull opened a fancy gold door. "" Mask looked around the room, where Skull was starting to set up blankets on a spare bed. He placed an empty tresure chest at the foot of the bed. "Put your stuff in there. It's waterproof." Mask nodded and set up his belongings. He flopped on the bed, noting how soft it was. "..comfy.." Skull sat on his bed and flipped a gold coin. "So...You got any questions?" " the plaaaaank real?" Skull laughed. "Yes, yes it is. You wanna see~?" "" Mask just snuggled into his bed and undid his massive, puffy skirt.

Skull started at him as he clipped on a new, shorter one, alone with tearing off his sleeves. "That's beeeetter!" "...What the fuck." Mask just smiled at him. "...Alright, you're weird, off the plank you go." The younger giggled and started looking around. "Thiiiiis is a loooot of gold..." Skull just stared at him. "...shooooould I leeeeave?" "You can, I'm just lookin', tho." Mask blushed. "o-ok..." He left the room, and started looking around the ship, staying out of sight from his subjects.

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