Fell au part2

661 12 14

Third person pov

"Skuuuuuuuull!" Mask whined. Skull didn't answer. "Skuuuull! Pleaseee!" "..." Mask sighed. "Master~!" "Yes, baby?" "Hug meeeeeee!" "No." "PLEEEEEASEE!" "Don't be a fucking BRAT."
"B-but-" "Mask." "...I'm sorry master..." Skull yanked on the collar. "Are you sorry?" "Yes..." 
"Good." Skull wrapped his arms around the smaller inkling, and smirked under his bandana. "Who's a good boy?" "Me?" "Yes~." "Yay!" 

"YO! Me and Army are gonna go vibe check the 7-eleven down the street. You wanna come?" "Are you robbing it or getting chips?" "Haven't decieded!" "Well, if you decied to not be dumb, get me a pack of licorice." "You got it boss! LET'S GO! WOOOO!" "Why are you so happy!?" Army's voice snapped. "THEY SELL DRUGS! I need my FUCKing coke!" "...Ugh..." "WOOO!"

Skull looked down at his little slut, who was cuddled against him. "Why does Aloooha sniiiff flour so much?" "It's not flour." "Oh...is it sugaaar?" "No." "What is it?" "Cocaine." "Oh. Whaaat's that?" "I'll tell you later." "...Oh. Are theeey goooing to get aressted?" "Aloha might...Army...probably not." "Oh...Why do we live here?" "Where?" "Inkopolis...It's so...violent." "Mask, that's how the world it. You ethier live or die. It's kill or be killed." Mask giggled. "You saaaid the liiine~." "SHUT UP!" "Eep! Sooorry!" Skull hugged him. "Just...behave, ok? Otherwise I have to punish you."

Mask blushed. "Ok..." Mask leaned into his shoulder and sighed. "I looove youuuu..." "...Your hair smells nice..." "Aw, thaaank yooou!" Skull smiled and rubbed his boyfriends back. "Your so cute..." "...Really?" "Yes." "Thaaanks!" Skull smiled at his boyfriends innocence. The two of them had had sex so many times, and Mask was still so innocent. He never swore, he never hurt anyone, and he was as sweet as sugar. "Caaan I haaave a lolliiipop when theeey get hooome?" "Hmmm...Don't you want something else to suck on~?" "U-Umm...." Skull grinded on his boyfriend's ass, making him moan. "Skull~!" The taller inkling tugged on Mask's leash.

"Ohhh~..." "HEY, SLUTS!" A pack of licorice hit Skull on the head, and Aloha dashed into the room. "WE GOT VODKA!" "Be quiet!" Aloha turned around. "Says the person with the LOUDEST moans I have EVER heard~!" "S-Shut up!" "Nah. ANYWAY! What were you two doing?" "N-Nooothing-" "Well, I was going to pin him to the couch and fuck him, but you ruined it." "!"

"We're going for a walk." Skull picked Mask up, and carried him outside. "Skull?" "I'm sorry...They just annoy me so much..." "Oh..." Skull kissed him, and pulled a knife out of his pocket. "Whaaaat areeee you doooing?" "I thought the two of us could have a little fun~." "NO! Weee aren't gooing to huurrt anyone!" "C'mon, baby~..." Skull kissed his neck. "..." "U-Umm...Ok..." Skull smirked and dragged Mask into the city. There were a couple of inklings smoking and drinking...it was scary to Mask. "Where are we going?" "I need more cigarettes.." "Oh..." "You ok?" "I...I dooon't like it heeere...." "Don't worry. If somebody lays a finger on you, they're good as dead." "Ok."


 Skull held Mask's hand as they walked home. "I'm sleeeepy..." "You always are." "Can I go tooo bed when we get hoooome?" "Sure. If you let me cuddle with you~." "Awwww!" Skull smiled as Mask hugged him. "Get off." "Oh..." The two walked into their apartment, and Mask yawned.
"Cuddle meeeee..." Skull picked him up, and carried him to his room. Skull looked around at the anime posters and figurienes, and set Mask down. The smaller inkling covered Skull's face in kisses, and rested on his chest. "I looove youu soo much!" "...Love you too, cupcake." Skull pulled a pink, fuzzy blanket over Mask, and kissed him. "Good night baby boy..." Skull said, petting him. 

Hope you liked this chapter! This was reqested by Pollyanna199X!

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