Sick babey

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Third person pov

"S-Skuull....I'm fiiine..." "No, you are not! I'll go get the thermometer..." Mask whimpered and snuggled into the covers, and Skull came back with an ice pack. "Open your mouth." Skull put the thermometer in, and Mask just suck further into bed. "102! Ok, you're staying in bed today." "B-Buuut who's goooing to take care of yoou and Graape...?" "I can take care of her, don't worry...." Skull gave his husband a kiss, and placed the ice pack on his bed. "Call if you need something, ok?" "ok..." Skull walked downstairs to find his daughter drawing on the couch. "Hi daddy! Whewe's momma?" "He's sick...Will you help daddy take care of him today?" "Yes!" "Aww, good girl!" "Can we make him tea? He always make me tea when I'm sick!" "Of course dear!" "Yay!"

Grape grabbed a peppermint tea bag as Skull boiled the water. "Ok, just put the bag in the cup."
The five year old inkling dragged her step stool to the counter, and plopped the bag in the mug. Skull poured the water over it, and instructed Grape on how to make the rest of the tea.
"Mommy, Mommy!" "O-Oh, Hi Graaape..." Me and Daddy made you tea!" "...Aw, thaaank you baby.." Mask took the mug and sipped it. "It's goooood..." "Yay!" Grape hugged her mother, and skipped off. "Did he like it?" "Yeah!" "Aww, good! C'mon, I'll make you lunch." "Ok! I want a sammich!" "Alright dearie!" 


"Heey..." "Masky! What are you doing out of bed!?" "I hungy.." "Aww, you could have just called me!" "nu..." "Ok, you go back to bed. I'll make you some soup." "ok..." Mask walked back upstairs, and Skull followed him with a bowl of soup. "Here you go Cupcake..." "Thaaank yooou..." Mask sipped from the bowl and nuzzled his boyfriend. "I'll be downstairs...Just call, ok?" "Ye..." Mask snuggled into the bed, and Skull gave him a quick kiss. 

~later again~

"Hey Masky...How are you feeling?" "Good..." "Are you sure?" "My heeead huuurts..." "Aww, poor baby...I put Grape down for a nap..." Skull got in the bed next to his husband, and cuddled him. "There there..." Mask yawned and coughed, shoving his face into a pillow. "Do you want some more medicine?" "'s yuuucky..." "I know it's yucky, but it'll make you feel better." "Buuut yucky..." "Aww...Ok..." Mask sneezed. "M-Mommy?" "Yees Graaape...?" The girl climbed into her parent's bed, and snuggled up to her mother. "Aww, Graape..." "Are you feeling bettew? Did my tea fix the sickness?" "Yees I did sweetie...I feeel muuuch beeetter..." "Yay!" Mask snuggled with his husband and daughter, and yawned. "Aww, take a little nap Masky...I'll make dinner." "Yooou can't cook..." "Then I'll get takeout. Chicken nuggets?" Mask smiled. "Yeaah..." "Ok then. Go to sleep. I'll get the food. C'mon Grape..." "Ok Daddy!" 


"Mask? Masky, I got you nuggets. Do you want me to get the mini table?" Mask nodded. Skull set down the tiny table on the bed, and set the container on it. "There...enjoy, Love." "Thaank you..." Mask said, nibbling on a nuggie. "I'll come back later, ok?" "Oki..." 
Skull walked downstairs to find Grape shoving her mouth full of nuggets. "Thank you Daddy!" "Aww, no problem baby." Skull pat her head. "Now why don't you go play in your room? But be quiet. Momma needs to rest." "Ok!" Grape skipped off, and quietly shut her door. Skull finished his food, and went back up to his room, to find Mask asleep with his take out container in the trash. Skull climbed under the blanket, and gave his husband a kiss. Mask snuggled up to him, and whispered a small;" I looove you...." "Aww, I love you too baby...Feel better in the morning, ok?" "Oki...." 

(Requested by _squidiot!) 

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