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(These are oneshots that I can't make into real chapters!)

1. (They're in like...8th grade) 

Mask's pov

"...Mask?" "..." "Babe?" "...whaaat?" I said, covering my mouth. "Where's your mask?" "...Theeee principal saaaid I cooouldn't weeear it..." "Oh. Why are you-" "I doooon't want to taaaalk abooout it...." "...Mask...Show me your mouth." "Nu." I cringed as the cold metal hit my hand, but I kept hiding it. "Masky..." "I doooon't want youuuu to maaaake fuuun of me..." "I won't make fun of you baby! Just show my what your hiding..." "...ok..." 

I moved my hand off of my mouth, and smiled, showing him my braces. 

"...Awww! You look so cute!" "I-I doooo?" "Yeah!"  He kissed me. I blushed and smiled. "Thank you..." He held my hand, and led me to our next class. "Thaaaanks...."


Mask's pov

Skull dragged his hand down my back, and smiled. "Just go to sleep gumdrop..." "Buuuut I'm noot tiiiiired...." "But you need to sleep. We've been so busy lately....You need rest...." I sighed. "Ok..." I felt his hand stroke my ears, and they drooped. "I don't waannaaaa...." "Shhh..." He kissed my forehead, and I blinked, feeling my eyes get heavy. "Goodnight pumpkin..." "Hmmm..."


Skull's pov

"Mommy! Daddy!" I smiled as my little daughter hopped onto the bed. "Wake up! Wake up!" "Nuuuuuu..." "Mask...She's awake. You aren't getting back to bed." "mmmmmmm..."
"Mommy! MOMMY WAKE UP!" Grape went under the covers, and snuggled us. Mask turned around and hugged both of us. "Where on eeearth did she geeet her energy froooom?" "Probably me..." I said sheepishly. "Yeeeeah..." "Can we go to the park today?" "..Ok. Go get dressed first, ok?" "Ok!" Grape hopped down, and ran back to her room. I put my arm around Mask's waist, and smiled. "I love you hon..." I mumbled to my husband. "...I loooove youu tooooo..." "Mommy! I'm ready!" I laughed. "We aren't though...Go get yourself a granola bar, and we'll be down soon, ok?" "...OK!" Grape dashed downstairs, and I pulled the blankets off of us. "C'mon. I'll get you coffee on the way to the park." "yay..."


Mask's pov

"Hey sweetie..." I looked up. "...S-Skull...?" "Yeah...It's me...I brought you some flowers..." I weakly smiled. "How do you feel?" He asked, holding my hand. "G-Good..." "Does your chest still hurt?" I shook my head. "Good." I sighed. "Is everything ok?" "...I-I missed y-y-yoooouu..." "aw...I missed you too, honey..." "Sir?" The nurse walked into the room. "Visiting hours for people under 18 are ending soon. Just thought you should know..." "Ok." Skull looked down at me. "I have to go baby..." "O-O-Ok..." He kissed my hand and got up. "I'm glad your feeling better, sweetie." "Bye..." Skull left the room, and "I'll see you on wednesday..."  "B-Bye..." The nurse came in when Skull left, and looked at me. "Mask?" "Y-Yeeeeah?" "I'm going to turn the lights off so you can sleep, ok?" "O-Ok..." I smiled as the room got dark. I would be out of the hospital in a few weeks...Why was I in there in the first place? Oh...Well...Let's just say I can't be alone with rope anymore...


Skull's pov

"Please...Dooon't leeave..." "Mask...I have to..." "But...I can't dooooo this without youuuu..." "Mask...You have to sleep in your own bed." "But it's cooooooollldddd!" "Mask..." "It's cold..." He gave me his puppy eyes, and whimpered. "...Fine." I chuckled and got in the bed with him. I kissed him as he cuddled up to me. "I love you." I tucked him under the blanket, and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, you spoiled brat." "Night..." 

Idk, but these were fun!

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