Robot love

162 3 9

Third person pov

"STUPID PIECE OF JUNK!" The octoling screamed, tossing the metal inking into the dump. "m-Master..." "SHUT UP!" He screamed, punching the robot in the eye, breaking the glass and powering him off. The octoling walked off, leaving the robot to die.

"I don't wanna be here! We can use tin cans as metal scraps!" "Aloha, No we can not! These ones work better!" Skull didn't say anything as he just looked around. "...hey, guys?" "WHAT!?" Army yelled, frustrated at Aloha. "...Look." "...Oh my cod." Army ran over and picked up the robotic inkling. "Are they ok!?" "They don't seem to be broken....We should take them home." "Sounds good...."


"Batteries." "Batteries." Aloha repeated, handing them too his husband. "....Screwdriver." "Screwdriver." Aloha handed it to him. Army tighted the battery cover, and pressed the power on button. A cutesy chime played, and both eyes lit up. "Aha, the new eye works!" "......WHO ARE YOOOOOU!?" The robot screamed. "Whoa, calm down, bud, we aren't going to hurt you!" Skull piped it, holding a small white dress. "Here, we got you some clothes." ".....w-who are you guys...?" "My name is Army. This is Aloha, and that is Skull." ".....Hi..." "Yo." "What's your name, kiddo?" Army said, helping the small bot down from the table. "M43k." "......hmm...How about...I call you Mask?" Mask smiled. "Yeeeeah...I liiike that name!" "Wonderful! What's wrong with...your voice?" "My vooooice chiiip got weeet.." "Aw, poor thing..." Mask nodded and steped into the dress. "May I ask what you Idenify as? Gender wise." "....Uh.....Maaale. Buuut I dooon't miiind the dreeess." "Wonderful. Do" "Yeeeah. Buuut I caaan'y have solids." "Well, that's ok! Come into the kitchen!" Army said, handing the robot a pair of bunny slippers. Mask put them on and shuffled into the kitchen. Army gave him a bowl of soup. Mask stared at it for a second, before stared to eat. A small meter on his neck began to slowly go up. Once he was done, it was three quaters full. "...thank yoooou. Thaaaat was good."

Army was a little weirded out, but pat his head. "No problem kiddo!" Mask let out a robotic purr, and his eyes turned purple. "Oh? Kiddo, are you ok?" "H-Huh? N-no, eeeeye color chaaange meeeans emotions...Thiiis meeeans platonic looove." "Awwww, kiddo!" Army hugged his edgy robot son. Mask giggled. "here, you're covered in dirt...come into the other room and I'll wipe you off." "Wait, Army, I can do that. You've done enough tonight." "Oh. Well, thank you Skull." Army went back into the kitchen, and Skull took Mask into bathroom. The inkling put him on the counter, and wiped him down with makeup wipes. " very shiny." "Thaaaaank you." Skull smiled. Mask yawned, eyes flashing lavender. "You tired?" "Yeah...I think I need a charge..." "Do you...have a charger?" Mask nodded and opened a storage container in his thigh. He pulled out a charging cord, and handed it to Skull. "Pluuuugg me in." Skull nodded and carried him upstairs, setting him on his bed. "...Whaaaat is thiiis?" "A..A bed? You've never seen a bed?" "No. Maaaaaster alwaaays left me on the floooor." "...Piece of shit..." Skull plugged the charger into the wall, and plugged it into Mask's back. "Night bud...I'll see you in a bit..." "goodniiiight..." Mask powered off.


Mask felt movement around him, so he powered on out of instinct. "Hey Mask..Did I wake you?" Mask felt his face begin to overheat, as he saw Skull next to him, SHIRTLESS. "Sorry, I'll be quieter next time." Mask unplugged himself, now at full battery, and snuggled up to Skull.

~the next morning~

"Mask, wake up." Mask turned on,  eyes flashing. "Gooood morning Maaaaster..." "'s me. Skull." "O-OH! I-I'm so sooooorry!" "Nah, It's ok. Come downstairs." Mask stood up and put on a purple dress that was waiting for him. He put his slippers on, and followed Skull into the kitchen. The small robot hugged his parental figure, who was making Pancakes. "Good morning kiddo! There's a surprise for you in the living room." "...Am i alloooowed in theeere?" "Of course! You're allowed everywhere! Execpt the guest room closet. you can go in there, but it's full of garbage bags of clothes." "oh." Mask waddled into the living room, and almost burst into tears at the sight of a small, robotic kitten on the couch. "Mew?" Mask squealed and scooped up the little kitty. "Mask?" "KIIIITTY!" "Awww, where did she come from?" "No cluuuue!" Army walked into the room. "I went back to the dump and found her there...The exact spot where you where...I think she was looking for you!" Mask squealed again. "Sheeee's miiine now...." "Of course. Now come eat." Mask walked into the kitchen, still carrying the kitten. Army gave him a smoothie, and Mask drank it. Skull sat next to him, rubbing his head. Mask let out a couple of robotic purrs, as he finished his drink.

"Was it good, kiddo?" "Yeeeesh! Thaaaank you!" Mask's eyes flashed a bright yellow.
Skull picked him up, and carried him into the living room. He set the robot down, and let Mask cuddle up to him. Mask, not used to comlements and kindness in his life, clung to Skull like he was the batteries that kept him alive. "Masky? You ok?" "Yooou're so sweeet.." "Aww, thanks bud. You're sweet too." Mask's eyes flashed bright pink. "E-Eheh..." "What does that mean?" "W-Whaaaat?" "Pink eyes." Mask squeaked and hid his face. "Mask?" You ok?" Mask mumbled something. "Mask?" "...loooove." "love?" "what does/" "LOOOOVE! MY EYES MEEEAN LOVE! I LOOOVE YOU, YOU MOOORON!" "..You do?" "..y-yeeeah..." Mask's eyes turned hot pink, and his skin turned red. "...Mask, come here." Skull hugged the robotic inkling, and pulled him into his lap. "E-Eek!" " you mean that?" ".....yeeeah." "Awww, Masky..."

The inkling placed a kiss on the robot's cheek, causing him to overheat and instantly power off. "Shit-Mask!?" His chime played, and Mask woke up, placing a kiss on Skull's lips. "Y-You reeeeally looove me!?" "Of course...Mask, you're adorable..." Oily tears ran down his cheeks. "N-Nobooody's eeeeever saaaaid that to me befoooore.." "Well, get ready to hear it every single day. Becuase I love you, Mask." Mask kissed Skull again, and continued to sob. "Thaaank yooou..." "No problem, sweetie..."

This was very fun :3
Requested by RingsHijinksChild!

And, I have news! Tell me your favorite (so far) Chapter, and I'll draw some art for it! I'm only doing 10 tho. Drawing takes up a lot of my energy. And I don't have much to begin with ;w;
This does NOT mean I will stop writing, but it maybe a little slowly for about a week. GO NUTS!

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