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Get ready for angst! Why do I love making angst with Mask so much...

Third person pov

Mask sobbed into his pillow as he listened to the other members of the S4 talk. They had lost a random battle they decided to play, and Mask had took all the blame. He felt weak....The S4 were still looked up to, and people loved them...But Mask didn't understand...Why did people hate him?

All the names...All the nightmares...and the punching...

He hated it...he hated himself...He hated life...He hated the S4...He wanted it die.
The door slowly creaked open, and Skull stepped in. "Hey...I heard you crying..."
"W-Waaas I beeeing annooooying? I-I'm sorrrry...I'll b-be quieeet..." "No, you weren't being annoying...I was worried..." "W-Whhhy?" "Because your part of the team. And I care about you." Mask blushed.

"Goooo awaaaay..." "No." "Go. Awaaaay..."
"Mask...Just talk to me... Please..." "LEEEAVE ME A-ALONEEE!" Skull sighed. "Fine. Be like that." He slammed the door as he walked downstairs, leaving Mask crying.
"W-Why did I doooo thaat..." He sobbed.
He pulled the blanket over his head, and proceeded to cry himself to sleep.

"GAH!" Mask woke up in the middle of the night, screaming. "Nooo...I'm aliiiive...I'm alive...the ooothers are aliiivee, I'm saaafe..."
He turned to the door and stared at it. He turned his lamp on, and hid under the covers. "I-I'm noooot saaafeee... they'reeee goooing to kiilll meee..." He hugged his pillow, hoping that he wouldn't die in his sleep.

~the next morning~

Mask woke up, shaking, his eyes red from tears. He sniffled, and got out of bed, his legs shaking. He had another nightterror that night, and it kept him awake until two in the morning. He pulled out a clean shirt, and put it on. Tears rolled down his cheeks, remembering the nightmarish creatures in his dream. He sat on his bed, hugging a pillow. The door opened, and Skull walked in. "You ok...?" Mask bit his lip, before bursting into tears. "N-Nooooo!"

Skull wrapped him arms around the smaller inkling in a hug, comforting him. "I'm sorry about last night..." Mask nodded, but continued to cry. "What happened?" "Monster..." He whimpered. "It killed you...tore me apart...." "A monster killed you?" Skull asked, confused. "Oh...You had a nightterror, didn't you..." Mask nodded.
"Oh, you poor thing..." Skull hugged him tighter. "Shh...Want me to get you some chocolate?" Mask gave a small laugh. "N-No..." "C'mon. Chocolate fixes a lot."

Mask giggled. "I-It doooes nooot!" Skull smiled. "C'moooooooooooooooooon~!" Skull teased. "Skuuull!" The taller inkling smiled, pulling off his bandana.
"Do you feel better?" "Y-Yeah...Thank you..."
Skull kissed Mask's cheek, and cuddled him.
"U-Um..." "Oh...Sorry, was that uncomfortable?" "N-Nooo...It waaass nice..."
Mask stood up and took Skull's hand.

"Thaaank youuuu...." Mask whispered.
"You were crying...I don't want that..."
Mask gave Skull a quick peck on the lips, and ran out of the room, grabbing his mask. Skull blushed, before smiling, and walkm gout of the room. "God, he's a dork..."

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk anymore

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