Lemme kiss it!

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"Eat your veeeeggies, BOTH OF YOOOOOU!" "But mommy, they're nasty!" "Yeah, they're nasty!" "..." Mask sighed. "...ok...Graaape darling...You neeeeeed to eaaaat them...they're heeeeeathly." "Is that why you love cooking?" "...No. But still. Eaaat." "Hmm...Fine...." Grape huffed and ate the rest of her dinner. "As fooor you, sweetie...YOU AAAARE TWENTY FIIIVE YEARS OLD! EAAAT THE DAAAAAAMN BROCCOLI!" "UGH. Mask..." "No." "...fine...I love you.." "I love you too, suuuugar."

Mask started to clean up the kitchen, Skull eventually clinging to his wife. "You're so pretty..." "No extra caaaake for you." "AW COME ON!" Mask giggled. "Yooou're such a dooork~" "Hpmf...Fine then...." The taller rubbed his spouse's inner thighs, feeling his streach marks. "HEY! Nooot now!" "Yes now." "Baaabe!" "Hmmm~" "GRAAAPES HERE!" "She's eating her cake, she doesn't care." "...ugh, fine-Ow!" "ARE YOU OK SWEETIE!?" "I'm fine...I juuuuust cut myself...Caaan you grab me a bandaid?" Without another word, Skull ran off and came back with a band-aid. He put it on his wifes finger and kissed it a thousend times. "Aww, thaaaanks hoooney." "DO YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE!?" "N-No! I'm fiiiiine!" "Are you sure!?" "...Skull." "ugh, Fine. But really, do you need anything? Smoothie?" "Oh, thaaaat would actually be-Skull, thaaaat's chocolaaate sauce." "Yup! Drink." "...No." Mask put the syrup back in the fridge and climbed onto his husbands back. "I'm gonna take a bath...carry me..." "Yes my princess." Skull carried his wife upstairs and set him down. He opened up their secrect wine and kool-aid stash, pouring a glass of each.

They both stripped, and Mask filled the tub up, adding strawberry scented bubbles. "You're so spoiled. Look at all this useless bullshit I bought you." Mask just laughed. "Fuuuuck you!" Skull climbed into the tub, and Mask climbed on top of him. "Do you think Grape will be ok?" "She knoooows how to put herself to bed...Sheeeeee'll be fiiiine...Pluuus, she knows wheeeere we are..."


"See? Yeeees honey?" "I'm going bedtime. Love you!" "Loooove you too baby!" Footsteps left the hallway, and Mask snuggled his husband and sipped his kool-aid. "Yooou're so sweet..." "Heh...Thanks sugar. Can I give you more kisses?" "....Hm. Fine." "HELL YEAH." Skull peppered Mask's face with kisses, huggling him close. "You're so CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! I'M SO LUCKY TO BE MARRIED TO YOU!" "ACK! Toooo much!" "Nope! You're my lovely wife, and I get to kiss you as much as I want!"

Streach marks, hickies, freckles...Nothing went unkissed. "Ugh....Yoooou're so saaaaappy..." Mask slurred, falling asleep on his husband chest. "Aww...So cute. Skull drained the tub, dried his partner, and changed them both.. He left the bathroom, only to be met with his daughter, who was sleeping in the small space between the pillows. Skull rolled his eyes and tucked his wife into bed, cuddling both sleeping inklings.

"Love you guys...." "snrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." "mm..bloood...."


Requested by candyskysowo!

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