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Mask's pov

"Thank you, and may Cod be with you all." I clung to Skull as the news broadcast finished. Army turned off the tv, and turned to us. "Me and Aloha are going to stay in here, and you two are going to stay in Mask's room. If you leave the house, you both with be in SO MUCH trouble!" 
"Yes daaad..." "Good. You're free to go." Skull picked me up and carried me to my room, setting me down. I hung off the side of my bed, and Skull locked the door. "I'm booored already..." "Same....Wanna sneak out?" "No! Dooo you knooow how mad Army wooouuld be!?" "Yeah. Which is why I wanna leave. " I sat up and stared at him. "I'm in." "Sweet! Get dressed, I'll get our weapons~" "ok!" I dashed into my closet and changed into a oversized black hoodie and tight shorts, with big platform shoes. I slipped on a face mask, ans Skull handed me my carbon roller. "You look cute~" "Thaaanks..." He put his e-liter over his shoulder and opened the window. "C'mon~." We jumped out onto the roof, and stared down at the almost empty streets. A few corpses littered the streets. "Tch...seems like some people can't wait...The purge only started a few minuets ago..." "Hmm...Well, whaaat first?" "Don't know...Let's go walk around and see if there's any trouble we can cause~" I tossed a burst bomb down onto the streets, and smiled. "Soounds good~" We hopped down from the roof, and headed down the street. "Wonder why nobody's out here~" I giggled. 

"Y'know, your ass looks great in those shorts~" I hit him with my roller. "Aww, don't be mad angel~!"  He kissed my neck and took my hand. "Let's go blow something up~" "OK!" We ran down the streets, looking for something to destroy. We found an old, abandoned building that had gone out of business years ago. We looked at each other, before I tossed a few bombs in the place. They blew up, and Skull yanked me into a hug. "Great job, sweet cheeks!" He turned me around and slapped my ass, and I punched him in the gut. "J-Jeeerk..." "Sorry Masky..." "I-It's fiiine..." We ran back off, looking for more trouble to cause.  

We both headed back to the house, sneaking back into the window. I flopped on the bed, and started reloading my bomb bag. "Should...Shooould we actually go baaaack out...?" "Pfft, of course!...are you scared...?" "A little..." "Aww...I'm sorry my love...." "It's ok daaaarling...Leeet's go!" We hopped back down onto the streets, and we tossed more bombs down onto the streets. "How long do we have?" I looked at my phone. "um...9 hooours...Buuut I wanna be baaack by 3...So....3 hooours..." "Aw, ok~ Let's have some fun while we can~" He kissed me again, and we started running from building to building, tossing explosives onto the roads below. "This is why you should have joined Team Chaos! Your so fun~!" "Aww, thaaaanks babe..." Skull dragged me though the city, and pinned me against a wall. "So cute..." "Skuuull!" He kissed me again, and grabbed my bag, throwing a few bombs. "We cooould go rob the caaandy store!" "Nah, Macha's my friend. I don't wanna be mean to her..." "Oki..." "This is still pretty boring...It'd be funner if there were more inklings out here~!" "I knoooow!" We hopped down from the building, and Skull picked up a rock and tossed it through the window of another abandoned building. 

"...wanna go spray paint Blackbelly?" "YES!" We went back to the house and stocked up on spray cans, and headed down to the stage. "I'm gonna draw a dick." I laughed. "Thaaaat's it?" "Well, no, but...C'mon." I just smiled and painted a cat. 

After a bit, we decided to head back home. "Whaaaat did yoou wriite?" "I wrote 'Vintage is a dick'." "Whaaat is it wiiith you and diiicks!?" "I'm gay." "I know thaaaat..." Skull took my hand and we climbed back up through the window. "Tonight was fun~!" "Yuuuup..." I changed into my pajamas, and crawled into bed. "You tired?" "ye..." "Aww..." He crawled into bed with me, and squeezed my butt.  I whined, and snuggled into his arms. "Goodnight my little devil~" "Gooodnight..." He rubbed my back and held me close. 

~the next morning~

"Skull? Mask?" "H-Huuuh...?" "Wake up kiddos...the purge is over! I made waffles!" I sat up in bed, and Army hugged me. "Are you ok? Did anything scary happen last night?" "We're fine Army..." "Good!" He hugged us both, and stood up. "Me and Aloha made waffles! C'mon downstairs!" Me and Skull headed downstairs, to find Aloha setting the table for breakfast. "Morning Emos!" "Hey daaad..." Aloha hugged me and I sat down at the table. "Thanks fooor thiiis guys..." "Aw, no problem honey!" Skull covered his pancakes in a mountain in whipped cream, and kissed me. "Love you baby..." "Looove yoou tooo..." 

"We doing that next time~?" "Yuup~!" 

(MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I'M SORRY! I've never seen the Purge, and just....*slams head against wall and screams* Requested by Thegr8agent8 )   

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