Brat child

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Third person pov

"Mask, you can't have anymore cookies. It's late. And I'M the one saying that." "Yooou're MEAN!" "Mask..." Mask huffed, and stomped his foot. "Pwease?" "Oh my god, the eyes..." "PWEEAASE!?" "...Fine!" Skull gave his boyfriend a cookie, who swallowed it whole. "Skull, those eyes don't matter." "But...He's so cute..." "Skull." "Well, he already ate it." "Fine...Just take him to bed." "Got it." Skull threw Mask over his shoulder, and carried him to bed. "Puuuut me dooown!" "No."
Skull set Mask on the bed, and tucked him under the blankets. "Huuuggies!" Skull kissed Mask and got under the covers, pulling his boyfriend closer to him. 

~the next morning~

Skull woke up with his boyfriend sleeping on top of him. "Good morning honey bun~" "Goood morning..." Mask whispered, kissing Skull's forehead. "So....You in a better mood?" " I feeeeel like garbaaage.." "Poor baby." "I know.." Mask whined. "Caaaan I has a smoooch?" "Or course baby..." The two kissed, and woke up for the day. Skull helped Mask get dressed, and the two headed downstairs. "Snuuuuggle me!" "Alright baby..." Skull rubbed Mask's ears, making the smaller purr. "There we go..." "Will yooou braid my haaaair?" "Aww, of course baby..." Skull braided Mask's ponytail, and snuggled him. 


"Mask, what are you doing?" "I snuuugglies!" "I'm working right now..." Mask wiggled into Skull's lap, and sat there, making a cute cat-like face. "Mask I can't see." The cyan inkling rested on Skull's shoulder, giving his boyfriend view of his computer screen. "Thank you darling. I can work with this." 
Skull finished his work and rubbed Mask's back. The cyan inkling hYouad fallen asleep, and was softly snoring. Skull carried him to the living room, and set him down on the couch. "Have a good sleep baby." "nu...Snuuuggies..." "..Aww, how can I say no..." Skull cuddled his boyfriend into his chest, making the smaller purr. "Caaaaan we go geeeet ice creeeam?" "Eh, why not." "Skull, your spoiling him." Army spoke, coming downstairs. "What's so bad about that? He deserves it!" "He's spoiled enough." "And who's fault is that, Mr "I bought him 10 stuffed animals for his birthday'?" "..Ok you know what, fine. Go spoil him more." "I can't. He's already my little bratty baby~" Mask stuck his tongue out at Army, and Skull picked him up. "C'mon my little brat cat." "Oki!" 


Mask nuzzled his boyfriend as Skull drove them home. "Did you enjoy that, baby?" "Yeees! I looove you Skuull...." "Aww, I love you too honey..." Skull carried Mask inside, and set him down on the couch. "How was it?" Aloha asked. "Good. Masky's tired." Mask was curled up in a ball on the couch, under a blanket. "He's been sleeping all day..." "Meh. He's lazy." "I know..." 
Army came downstairs and wrapped his son in a burrito blanket. "Should I put him in his bed?" "Nah, I carry him up." "Ok." Army kissed Aloha's cheek and snuggled him, while Skull carried Mask up to his pastel bedroom. "Love you baby..." "meeeh..." Skull turned off the light and snuggled his boyfriend, falling asleep with him. 

(CUTE LITTLE CHAPTER OF BRATTY MASK! Happy weekend everybody! This was requested _squidiot! Requests are still open! and...I hope ya'll are ok...Haven't seen many of you active lately. Just looking out for you :3)

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