Spells and Curses

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(Harry Potter au! The book/movie series with the second Luna that I'm in love with! This also takes place about in the middle of the year, and is obviously not the same universe as Harry Potter. Also, yet again, Nightshade saves everything.)

Skull's pov

"L-Leeeave me alooone...." "I just want to know what's wrong...You've been avoiding me for a week..." "...." Mask didn't say anything. "I..." I placed my hand on top on his, and he yanked his hand away. "Leeeave meee alooone!" "Mask..." Before I could say anything, he picked up his book, and ran away. "Wait-!" But he was gone. "Skull? Are you alright?" "Hm? Oh, hey Army...." "Is everything ok?" "Mask still won't talk to me..." "Oh dear...Should I go talk to him?" "If you think it will help...then sure...I think he's heading to the dormitory, so you might have  The Ravenclaw smiled and headed down the hall. 

Mask's pov

"Mask, there you are!" "....H-Hi Army..." "Hey...Can I talk to you...?" "...What do yoooou waaant...?" "Have you been feeling ok lately? You've been ignoring us..." "I juuuust dooon't want to taaaalk..." "Why not? Are you still upset about the...y'know...sorting?" "...No...It's...sooooomethiiing else..." "What is it?" "...Leeaave me aloone..." "Mask, I'm worried...Talk to us..." "N-No!" I pushed him away as I ran up the stairs to the dormitory. 
"Halfbloood..." The painting swung open, and quickly shut behind me.

I dashed into the boy's dorms, and sat on my bed, a single tear falling down my face. "Masky...? Awe you ok?" "...No...." "Awe people still making fun of you?" "Yeees..." Desi jumped of his bed and wiggled his way into my arms. "It's oki Masky...They're just stupid..." I wiped my eyes, and we sat there, hugging each other. (Awww, brotp >W<)

Skull's pov

"How did it go...?" "Something is clearly bothering him...I think you should try...He's closer to you..." "I'll...I'll try tomorrow...Now that he's in the dorms, he's not coming out." "Want to come down the library with me? Aloha will probably be waiting for us there." "Eh, why not. Let's go." 


"Hey 'Lo." "Hey~." The three of us sat down at a table, and Army pulled out a few books, opening them up. "What's wrong, Purp man?" "Mask still won't talk to me....I'm worried." "Aw...What happened?" "We don't know..." "Huh..." I sighed and grabbed a book from one of the shelves, flipping it open. "I'm trying to think of something that'll make him happy..." "Skull, nothing makes him happy." "Some things do...What if I got him flowers?" "That's a good idea, but where would you get flowers?" "Never thought of that..." "Look, you don't have to get him anything...Just go up and tell him how you feel about him ignoring us..." "I guess....But you know he's not going to leave the dorms once he's in them..." "I know...Try tomorrow..." "Ok..." I got up from my seat and headed down the halls of the school. "Gosh, where am I going to-Luna?" "Hm? Oh...Hello..." The small Sytherin looked up at me. "Do....Do you know where Mask is?" "...Yes." "Can I see him? I need to talk to him..." "...Yes." She motioned for me to follow her, until we stopped in front of the Sytherin dormitory entrance. "Wait here." She spoke the password quietly, and the painting shut behind her.

"God, I hope he's not mad at me..." "S-Skuuuull...?" "Oh! There you are!" "...What doooo yoouu waant?" "We need to talk..." The cyan inkling froze. "You aren't in trouble..." I assured him. "I want to talk about what's bugging you..." He didn't say anything. "Caaaan we goooo somewheeere...privaaate...?" "Sure." The two of us walked to a hallway, until we reached an area with nobody else there. "So what's bugging you?" "...I'm beeeing bullied..." "WHAT!?" "Y-Yeeeaaah...peeeoople are caaalling me a mudbloood...a-and maaaaking me feel like a teeeerrible person...because ooof my house..." "Is...Is that why you haven't been talking to us?" "Yes...." "Aw, Mask...." I pulled him into a hug, as I could hear the sound of him crying. "Mask, you are a wonderful, incredible person...I love you with all my heart-" "Yooou loove me?" He teased. I smirked, and bent down to his height, our face just inches apart. "Why yes, I do~. I have very strong feelings for you!" "W-What!? Aaaare yoou serious!?" "Yes....Sorry if it made you-" Mask grabbed my robes and pulled me into a kiss. I hesitated, before picking him up and kissing back. 

"I loooove yooouu too! Oh Skuuuull..." He clung to me like a baby koala and kissed my neck. "Heh...Well, what would you say about being my boyfriend?" "Yes!" We kissed again, Mask still holding onto me. "Ahem...are we interrupting something?" "Huh? Oh, hey Army." "Hello there. I see you two have discussed the  problem?" "Yeah...turns out some people were making fun of Masky..." "What!? Mask, why didn't you take it to the headmaster?" "I was afraaaaid he wooouldn't taaaake me seriously..." "...Would you like me to take you there?" "Yes..." "Good."
Army looked at me. "Lights out in fifteen minutes. You should start heading to the dormitories." "Yeeeah...good idea..." I chuckled. "I should..." I gave Mask a cheek kiss and a hug. "Goodnight Mask..." "G-Goodnight..." He blushed. "C'mon, let's get you to the Headmaster's office..." "Oki...bye...I looove yooouu..." "Love you too..." 

Army led Mask down the hall, and Me and Aloha walked in the opposite direction, to the Gryffindor dormitory. The pink inkling looked up to me. "Not even your bandana can cover that blush of yours. You really like him, don't you?" "Yeah...I guess I do...I really do...."

(HI DERE! This made absolutely no sense! Request by RingsHijinksChild! Also....I'm planning on doing another headcannon chapter, so if you guys have any headcannons of your own, I'll include them if I agree!)

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