Merry Christmas dear...

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Third person pov

"Masky, wake up baby..." Mask screamed. "...Mask, you gotta get up, it's Christmas..." "Chriiistmas can waaait until my braaain works." "Mask..." "Nu." "Masky-" "NO!" "Well then...I guess I'll have to resort to my secret plan..." Skull climbed out of bed and picked Mask up. "Wake up Candy Cane." Mask puffed out his cheeks and groaned. "FIIIINE." "Good!" Skull carried his waifu downstairs, where the house smelled like very strong mint. "MASK!" Army hugged his son. "G-Goood morning daaad..." "How did you sleep?" "goood..." "Good! I made waffles, so come to the kitchen and eat!" Skull carried Mask to the kitchen and put him down in a chair. "There you go kiddo." "Thaaanks dad..." Mask covered his waffles in syrup and whipped cream, before smashing his face into them. Skull did the same. "You two messy..." "Sowwy daaad..." "Aw, it's ok kiddo..Just don't get any on the table." "ok..."  "Good...I have your stocking packed!" "...SINCE WHEEEN DIIID I HAAAVE A STOOCKING!?" "Some of your gifts were too small to wrap." "...oh." "Is everything alright kiddo?" "....I'm tiiired...and I waaaanna die.." "Aw, poor thing..." Mask's teammates hugged him, and Army put the dirty dishes away. "C'mon, Let's open presents...Ok?" "Thaaanks dad..." "No problem kiddo."

~a while later~

Mask sat on top of his pile of stuffed animals, smiling like a child. "Spoiled brat~"  "Yee!" Mask hopped into his husband's arms, and nuzzled him. "What are you gonna make with all that fabric?" "hm...Maaaybe juust a dress! I miiight make a booow if I have extraaa..." "Sounds cute! I'd love to see you in more of your cute dresses..." "I loooove yooou..." "I love you too Candy Cane..." Mask kissed his husband, who pick him up and sat on the couch with him. "There..." Skull said, rocking him like a baby. Mask smiled and fell asleep in Skull's arms, still tired from the morning. "Take a nap kiddo...I'll wake you up when dinner is ready..." "Oooki......" Mask mumbled, falling asleep.

(Cute holiday chapter! And don't worry ya'll, I start Winter Break tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of time to write! Requests are open still! *throws glitter everywhere* WHOOOO! Requested by  _squidiot!)

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