Part 2, Chapter 12- Annabeth's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! Just letting you know that starting this Friday, (so in like 2 days) I'm on reading week at uni! Which basically means I don't have any school and I'm going to be working on this fic as much as I can. So keep an eye out for lots of updates and things in the next week! Lots of love xx


"Do you ever get the urge to cut off your nose every time you look at a pair of scissors?" I say casually.

My friends and I are in the library working on a group assignment for Charms that we have due on Wednesday. It's a lot of cutting out printed images and using binding charms to put them onto the big roll of parchment that Professor Flitwick gave to us.

Lysander looks at me before reaching across the table and slowly pulling the pair of scissors away from me.

"I can safely say that I have never gotten that urge. What's wrong with you?" Jordan says as she passes a few of the pictures that she just cut out to Lorcan.

I shrug, "It's just an urge that I get. Like whenever I'm helping my Mum with dinner and we are having potatoes. I always think about slicing my skin off with a potato peeler."

"Would that work though? The potato peeler thing?" Lorcan asks me as he places the pictures where he wants them on the big bit of parchment.

"I mean I would assume so. Human skin is a lot like potato skin..."

Jordan cuts me off, "Don't encourage her we have to get this done by tomorrow."

"Could you, in theory, live without skin," Lysander asks, completely ignoring Jordan's plea to just get this project done.

"Do you mean if you did just one strip up your arm with the potato peeler? Cause it would just grow back." Lorcan asks his brother.

"No, I mean like totally without skin. Like if you were born without skin."

I hum to myself for a moment, thinking. Then I get up and go over to the science section of the library. Unlike my common room, these bookshelves aren't charmed in any way so you've actually got to look for what book you want. Annoying really. I mean if you've got that technology in one part of the castle why don't you have it in all parts of the castle.

I nearly forget what I'm looking for, getting distracted by the idea that some bookshelves are magical and some aren't till I spot a book called Anatomy of all Kinds. It looks like no one has touched it in years, possibly longer. And the book itself feels like it's made out of flesh which is off-putting, to say the least. But I take it back to my friends and sit back down in my seat.

"That reeks." Jordan groans inching her chair away from me a little.

"Is that made of skin? Like skin, skin?" Lysander asks, his eyes wide.

I ignore both of them and flip through the equally off-putting pages till I find a section on human anatomy. I skim the pages a bit till I look back up at my friends. All of which are staring at me waiting for an answer. Even Jordan seems interested despite her best efforts not to.

"To sum it up; probably not is your answer. Your skin keeps all your liquids inside of you so if you were to lose that then you'd dry right out."

Lorcan shivers, "Like a human raisin."

"Naw why'd you go and say that?" Jordan groans.

"And infection. Cause when micro-organisms..."

Lysander giggles.

"I said organisms not orgasms you dummy. Anyways, micro-organisms on the skin are rarely fatal. But directly onto your internal stuff would instantly cause an infection and probably kill you." I close the book and look at my friends, "Questions? Comments? Concerns? Donations?"

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