Part 2, Chapter 80- Ophelia's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! So I posted on my conversations board yesterday and I dunno if everyone saw it so I'm going to repeat myself here! If I was to create Spotify playlists of songs that remind me of/give me the same vibe as my big five (Freddie, Cass, Leah, Annie, and Theo) would you be interested in listening to them/checking them out? Let me know in the comments and I can post the links to the playlists next time I update! That's about it right now, I'll see you all later today!


"Hey so remember that time last week when you said that I was right?" Theseus asks as Cass, Ash, Chandler, Larke, and I are all studying in the library after class.

Cassiopeia looks up from her notes and glares at her boyfriend, "Yes?"

Theseus smiles and chews on the nib of his quill, "Just making sure you haven't forgotten that I was... what's the word in English again? Just want to make sure I got it."

Cassie sighs, "You just said it."

"Yes but I want to make sure that it is what I think it is."



"You're not honestly going to make me say the whole thing are you?"

Ash leans over and whispers into my ear, "Galleon says they're going to have another fight."

"I'm not betting on my sisters relationship falling apart," I whisper back to her.

Chandler inserts himself into our conversation with a smile on his face, "I'll take that bet, Nelson."

"Sure you would," Larke says rolling her eyes.

Theseus and Cassiopeia look at us, "Are you lot talking about us?" Cassie asks with her eyes squinted.

"No, why would we be talking about you when we could be talking about..." I sort through my notes, "Essence of Insanity?"

Theseus clears his throat, he's got a big, black spot of ink on his bottom lip from his quill but Cass doesn't make a move to tell him so I don't either, "You were right Theseus. Were right, past tense. It's not going to happen again."

Theseus raises his eyebrows, "I won't be right again? Fine, suppose I won't tell you that you've got the wrong date. Emeric the Evil got the Elder's wand in 1124, not 1024," He says looking down at Cassiopeia's notes, "But I'm not right anymore soooo."

Cassie crumples up the note that she was working on and throws it at Theseus' head, "δεν μας γάμας," she sneers.

Theseus laughs but none of us react in any way.

"What the fuck?" I ask, "Cass, you speak Greek all of a sudden?"

Cassie pulls out another bit of parchment as she responds, "Teaching myself yeah."

"Well, then what the fuck did you just say?" Chandler asks, "I feel like Greek will be useful picking up girls you know?"

Larke scoffs, "Right because your girlfriend sitting right beside you isn't enough?"

"Ah shit."

Theseus laughs, "The exact translation doesn't really make sense in English but she basically told me to fuck off, or go fuck myself."

Larke hums, "Seems like Chandler might be joining you tonight Theseus, sorry but I'm going to go meet with some friends." She packs up her things and when Chandler goes to give her a kiss she ignores him completely, "See you lot later yeah?"

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