Part 2, Chapter 95- Theo's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! How are you all? What're you up to? Right now I'm trying desperately to bleach red hair dye out of my hair so I can change it to blue. It's not going too great lol. There's no warnings or anything for this chapter, it's mostly fluff. I was originally going to add a major character death to this chapter but I didn't so don't worry lol. I'll be back tomorrow with another update! Hope you like it!!!

Also oh my god??? "That Damn Weasley Charm" hit half a million reads today??? I'm losing my mind. I never thought I'd get more than 100 let alone 500k. I'm absolutely blown away.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me; I know I say that a lot but I really, truly mean it. I love you all xx


"Morning kiddo,"

I go down the last couple stairs into the kitchen and yawn, "Morning Pops."

"Your Nan's still asleep so I'm afraid all I've got on is a bit of coffee and some toast."

I sit at the table and pull my knees up to my chin, "Mumma won't let me have coffee."

"I won't tell if you won't," he fills a cup and adds loads of sugar and cream before setting it down in front of me with a wink. He goes back over to his toast and starts to butter it, "I saw you and Gilbert last night. Standing close to each other." He turns around and looks at me with that 'all knowing' look he has.

I take a sip of the coffee and instantly regret it. It tastes horrible but Pops made it for me so I drink it anyway, "We're... seeing each other? Dating?"

Pops laughs, "No need to be shy about it. Love is love."

I take another sip of the coffee and smile, "Thanks,"

Pops sits down in a chair across from me, "Is that what it is then? Love?"

"Yeah... yeah, it is."

"Have you told him?"


Pops smiles, "Good for you. I'm really proud, seeing my grandchildren falling in love and things."

We smile at the same time and take a drink of coffee at the same time. Pops pulls a face, "Ah. I might be a little more useless without Nan than I thought."

"So it's not supposed to taste like this?" I ask.

He laughs and shakes his head, "Godric no."

"What're we tasting?"

Mum comes down into the kitchen wearing a huge jumper and some sweatpants. She kisses the top of my head as she passes and says morning to Pops.

"Violet dear, don't suppose you could brew some coffee?" Pops asks.

Mum smiles, "Oh you know I can brew a pot of coffee Pops... you're not drinking any are you, Theo?"

Pops and I look at each other with the same guilty face and I look back at Mum, "Nope. This is chocolate milk. Right Pops?"

"Right indeed kiddo."

Mum picks up my mug and takes a sip, "Ugh," she spits it back into the cup, "It's ghastly. Arthur, what were you doing before you met Molly?"

Pops laughs, "Living off me Mum's cooking."

The front door opens and Laurie, Jordan, and Gilbert burst in, Uncle Lee and Uncle Walter following close behind, "We brought donuts!" Uncle Lee sings.

"Lots and lots of them!" Uncle Walter says, "Too many, even for the Weasleys."

Mum goes over to help them with the boxes but Uncle Walter pulls them away from her, "Ah no! No heavy lifting for the pregnant woman!"

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