Chapter 24- Ophelia's POV

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 "You ready for the match?" Chandler says to me.

I look at him, "Course I fucking am, why would you ask me that?"

"Cause breakfast is in ten minutes and you're still in your pyjamas?"

I look down at what I'm wearing then back up at him from my position on the couch, "Watch out boys we've got Sherlock fucking Holmes in the building."

Chandler laughs, "If you lose then this sign is going to look pretty fucking stupid." He pulls a big sign out of god knows where and unfolds it for me to see. It's got two horribly drawn snakes on either side with the words, KEEP ON KEEPING ON WEASLEY in the middle of it.

"Even if we lose, that sign looks pretty fucking stupid."

Chandler throws his sign at me and we both laugh. "I should go find my uniform I suppose," I say standing up from the couch and handing him his stupid ass sign again.

"I dunno man, I think you should play wearing the fuzzy unicorn pyjama pants you got on now."

"Bite me," I say before walking towards the girl's dorms.

"I would but Ash would get jealous!" He calls after me.

I flip him off before I walk into the girl's hallway which makes him laugh. The only person in the dorm still is Cass. Ever since her weird blow-up yesterday she's been quiet.

"Oi, you coming to the match?" I say as I pop open my trunk and start shoving my quidditch stuff into my Slytherin duffle bag.

"I've got to write to mum and dad a letter, explaining what happened yesterday." She says. I glance over at her and she's staring down into her lap.

"The teachers take care of that, don't worry." I change into my favourite pair of jeans and the Slytherin team jumper that we've got to wear before every match. I look at Cass again, she hasn't moved, she's still sitting all hunched over, cross-legged on the top of her perfectly made bed. "I'm serious, don't worry about that shit."

"I'm not worried."

"Tell that to your face."

She cracks a smile which makes me smile. "Aren't you going to be late? Dom is gonna kill you." She says.

"I'm gonna be late if you don't get your ass out of bed. Let's go, you're walking me to the pitch."

Cass rolls her eyes but she crawls off of the bed and wraps herself in that ugly fucking black coat that she wears all the time and puts on a pair of black boots.

"Would it kill you to wear, I dunno, colours?" I say to her as we walk through the common room and out into the hall.

"You're seriously judging what I wear? When was the last time you even washed those jeans of yours?" She says right back to me.

She's got me there honestly. These jeans are stained in any and all substances and are ripped to shit. I shrug, "Mum washed them before we got on the train."

"That was two months ago! Godric Ophelia, you're disgusting."

We go the opposite direction of everyone else, taking a secret passage that we learned about from Freddie's map.

"Question," I say to her.

Cass looks at me with one of her eyebrows raised. Its become our little thing, if I want an honest answer out of her I say question, and she says answer.

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