Chapter 12- Ophelia's POV

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            "So for starters, we need a mandrake leaf," Chandler says to me. We are sitting in a corridor in the dungeons that isn't too far from our common room but far enough away that no one will see us.

"Well, that should be easy. Professor Longbottom has a bunch of them in the greenhouses." Chandler says. He stretches his arms up and groans.

"Are you mentally deficient?" I say loudly.

Chandler stops mid-stretch, "Jesus Christ Weasley, that was aggressive."

I roll my eyes, "Neville is one of my parent's close friends! I'll see him at my nan and pops for Christmas! If I ask him for two mandrake leaves then he'll sure as hell tell my parents what we are doing."

"Or he'll just think that you've finally decided to start taking Herbology seriously?" Chandler looks at me and we both start laughing really hard.

"I can ask Freddie for his map so we can sneak out and get them ourselves I guess but if I ask Freddie then he'll want to know what I've got planned."

"Your brother seriously needs a map to get from one spot in the castle to the next?"

I close the book that is in my lap, "Nah its some tweaked out map that shows where everyone is in the castle, makes it easy to sneak out."

Chandler raises one of his eyebrows, "And I'm just finding this out because...?"

"Because Freddie'll never let me use it. He always has it with him cause he's scared shitless of losing it." I gather all the books together and sigh, "It's getting late. I'll worry about the mandrake leaves, you worry about the small crystal phial that receives the pure rays of the moon." I get up from the floor and brush off my robes, bending back down and picking up the books.

Chandler laughs, "Yeah sure I'll just head on over to the small crystal phial store."

"I'm sure that Slughorn has a few lying around. He's the potions master, he's bound to have weird shit like that." I wait for Chandler to get up off the ground before I start walking towards our common room.

"And you think that Sluggy will just give me two of them if I say please and bat my eyelashes or something?"

I laugh at the thought of Chandler batting his eyelashes at our teacher. "You're a smart little wizard I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something."

We walk into the common room and find a spot to sit near the back of the room. I can hear the rain hitting the lake if I try to listen hard enough. Dominique and her friends have got loud punk music blaring from a speaker in the middle of the room. I watch in awe almost as she pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up. Nope. Not a cigarette, definitely weed.

"Be right back." I say to Chandler. He complains but I don't listen to him. I sit on the arm of the chair that Dominique is sitting on and pluck the joint out of her hand and take a long drag. She stares at me with an impressed look on her face.

"What would Aunt Violet say?" She says as I give her the joint back.

"What would Aunt Fleur say?" I say with my eyebrow raised.

She takes another drag and passes it to her friend on her left. She shuffles over in the chair so I can squeeze in beside her, "This is my kid cousin If you don't know already. Ophelia, this is Rosa, Pearl, Calvin, Atwater, and Lucas." She says pointing at each person in her circle.

"Kid cousin as in...?" The guy Dom said was Atwater says, he takes a drag and passes the joint to Pearl.

"Kid cousin as in twelve going on thirteen you sick fuck." Dom spits.

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