Part 2, Chapter 100- Annie's POV

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***A/N*** Last two chapters! Psh, I'm not crying.


"Theo? Head upstairs and get ready with Theseus, Ophelia, and the other groom's people please," Mum says when Theo walks into the house.

"Ouch," I groan as she yanks my head to the side as she brushes out the knots in my hair.

"And can someone check on Freddie please!?" Mum shouts.


"And I need eyes on George!"

"Ouch, Mummy!"

She kisses the top of my head, "Sorry love."

"Can't I just leave my hair tangled? It's become my aesthetic," I say to her.

Rose, who's getting her hair done by Aunt Mione a little further down at the table snorts, "Do you even know what 'aesthetic' means kid?"

"Aesthetic, or esthetic, take your pick, is a branch of muggle philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty and taste, as well as the philosophy of art," I say in a monotone voice like I'm reading right out of the dictionary, "It examines subjective and sensori-emotional values, or sometimes called judgements of sentiments, and taste."

Aunt Mione laughs, "That's word for word out of the Oxford dictionary."

"I read it on my way home from Hogwarts last year cause I got bored. And I like how the word looks when it's written down so I remembered it," I explain.

Uncle Ron comes into the kitchen, half-dressed in his suit and kisses Aunt Hermione on the cheek, "You're not talking about the Oxford dictionary again are you?" he asks.

"Where are your trousers, Weasley?" She asks. Aunt Hermione has the same half smile on her face when she talks to Uncle Ron that Mum has when she talks to Dad.

"Came in here to ask you that," Uncle Ron says.

"Hugo had them in his trunk I think," Rose says.

Uncle Ron pecks Aunt Mione on the lips then bends over and kisses Rose on the cheek, "Love you, girls," he says before walking back out.

Mum yanks on my hair again, "Ouch! Do you not know how to brush hair?" I snap at her.

"Mind your tone Annabeth," Mum says sternly. She yanks the brush through another knot in my hair but I bite my tongue this time. When Mum uses my full name it usually means that I really shouldn't push my luck.

I sit in silence for the rest of the time Mum does my hair, a scowl on my face. Mum, on the other hand, chats with Aunt Hermione without a care in the world and politely shouts orders at Dad and Cass to check on Freddie.

"All done princess," Mum says after about twenty more minutes, "Please, please, please do not run around or play or do any of that sort of thin, I won't have time to redo it."

"Yeah," I say hopping off the chair that I was in.

"And please go get dressed!" She calls after me, "Cassiopeia! You're next!"

I pass Cassie on the stairs and she smiles at me. She's in her dress and her makeups done but her hair is a bloody mess. I walk up the stairs but Victoire stops me, "Do you want a spot of makeup on? I've been doing everyone else's."

"Yeah but... hold on," I say to her, "MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!" I scream down the stairs.

"Is that one of mine?" Aunt Ginny shouts.

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