Chapter 3- Ophelia's POV

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As soon as we get to Kings Cross I pull my headphones out of my ears and stuff my phone back into the pocket in my jumper. I barely wait for dad to put the car in park before jumping out of the door and throwing open the trunk.

I love going to Hogwarts. I mean seriously? Ten months without any parental supervision? I can never understand when people don't want to go at the beginning of the year.

"God O, where's the fire?" Dad says with a laugh.

That's the only thing I'll miss. Dad's laugh. He's my favourite person in the entire world and honesty I'd be lucky if I grew up and became just like him. But having a dead uncle floating around your school has its perks. It's like having my Dad there with me without the discipline. At first, it freaked me out, having a ghost mill around the school who looks and sounds exactly like my Dad but after that first conversation with uncle Fred, when he looked me up and down and said,

"You're George's aren't you?"

We've been best friends. Well as best friend as you can be with your dead uncle. He's a great person to have on your team when you're trying to rig a pot of temporary invisible ink overtop of Slughorn's office door.

"I could start one if you'd like," I say to Dad with a smirk. He comes over and messes the top of my hair like he always does and helps me pull the trunks out of the trunk. Apparently it's weird to rub the top of people's heads, something that I learned quickly when I tried to make friends with one of the regulars at the shop. Dad had to sit down and explain that it's how Weasley's show affection and more times than not other people won't appreciate you rubbing the top of their heads like a genie in a bottle, (Which you can buy at the shop for 3 galleons 5 sickles if you wanted to know.)

Once everyone's things are loaded into trollies Dad and I race to platform 9 ¾. Like sprinting as fast as you can race. I can hear Theo laughing is head off and Mum yelling at us to stop cause the muggles are getting annoyed but its become a yearly tradition between the two of us.

"You're getting old Dad. I totally kicked your ass."

Dad looks at me trying to catch his breath, "Don't let your mum hear you talk like that." He winks at me which means that he's not gonna tell mum that I swore.

"You're going to break a hip one day Weasley," Mum says once the rest of the family finally catch up to us. Freddie's still got one headphone in his ear not really paying attention to any of us, Scor and Cassie are talking quietly about god knows what at this point. Those two have this special bond or some shit. They're a lot like mum and Uncle Draco like that.

"And you'll be right there to fix it Weasley," Dad says back to Mum with a smirk on his face.

One by one we all go through the passage as to not draw too much attention to ourselves. Which doesn't really work when your eight-year-old little sister is holding onto a massive owl cage. We've got three owls. One to send to Hogwarts so we can send letters, one that is only used by dad and uncle Ron for the shop, and one for the house so anyone can send letters to anyone. It's usually only used if Mum's talking to one of our aunts or our nan.

"Rosie!" I practically scream when I see my cousin Rose. I abandon my trolly and Dad has to push it the rest of the way and I run over and scoop Rose into a big hug. She's a year older than me but I'm quite a bit taller and stockier than she is so it's easy to crush her in a hug. She's got stick in the mud energy, had it her entire life, but the more I hang out with her the more down to earth she gets.

"Godric Leah!" She laughs and I let go of her.

"Uncle Ron, Aunt Mione, Hugo. How are we all this fine morning?" I say with a little bow. My Aunt Mione is the Minister for Magic (I know, my families wild) but she's pretty chill and I like hanging out with her when I can.

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